aged in Arabic

Meaning of aged in Arabic is: (بالغ، طاعن، مسّن) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

aged in Arabic

Arabic for aged

1) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

of the age of

بالغ سن معيّن أي يبلع عدد سنين معيّن من عمره

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

Tom is aged ten.

إن توم بالغ العشرة من عمره.

The book is for children aged 9 and over.

هذا الكتاب للأطفال البالغين من العمر تسع سنوات فما فوق.

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In this school, we find similarly aged children.

نجد في هذه المدرسة أطفال بالغين أعمار متماثلة.

Workers in this company are aged between 25 and 40.

العمّال في هذه الشركة بالغين أعمار تتراوح بيّن ال 25 و ال 40.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

2) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

الطاعن في السن هو المتقدم في السن أو العمر

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

We can't neglect aged people.

لا يمكننا اهمال الطاعنين في السن.

They built a home for aged people.

بنوا بيّتا للطاعنين في السن.

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This school trains nurses for aged women.

هذه المدرسة تدرب ممرضات للطاعنات في السن.

This journal interviews aged people to know more about them.

تجري هذه الصحيفة مقابلات مع الطاعنين في السن لتعرف المزيد عنهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

3) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

المسّن هو من بدت عليّه أعراض الشيّخوخة

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

He takes care of his aged father.

يعتني بوالده المسّن.

He is an aged man. He needs someone to help him.

هو رجل مسّن. يحتاج لمساعدة أحد ما.

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She works in a center which supports aged people.

تعمل في مركز يدعم المسّنين.

Sally has an aged relative whom she cares for.

لدى سالي قريبة مسّنة تهتك بها.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

4) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

الهرم هو الكبير في السن

  ∘ Plural of هرم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

Aged people need support.

تحتاج الناس الهرمى للدعم.

She used to help her aged aunt.

اعتادت أن تساعد عمتها الهرمة.

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He was worried about his aged neighbour.

كان قلق بشأن جاره الهرم.

Nada takes care of her sick and aged mother.

تعتني ندى بأمها المريضة و الهرمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

Arabic for aged

1) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

of the age of

بالغ سن معيّن أي يبلع عدد سنين معيّن من عمره

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

Tom is aged ten.

إن توم بالغ العشرة من عمره.

The book is for children aged 9 and over.

هذا الكتاب للأطفال البالغين من العمر تسع سنوات فما فوق.

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In this school, we find similarly aged children.

نجد في هذه المدرسة أطفال بالغين أعمار متماثلة.

Workers in this company are aged between 25 and 40.

العمّال في هذه الشركة بالغين أعمار تتراوح بيّن ال 25 و ال 40.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

2) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

الطاعن في السن هو المتقدم في السن أو العمر

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

We can't neglect aged people.

لا يمكننا اهمال الطاعنين في السن.

They built a home for aged people.

بنوا بيّتاً للطاعنين في السن.

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This school trains nurses for aged women.

هذه المدرسة تدرب ممرضات للطاعنات في السن.

This journal interviews aged people to know more about them.

تجري هذه الصحيفة مقابلات مع الطاعنين في السن لتعرف المزيد عنهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

3) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

المسّن هو من بدت عليّه أعراض الشيّخوخة

  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

He takes care of his aged father.

يعتني بوالده المسّن.

He is an aged man. He needs someone to help him.

هو رجل مسّن. يحتاج لمساعدة أحد ما.

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She works in a center which supports aged people.

تعمل في مركز يدعم المسّنين.

Sally has an aged relative whom she cares for.

لدى سالي قريبة مسّنة تهتك بها.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as

4) aged-adj


  ∘ aged meaning in Arabic & English

very old

الهرم هو الكبير في السن

  ∘ Plural of هرم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of aged in Arabic and English

Aged people need support.

تحتاج الناس الهرمى للدعم.

She used to help her aged aunt.

اعتادت أن تساعد عمتها الهرمة.

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He was worried about his aged neighbour.

كان قلق بشأن جاره الهرم.

Nada takes care of her sick and aged mother.

تعتني ندى بأمها المريضة و الهرمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce aged in English?

The word aged is pronounced in English as
