قرار in English

Meaning of قرار in English is: (resolution, act, decision) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

قرار بالانجليزي

English for قرار


1) resolution-noun


  ∘ قرار meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a promise to yourself to do something

القرار هو وعد تعده نفسك تعزم على فعله أو على عدم فعله

  ∘ Plural of قرار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قرار in English and Arabic

I made a resolution to give up alcohol

اتّخذت قراري بالامتناع عن تناول الكحول

I made a resolution to study harder

اتّخذت قرارا بالدّراسة بجدّ أكثر

  ∘ How to pronounce قرار in English?

resolution is pronounced in English as



  ∘ قرار meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote

القرار هو بيان رسميّ يصدر عن مجموعة أو لجنة محدّدة عقب التّصويت عليه

  ∘ Plural of قرار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قرار in English and Arabic

The committee unanimously approved the resolution

وافقت اللّجنة على القرار بالإجماع

The resolution called for an immediate end to indiscriminate bombing of civilian

دعا القرار إلى وقف قصف المدنيّين العشوائيّ

More Examples

a joint German-French resolution

قرار ألمانيّ فرنسيّ مشترك

2) act -noun


  ∘ قرار meaning in English & Arabic

a law that has been passed by a parliament

قرار أي تشريع سنه أو أصدره البرلمان

  ∘ Examples of قرار in English and Arabic

This is a set of new acts

هذه مجموعة قرارات جديدة

A new investment act came into force two months ago

دخل قرار جديد للاستثمار حيز التنفيذ منذ شهرين

  ∘ How to pronounce قرار in English?

act is pronounced in English as

3) decision-noun


  ∘ قرار meaning in English & Arabic

a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking about what is the best thing to do

اختيار أو حكم تقوم به بعد التفكير والتحدث عما هو الأفضل للقيام به

  ∘ Examples of قرار in English and Arabic

She made a tough decision.

اتخذت قرارا صعبا.

The decision is yours.

القرار لك.

More Examples

They regretted their decision.

ندموا على قرارهم.

He announced his decision to resign.

أعلن قراره بالاستقالة.

The committee decisions are final.

قرارات اللجنة نهائية.

Decisions are hard to make.

إن اتخاذ القرارات صعبا.

  ∘ How to pronounce قرار in English?

decision is pronounced in English as

English for قرار


1) resolution-noun


  ∘ قَرَار meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a promise to yourself to do something

القَرَارُ هُوَ وَعْدٌ تَعِدُهُ نَفْسَكَ تَعْزِمُ عَلَىْ فِعْلِهِ أَوْ عَلَىْ عَدَمِ فِعْلِهِ

  ∘ Plural of قَرَار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قَرَار in English and Arabic

I made a resolution to give up alcohol

اتَّخَذْتُ قَرَارِيَ بِالِامْتِنَاعِ عَنْ تَنَاوُلِ الكُحُوْلِ

I made a resolution to study harder

اتَّخَذْتُ قَرَارًا بِالدِّرَاسَةِ بِجِدٍّ أَكْثَرَ

  ∘ How to pronounce قَرَار in English?

resolution is pronounced in English as



  ∘ قَرَار meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote

القَرَارُ هُوَ بَيَانٌ رَسْمِيٌّ يَصْدُرُ عَنْ مَجْمُوْعَةٍ أَوْ لَجْنَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ عَقِبَ التَّصْوِيْتِ عَلَيْهِ

  ∘ Plural of قَرَار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قَرَار in English and Arabic

The committee unanimously approved the resolution

وَافَقَتِ اللَّجْنَةُ عَلَىْ القَرَارِ باِلإِجْمَاعِ

The resolution called for an immediate end to indiscriminate bombing of civilian

دَعَا القَرَارُ إِلَىْ وَقْفِ قَصْفِ المَدَنِيِّيْنَ العَشْوَائِيَّ

More Examples

a joint German-French resolution

قَرَارٌ أَلْمَانِيٌّ فِرَنْسِيٌّ مُشْتَرَكٌ

2) act -noun


  ∘ قرار meaning in English & Arabic

a law that has been passed by a parliament

قرار أي تشريع سنه أو أصدره البرلمان

  ∘ Examples of قرار in English and Arabic

This is a set of new acts

هذه مجموعة قرارات جديدة

A new investment act came into force two months ago

دخل قرار جديد للاستثمار حيز التنفيذ منذ شهرين

  ∘ How to pronounce قرار in English?

act is pronounced in English as

3) decision-noun


  ∘ قَرَار meaning in English & Arabic

a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking about what is the best thing to do

اختيار أو حكم تقوم به بعد التفكير والتحدث عما هو الأفضل للقيام به

  ∘ Examples of قَرَار in English and Arabic

She made a tough decision.

اتخذت قرارًا صعبًا.

The decision is yours.

القرار لك.

More Examples

They regretted their decision.

ندموا على قرارهم.

He announced his decision to resign.

أعلن قراره بالاستقالة.

The committee decisions are final.

قرارات اللجنة نهائية.

Decisions are hard to make.

إن اتخاذ القرارات صعبًا.

  ∘ How to pronounce قَرَار in English?

decision is pronounced in English as
