أعطى in English

Meaning of أعطى in English is: (administer, give, lend) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

أعطى بالانجليزي

English for أعطى


1) administer-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

The nurse gave painkillers to the patient

أعطت الممرّضة المسكّنات للمريض

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

administer is pronounced in English as

2) give-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To hand something to somebody

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

Give the book to your mother when you've read it

أعط الكتاب لأمّك عندما تفرغ منه

I gave the little child the toy

أعطيت الدّمية للطفلة الصّغيرة

More Examples

Do not give him the mobile phone until he has finished the homework

لا تعطه الموبايل حتّى ينتهي من كتابة الوظيفة

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

give is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To hand something as a gift or a donation

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

My father gave me a car in my 20th birthday

أعطاني أبي سيّارة في عيد ميلادي العشرين

Give money to the poor

أعط الفقير مالا

More Examples

I gave half a million in cash to the charity

أعطيت الجمعيّة الخيريّة نصف مليون نقدا

It's better to give than to receive

خير لك من الأخذ العطاء

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  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To provide someone with something

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

They were starving, so I gave them bread and water

كانوا يتضوّرون جوعا فأعطيتهم خبزا وماء

Give me your name, address and phone number

أعطن اسمك وعنوانك ورقم هاتفك

More Examples

Give me something to do

أعطن شيئا أفعله

I will not give you any information regarding my personal life

لن أعطيك أيّ معلومات عن حياتي الشّخصيّة

Which is the best way to give conversation lessons to children

ما هي الطّريقة المثلى لإعطاء دروس محادثة للأطفال



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To pay money for people, charity, etc

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

I gave half a million in cash to the charity

أعطيت الجمعيّة الخيريّة نصف مليون نقدا

Give money to the poor

أعط الفقير مالا

More Examples

It's better to give than to receive

خير لك من الأخذ العطاء

A little while ago, I've given both of you 50 Lira

منذ قليل أعطيتكما خمسون ليرة



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To pay in order to receive something, work, etc

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

how much will you give me for the job?

كم ستعطيني لقاء العمل؟

I will give you a million for the house

سأعطيك مليونا مقابل المنزل

More Examples

I will give you what you want if you get me out of this predicament

سأعطيك ماتريد إن أخرجتني من هذه الورطة



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To treats something as important

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

I will not give the matter more than it takes

لن أعطي الموضوع أكثر من حجمه

The priority was given to increase the economic growth at the expense of democracy

أعطيت الأولويّة لزيادة النّموّ الاقتصاديّ على حساب الدّيمقراطيّة

More Examples

I gave time and effort to the project but it failed

أعطيت المشروع الجهد والوقت لكنّه فشل



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

With a noun to describe a particular action, giving the same meaning as the related verb

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

I gave him a smile and left

أعطيته ابتسامة ورحلت

I gave her a kiss on her forehead

أعطيتها قبلة على جبينها

More Examples

Do not give me that cold look

لا تعطني تلك النّظرة الباردة

Give me a helping hand

أعطني يد العون والمساعدة

Passing the test gave me a lot of confidence

أعطاني اجتياز الامتحان الكثير من الثّقة

Music gave me an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and happiness

أعطتني الموسيقا شعورا غامرا بالسّعادة والسّرور



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To judge someone to be of a particular standard

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

The teacher gave me 90 out of 100

أعطتني المعلّمة تسعين من مئة

II give it ten for originality but just seven for execution

أعطيك عشرة للأصالة ولكن سبعة فقط للتنفيذ



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

to predict how long something will last

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

The blockade won't last long. I give it three months at the latest

لن يدوم الحصار طويلا. أعطيه ثلاثة أشهر على أقصى تقدير



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

To make someone or something have a special quality

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

Strawberries gave the milkshake a special taste

أعطى الفريز نكهة خاصّة للكوكتيل

Jewelry gives her a sense of superiority

أعطتها المجوهرات شعورا بالتّفوّق

3) lend -verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

If something lends a particular quality to something else, it adds that quality to it

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

The flowers lend luster to the room

تعطي الأزهار رونقا للغرفة

His presence lent the party some happiness

أعطى تواجده الحفل شيئا من البهجة

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

lend is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

to give or provide support, help, etc.

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

This actress lend support to our family

أعطت هذه الممثّلة أسرتنا الدّعم

Mom lend me moral support after mu divorce

أعطتني أمّي الدّعم العاطفيّ بعد طلاقي

4) afford-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

to provide somebody with something

أعطى الشيء أي وهبه أو زوّد شخص ما بشيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعطى أعطت أعطوا

  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعطي تعطي يعطون تعطون

  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعطي أعطوا

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

This oak tree affords some shelter from the sun.

تعطي شجرة البلوط هذه مأوى من الشمس.

The library afforded them some useful researches.

أعطتهم المكتبة بعض الأبحاث المفيدة.

More Examples

Scientists aim to afford protection from diseases.

يتوق العلماء ليعطوا حماية من الأمراض.

The programme will afford children the opportunity to learn English.

سوف يعطي البرنامج الفرصة للأطفال ليتعلموا اللغة الإنكليزيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

afford is pronounced in English as

5) attach-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

[transitive] to believe that something is important or worth thinking about

أعطى شيّء ما قيمة أو أهميّة أيّ اعتقد أنه ذات أهميّة و يستحق التفكير

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعطى أعطت أعطيّت أعطيّنا أعطىوا

  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعطي تعطي أعطي نعطي يعطون تعطون

  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعطي أعطي أعطوا

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

She didn't attach any significance to the matter.

لم تعط أيّ ثقل للقضيّة.

I attach great importance to what you have said.

أعطيّت أهميّة كبيرة لما قلته.

More Examples

It's good to attach too much value to such achievement.

إنه لأمر جيّد أن نعطي قيمة كبيرة لمثل هذا الإنجاز.

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

attach is pronounced in English as

English for أعطى


1) administer-verb


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

Click to show conjugation of أَعْطَىْ

  ∘ أَعْطَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

The nurse gave painkillers to the patient

أَعْطَتِ المُمَرِّضَةُ المُسَكِّنَاتِ لِلْمَرِيْضِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَعْطَىْ in English?

administer is pronounced in English as

2) give-verb


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To hand something to somebody

Click to show conjugation of أَعْطَىْ

  ∘ أَعْطَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

Give the book to your mother when you've read it

أَعْطِ الكِتَابَ لِأُمِّكَ عِنْدَمَا تَفْرُغُ مِنْهُ

I gave the little child the toy

أَعْطَيْتُ الدُّمْيَةَ لِلْطِفْلَةِ الصَّغِيْرَةِ

More Examples

Do not give him the mobile phone until he has finished the homework

لَاْ تُعْطِهِ المُوْبَايْلَ حَتَّىْ يَنْتَهِيْ مِنْ كِتَابَةِ الوَظِيْفَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَعْطَىْ in English?

give is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To hand something as a gift or a donation

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

My father gave me a car in my 20th birthday

أَعْطَانِيْ أَبِيْ سَيَّارَةً فِيْ عِيْدِ مِيْلَادَيَ العِشْرِيْنَ

Give money to the poor

أَعْطِ الفَقِيْرَ مَالًا

More Examples

I gave half a million in cash to the charity

أَعْطَيْتُ الجَمْعِيَّةَ الخَيْرِيَّةَ نِصْفَ مِلْيُوْنٍ نَقْدًا

It's better to give than to receive

خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنَ الأَخْذِ العَطَاءُ

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  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To provide someone with something

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

They were starving, so I gave them bread and water

كَانُوْا يَتَضَوَّرُوْنَ جُوْعًا فَأَعْطَيْتُهُمْ خُبْزًا وَمَاءً

Give me your name, address and phone number

أَعْطِنِ اسْمَكَ وَعُنْوَانَكَ وَرَقَمَ هَاتِفِكَ

More Examples

Give me something to do

أَعْطِنِ شَيْئًا أَفْعَلْهُ

I will not give you any information regarding my personal life

لَنْ أُعْطِيْكَ أَيَّ مَعْلُوْمَاتٍ عَنْ حَيَاتِيَ الشَّخْصِيَّةِ

Which is the best way to give conversation lessons to children

مَا هِيَ الطَّرِيْقَةُ المُثْلَىْ لِإِعْطَاءِ دُرُوْسِ مُحَادَثَةٍ لِلْأَطْفَالِ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To pay money for people, charity, etc

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

I gave half a million in cash to the charity

أَعْطَيْتُ الجَمْعِيَّةَ الخَيْرِيَّةَ نِصْفَ مِلْيُوْنٍ نَقْدًا

Give money to the poor

أَعْطِ الفَقِيْرَ مَالًا

More Examples

It's better to give than to receive

خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنَ الأَخْذِ العَطَاءُ

A little while ago, I've given both of you 50 Lira

مُنْذُ قَلِيْلٍ أَعْطَيْتُكُمَا خَمْسُوْنَ لَيْرَةً



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To pay in order to receive something, work, etc

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

how much will you give me for the job?

كَمْ سَتُعْطِيْنِيْ لِقَاءَ العَمَلِ؟

I will give you a million for the house

سِأُعْطِيْكَ مِلْيُوْنًا مُقَابِلَ المَنْزِلِ

More Examples

I will give you what you want if you get me out of this predicament

سَأُعْطِيْكَ مَاتُرِيْدُ إِنْ أَخْرَجْتَنِيْ مِنْ هَذِهِ الوَرْطَةِ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To treats something as important

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

I will not give the matter more than it takes

لَنْ أُعْطِيَ المَوْضُوْعَ أَكْثَرَ مِنْ حَجْمِهِ

The priority was given to increase the economic growth at the expense of democracy

أُعْطِيَتِ الأَوْلَوِيَّةُ لِزَيَادَةِ النُّمُوِّ الاقْتِصَادِيِّ عَلَىْ حِسَابِ الدِّيْمُقْرَاطِيَّةِ

More Examples

I gave time and effort to the project but it failed

أَعْطَيْتُ المَشْرُوْعَ الجُهْدَ وَالوَقْتَ لَكِنَّهُ فَشِلَ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

With a noun to describe a particular action, giving the same meaning as the related verb

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

I gave him a smile and left

أَعْطَيْتُهُ ابْتِسَامَةً وَرَحَلْتُ

I gave her a kiss on her forehead

أَعْطَيْتُهَا قُبْلَةً عَلَىْ جَبِيْنِهَا

More Examples

Do not give me that cold look

لَاْ تُعْطِنِيْ تِلْكَ النَّظْرَةَ البَارِدَةَ

Give me a helping hand

أَعْطِنِيْ يَدَ العَوْنِ وَالمُسَاعَدَةِ

Passing the test gave me a lot of confidence

أَعْطَانِيَ اجْتِيَازُ الامْتِحَانِ الكَثِيْرَ مِنَ الثِّقَةِ

Music gave me an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and happiness

أَعْطَتْنِيَ المُوْسِيْقَا شُعُوْرًا غَامِرًا بِالسَّعَادَةِ وَالسُّرُوْرِ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To judge someone to be of a particular standard

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

The teacher gave me 90 out of 100

أَعْطَتْنِيَ المُعَلِّمَةُ تِسْعِيْنَ مِنْ مِئَةٍ

II give it ten for originality but just seven for execution

أُعْطِيْكَ عَشَرَةً لِلْأَصَالَةِ وَلَكِنْ سَبْعَةً فَقَطُ لِلْتَنْفِيْذِ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

to predict how long something will last

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

The blockade won't last long. I give it three months at the latest

لَنْ يَدُوْمَ الحِصَارُ طَوِيْلًا. أُعْطِيْهِ ثَلَاثَةَ أَشْهُرٍ عَلَىْ أَقْصَىْ تَقْدِيْرٍ



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

To make someone or something have a special quality

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

Strawberries gave the milkshake a special taste

أَعْطَىْ الفْرِيْزُ نَكْهَةً خَاصَّةً لِلْكُوْكْتِيْلِ

Jewelry gives her a sense of superiority

أَعْطَتْهَا المُجَوْهَرَاتُ شُعُوْرًا بِالتَّفَوُّقِ

3) lend -verb


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

If something lends a particular quality to something else, it adds that quality to it

Click to show conjugation of أَعْطَىْ

  ∘ أَعْطَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَعْطَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

The flowers lend luster to the room

تُعْطِيْ الأَزْهَارُ رَوْنَقًا لِلْغُرْفَةِ

His presence lent the party some happiness

أَعْطَىْ تَوَاجُدُهُ الحَفْلَ شَيْئًا مِنَ البَهْجَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَعْطَىْ in English?

lend is pronounced in English as



  ∘ أَعْطَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

to give or provide support, help, etc.

  ∘ Examples of أَعْطَىْ in English and Arabic

This actress lend support to our family

أَعْطَتْ هَذِهِ المُمَثِّلَةُ أُسْرَتَنَا الدَّعْمَ

Mom lend me moral support after mu divorce

أَعْطَتْنِيْ أُمِّيَ الدَّعْمَ العَاطِفِيَّ بَعْدَ طَلَاقِيَ

4) afford-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

to provide somebody with something

أعطى الشيء أي وهبه أو زوّد شخص ما بشيء ما

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعطى أعطت أعطوا

  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعطي تعطي يعطون تعطون

  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعطي أعطوا

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

This oak tree affords some shelter from the sun.

تعطي شجرة البلوط هذه مأوى من الشمس.

The library afforded them some useful researches.

أعطتهم المكتبة بعض الأبحاث المفيدة.

More Examples

Scientists aim to afford protection from diseases.

يتوق العلماء ليعطوا حماية من الأمراض.

The programme will afford children the opportunity to learn English.

سوف يعطي البرنامج الفرصة للأطفال ليتعلموا اللغة الإنكليزيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

afford is pronounced in English as

5) attach-verb


  ∘ أعطى meaning in English & Arabic

[transitive] to believe that something is important or worth thinking about

أعطى شيّء ما قيمة أو أهميّة أيّ اعتقد أنه ذات أهميّة و يستحق التفكير

Click to show conjugation of أعطى

  ∘ أعطى past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعطى أعطت أعطيّت أعطيّنا أعطىوا

  ∘ أعطى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعطي تعطي أعطي نعطي يعطون تعطون

  ∘ أعطى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعطي أعطي أعطوا

  ∘ Examples of أعطى in English and Arabic

She didn't attach any significance to the matter.

لم تعط أيّ ثقل للقضيّة.

I attach great importance to what you have said.

أعطيّت أهميّة كبيرة لما قلته.

More Examples

It's good to attach too much value to such achievement.

إنه لأمر جيّد أن نعطي قيمة كبيرة لمثل هذا الإنجاز.

  ∘ How to pronounce أعطى in English?

attach is pronounced in English as
