school in Arabic

Meaning of school in Arabic is: (مَدْرَسَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

school in Arabic

Arabic for school

1) school-noun


  ∘ school meaning in Arabic & English

a place where children go to be educated

مكان يذهب إليه الأطفال للتعلم

  ∘ Examples of school in Arabic and English

He goes to school every day.

يذهب إلى المدرسة كل يوم.

The school is very close to our house.

المدرسة قريبة جدا من بيتنا.

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They are building a new school in the neighborhood.

يبنون مدرسة جديدة في الحي.

Schools were closed due to the snowstorm.

أغلقت المدارس بسبب العاصفة الثلجية.

She loves her school and teachers.

تحب مدرستها ومعلميها.

The children carry backpacks to school.

يحمل الأطفال حقائب الظهر إلى المدرسة.

Arabic for school

1) school-noun


  ∘ school meaning in Arabic & English

a place where children go to be educated

مكان يذهب إليه الأطفال للتعلم

  ∘ Examples of school in Arabic and English

He goes to school every day.

يذهب إلى المدرسة كل يوم.

The school is very close to our house.

المدرسة قريبة جداً من بيتنا.

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They are building a new school in the neighborhood.

يبنون مدرسة جديدة في الحي.

Schools were closed due to the snowstorm.

أغلقت المدارس بسبب العاصفة الثلجية.

She loves her school and teachers.

تحب مدرستها ومعلميها.

The children carry backpacks to school.

يحمل الأطفال حقائب الظهر إلى المدرسة.
