ambitious in Arabic

Meaning of ambitious in Arabic is: (توّاق، طامح، طموح) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ambitious in Arabic

Arabic for ambitious

1) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

شخص توّاق إلى أيّ لديّه رغبة أو شوق لشيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

She is ambitious for power.

هي توّاقة للسلطة.

All students are ambitious to get high marks.

كل الطلاب توّاقين للحصول على علامات عاليّة.

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Zionists are ambitious to widen their borders on the account of Palestinians lands.

الصهايّنة توّاقون لتوّسيع حدودهم على حساب أراضي الفلسطينيون .

Scientist that are creative and Ambitious for new developed ideas affect the world.

يأثر العلماء المبدعين و التوّاقين لأفكار مطورة و على العالم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as

2) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

الشخص الطامح إلى شيّء ما أيّ الذي راغب في نيّله

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

He is ambitious to make a family.

هو طامح لبناء أسرة.

They are ambitious to perform their plans.

هم طامحون لتنفيذ خططهم.

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She has never been ambitious to be rich.

هي لم تكن طامحة لتكون غنيّة.

Tom is ambitious to win the prize.

توم طامح ليفوز بالجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as

3) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

الشخص الطموح هو الشخص الذي يسعى و يصمم لتحقيق شيّء ما مثل النجاح السلطة الخ...............

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

They were all ambitious to succeed.

كانوا كاهم طموحين للنجاح

He is an ambitious politician.

هو سياسي طموح.

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He is not ambitious enough to achieve his goal.

هو ليس طموح كفايّة ليحقق هدفه.

She is an ambitious woman with great self-confidence.

هي امرأة طموحة لديّها ثقة كبيرة بنفسها.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as

Arabic for ambitious

1) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

شخص توّاق إلى أيّ لديّه رغبة أو شوق لشيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

She is ambitious for power.

هي توّاقة للسلطة.

All students are ambitious to get high marks.

كل الطلاب توّاقين للحصول على علامات عاليّة.

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Zionists are ambitious to widen their borders on the account of Palestinians lands.

الصهايّنة توّاقون لتوّسيع حدودهم على حساب أراضي الفلسطينيون .

Scientist that are creative and Ambitious for new developed ideas affect the world.

يأثر العلماء المبدعين و التوّاقين لأفكار مطورة و على العالم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as

2) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

الشخص الطامح إلى شيّء ما أيّ الذي راغب في نيّله

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

He is ambitious to make a family.

هو طامح لبناء أسرة.

They are ambitious to perform their plans.

هم طامحون لتنفيذ خططهم.

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She has never been ambitious to be rich.

هي لم تكن طامحة لتكون غنيّة.

Tom is ambitious to win the prize.

توم طامح ليفوز بالجائزة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as

3) ambitious-adj


  ∘ ambitious meaning in Arabic & English

determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc.

الشخص الطموح هو الشخص الذي يسعى و يصمم لتحقيق شيّء ما مثل النجاح السلطة الخ...............

  ∘ Examples of ambitious in Arabic and English

They were all ambitious to succeed.

كانوا كاهم طموحين للنجاح

He is an ambitious politician.

هو سياسي طموح.

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He is not ambitious enough to achieve his goal.

هو ليس طموح كفايّة ليحقق هدفه.

She is an ambitious woman with great self-confidence.

هي امرأة طموحة لديّها ثقة كبيرة بنفسها.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambitious in English?

The word ambitious is pronounced in English as
