مؤهل in English

Meaning of مؤهل in English is: (competent, eligible, Qualification) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

مؤهل بالانجليزي

English for مؤهل


1) competent -adj


  ∘ مؤهّل meaning in English & Arabic

having normal mental abilities

مؤهل: أي يمتلك قدرات عقليّة طبيعيّة

  ∘ Plural of مؤهّل in Arabic

مؤهّلون/ مؤهّلين/مؤهّلات

  ∘ Examples of مؤهّل in English and Arabic

His father was not mentally competent to make a decision

لم يكن والده مؤهّلا عقليّا لاتّخاذ قرار

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤهّل in English?

competent is pronounced in English as

2) eligible-adj

مؤهّل -اسم

  ∘ مؤهّل meaning in English & Arabic

someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

مؤهّل لشيء أي قادر أو مسموح له بفعله

  ∘ Plural of مؤهّل in Arabic

مؤهّلون/ مؤهّلين/ مؤهّلات

  ∘ Examples of مؤهّل in English and Arabic

Your not eligible to participate in the contest

لست مؤهّلا للمشاركة في المسابقة

Elderly are eligible for the a discount of 45%

المسنّون مؤهّلون للحصول على خصم بقيمة 45%

More Examples

The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country

يجعل التّشريع الجديد أيّ أجنبيّ مؤهّلا للاستثمار في البلاد

I am not eligible to vote yet

لست مؤهّلة للتّصويت بعد

permanent employees are eligible for a loan

الموظّفون المثبّتون مؤهّلّون للحصول على قرض

My father is eligible for retirement

والدي مؤهّل للتّقاعد

3) Qualification-N


  ∘ مؤهل meaning in English & Arabic

An exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed.

امتحان نجحت فيه أو دورة دراسية أكملتها بنجاح.

  ∘ Examples of مؤهل in English and Arabic

He added a new qualification to his resume.

أضاف مؤهلا جديدا إلى سيرته الذاتية.

Qualifications are important for job applications.

المؤهلات مهمة لطلبات التوظيف.

More Examples

Her qualifications exceed the job requirements.

تتجاوز مؤهلاتها متطلبات الوظيفة.

Many jobs require specific qualifications.

تتطلب العديد من الوظائف مؤهلات محددة.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤهل in English?

Qualification is pronounced in English as

4) qualified-adj


  ∘ مؤهل meaning in English & Arabic

having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in order to do a particular job; having the experience to do a particular job

اجتياز الامتحانات أو إتمام التدريب اللازم للقيام بعمل معين؛ الحصول على الخبرة اللازمة للقيام بعمل معين

  ∘ Examples of مؤهل in English and Arabic

She is well qualified for the position.

هي مؤهلة تماما للمنصب.

He became qualified to teach math after earning his degree.

أصبح مؤهلا لتدريس الرياضيات بعد حصوله على درجته العلمية.

More Examples

The agency has qualified candidates for the job.

لدى الوكالة مرشحون مؤهلون للوظيفة.

Qualified teachers are in high demand.

يكثر الطلب على المعلمون المؤهلون.

Qualified engineers contributed to the project

ساهم المهندسون المؤهلون في نجاح المشروع.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤهل in English?

qualified is pronounced in English as

English for مؤهل


1) competent -adj


  ∘ مُؤَهَّل meaning in English & Arabic

having normal mental abilities

مؤهل: أَيْ يَمْتَلِكُ قُدُرَاتٍ عَقْلِيَّةً طَبِيْعِيَّةً

  ∘ Plural of مُؤَهَّل in Arabic

مُؤَهَّلُوْن/ مُؤَهَّلِيْن/مُؤَهَّلَات

  ∘ Examples of مُؤَهَّل in English and Arabic

His father was not mentally competent to make a decision

لَمْ يَكُنْ وَالِدُهُ مُؤَهَّلًا عَقْلِيًّا لِاتِّخَاذِ قَرَارٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce مُؤَهَّل in English?

competent is pronounced in English as

2) eligible-adj

مُؤَهَّل -اسم

  ∘ مُؤَهَّل meaning in English & Arabic

someone who is eligible for something is able or allowed to do it, for example because they are the right age

مُؤَهَّلُ لِشَيْءٍ أَيْ قَادِرٌ أَوْ مَسْمُوْحٌ لَهُ بِفِعْلِهِ

  ∘ Plural of مُؤَهَّل in Arabic

مُؤَهَّلُوْن/ مُؤَهَّلِيْن/ مُؤَهَّلَات

  ∘ Examples of مُؤَهَّل in English and Arabic

Your not eligible to participate in the contest

لَسْتَ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلْمُشَارَكَةِ فِيْ المُسَابَقَةِ

Elderly are eligible for the a discount of 45%

المُسِنُّوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ خَصْمٍ بِقِيْمَةِ 45%

More Examples

The new legislation makes any foreigner eligible to invest in the country

يَجْعَلُ التَّشْرِيْعُ الجَدِيْدُ أَيَّ أَجْنَبِيٍّ مُؤَهَّلًا لِلِاسْتِثْمَارِ فِيْ البِلَادِ

I am not eligible to vote yet

لَسْتُ مُؤَهَّلَةً لِلتَّصْوِيْتِ بَعْدُ

permanent employees are eligible for a loan

المُوَظَّفُوْنَ المُثَبَّتُوْنَ مُؤَهَّلُّوْنَ لِلْحُصُوْلِ عَلَىْ قَرْضٍ

My father is eligible for retirement

وَالِدِيْ مُؤَهَّلٌ لِلتَّقَاعُدِ

3) Qualification-N


  ∘ مؤهل meaning in English & Arabic

An exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed.

امتحان نجحت فيه أو دورة دراسية أكملتها بنجاح.

  ∘ Examples of مؤهل in English and Arabic

He added a new qualification to his resume.

أضاف مؤهلًا جديدًا إلى سيرته الذاتية.

Qualifications are important for job applications.

المؤهلات مهمة لطلبات التوظيف.

More Examples

Her qualifications exceed the job requirements.

تتجاوز مؤهلاتها متطلبات الوظيفة.

Many jobs require specific qualifications.

تتطلب العديد من الوظائف مؤهلات محددة.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤهل in English?

Qualification is pronounced in English as

4) qualified-adj


  ∘ مؤهل meaning in English & Arabic

having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in order to do a particular job; having the experience to do a particular job

اجتياز الامتحانات أو إتمام التدريب اللازم للقيام بعمل معين؛ الحصول على الخبرة اللازمة للقيام بعمل معين

  ∘ Examples of مؤهل in English and Arabic

She is well qualified for the position.

هي مؤهلة تماماً للمنصب.

He became qualified to teach math after earning his degree.

أصبح مؤهلاً لتدريس الرياضيات بعد حصوله على درجته العلمية.

More Examples

The agency has qualified candidates for the job.

لدى الوكالة مرشحون مؤهلون للوظيفة.

Qualified teachers are in high demand.

يكثر الطلب على المعلمون المؤهلون.

Qualified engineers contributed to the project

ساهم المهندسون المؤهلون في نجاح المشروع.

  ∘ How to pronounce مؤهل in English?

qualified is pronounced in English as
