قرب in English

Meaning of قرب in English is: (against, approach, around) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

قرب بالانجليزي

English for قرب


1) against-preposition


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

close to, touching or hitting somebody/something

قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أي بجانبه أو ملامس له

  ∘ Plural of قرب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

Hang the painting against the wall.

علّق اللوحة قرب الحائط.

The boy was leaning against the door.

كان الولد متكئا قرب الباب.

More Examples

Her foot stuck against a solid object.

علقت قدمها قرب شيّء صلب.

He put the refrigerator against the cupboard.

وضع البراد قرب الخزانة.

  ∘ How to pronounce قرب in English?

against is pronounced in English as

2) approach-verb


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

to come near to somebody/something in distance or time

قرب من الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ اقترب أو دنا منه

Click to show conjugation of قرب

  ∘ قرب past tense conjugation in Arabic

قرب قربت قربنا قربوا

  ∘ قرب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقرب تقرب أقرب نقرب يقربون تقربون

  ∘ قرب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قرب قربي قربوا

  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

They are approaching the mosque to pray.

إنهم يقربون المسجد ليصلوا.

Spring is approaching and gentle breezes are coming,

يقرب الربيع و النسائم العليلة قادمة.

More Examples

School time is approaching while the vacation is at its very end.

يقرب موعد المدرسة بينما العطلة في نهاياتها الأخيرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce قرب in English?

approach is pronounced in English as

3) around-preposition


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ على بعد مسافة قصيرة منه

  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

The cat sat around the door.

جلست القطة قرب الباب.

I parked my car just around the post office.

وضعت سيّارتي تماما قرب مبنى البريد.

More Examples

You are comming around a solution for the problem.

أنت تتجه قرب حل للمشكلة.

4) near-prep


  ∘ بالقرب meaning in English & Arabic

at a short distance away from somebody/something

على مسافة قصيرة من شخص/شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of بالقرب in English and Arabic

The school is near the park.

المدرسة قرب الحديقة.

We parked the car near the entrance.

ركنا السيارة قرب من المدخل.

More Examples

She lives near me.

هي تعيش قربي.

I looked for a hotel near the airport.

بحثت عن فندق قرب من المطار.

  ∘ How to pronounce بالقرب in English?

near is pronounced in English as

English for قرب


1) against-preposition


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

close to, touching or hitting somebody/something

قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أي بجانبه أو ملامس له

  ∘ Plural of قرب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

Hang the painting against the wall.

علّق اللوحة قرب الحائط.

The boy was leaning against the door.

كان الولد متكئاً قرب الباب.

More Examples

Her foot stuck against a solid object.

علقت قدمها قرب شيّء صلب.

He put the refrigerator against the cupboard.

وضع البراد قرب الخزانة.

  ∘ How to pronounce قرب in English?

against is pronounced in English as

2) approach-verb


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

to come near to somebody/something in distance or time

قرب من الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ اقترب أو دنا منه

Click to show conjugation of قرب

  ∘ قرب past tense conjugation in Arabic

قرب قربت قربنا قربوا

  ∘ قرب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقرب تقرب أقرب نقرب يقربون تقربون

  ∘ قرب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قرب قربي قربوا

  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

They are approaching the mosque to pray.

إنهم يقربون المسجد ليصلوا.

Spring is approaching and gentle breezes are coming,

يقرب الربيع و النسائم العليلة قادمة.

More Examples

School time is approaching while the vacation is at its very end.

يقرب موعد المدرسة بينما العطلة في نهاياتها الأخيرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce قرب in English?

approach is pronounced in English as

3) around-preposition


  ∘ قرب meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ على بعد مسافة قصيرة منه

  ∘ Examples of قرب in English and Arabic

The cat sat around the door.

جلست القطة قرب الباب.

I parked my car just around the post office.

وضعت سيّارتي تماماً قرب مبنى البريد.

More Examples

You are comming around a solution for the problem.

أنت تتجه قرب حل للمشكلة.

4) near-prep


  ∘ بالقرب meaning in English & Arabic

at a short distance away from somebody/something

على مسافة قصيرة من شخص/شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of بالقرب in English and Arabic

The school is near the park.

المدرسة قرب الحديقة.

We parked the car near the entrance.

ركنا السيارة قرب من المدخل.

More Examples

She lives near me.

هي تعيش قربي.

I looked for a hotel near the airport.

بحثت عن فندق قرب من المطار.

  ∘ How to pronounce بالقرب in English?

near is pronounced in English as
