صف in English

Meaning of صف in English is: (classroom, grade, row) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

صف بالانجليزي

English for صف


1) classroom-noun


  ∘ Plural of صفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صفّ in English and Arabic

The sun was making the classroom too hot

كان الصّفّ حارّا من الشّمس

The teacher assembled the students in the classroom

جمع المعلّم الطّلّاب في الصّفّ

More Examples

The fan in our classroom is broken

مروحة صفّنا معطّلة

  ∘ How to pronounce صفّ in English?

classroom is pronounced in English as

2) grade-noun


  ∘ Plural of صفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صفّ in English and Arabic

My brother is in second grade

أخي في الصّفّ الثّاني

I left school when I was in tenth grade

تركت الدّراسة عندما كنت في الصّفّ العاشر

  ∘ How to pronounce صفّ in English?

grade is pronounced in English as

3) row-noun


  ∘ صفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other

  ∘ Plural of صفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صفّ in English and Arabic

There are a row of bushes in front of my house

هناك صفّ من الشّجيرات مقابل منزلي

The teacher asked the students to stand up in a straight row

طلبت المعلّمة من التّلاميذ الوقوف بصّفّ مستقيم

  ∘ How to pronounce صفّ in English?

row is pronounced in English as



  ∘ صفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a line of seat in a cinema/ theater, etc.

  ∘ Examples of صفّ in English and Arabic

We sat in the front row of the theater

جلسنا في الصّفّ الأماميّ للمسرح

There was a student sleeping in the back row of the auditorium

كان هناك تلميذ نائما في الصّفّ الخلفيّ من المدرّج

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  ∘ صفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a complete line of stitches in knitting or crochet

4) year-noun


  ∘ صفّ meaning in English & Arabic

A level in school that you stay in for one year

الصف هو مستوى دراسي في المدرسة لمدة سنة واحد

  ∘ Plural of صفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صفّ in English and Arabic

English is taught at our schools from year one

تدرّس الإنكليزيّة في مدارسنا من الصّفّ الأوّل

I was in year seven

كنت في الصّفّ السّابع

More Examples

A year-eleven pupil

طالب في الصّفّ الحادي عشر

He was in my year at school

كان في صفّي

  ∘ How to pronounce صفّ in English?

year is pronounced in English as

5) class-noun


  ∘ صف meaning in English & Arabic

a group of students who are taught together

مجموعة من الطلاب يدرسون معا

  ∘ Examples of صف in English and Arabic

She teaches a class of 30 students.

تعلم صفا من 30 طالبا.

The whole class was excited about the trip.

كان الصف بأكمله متحمسا للرحلة.

More Examples

He was the best student in his class.

كان أفضل طالب في صفه.

Classes were canceled due to the snow.

ألغيت الصفوف بسبب الثلج.

  ∘ How to pronounce صف in English?

class is pronounced in English as

English for صف


1) classroom-noun


  ∘ Plural of صَفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صَفّ in English and Arabic

The sun was making the classroom too hot

كَانَ الصَّفُّ حَارًّا مِنَ الشَّمْسِ

The teacher assembled the students in the classroom

جَمَعَ المُعَلِّمُ الطُّلَّابَ فِيْ الصَّفِّ

More Examples

The fan in our classroom is broken

مِرْوَحَةُ صَفِّنَا مُعَطَّلَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce صَفّ in English?

classroom is pronounced in English as

2) grade-noun


  ∘ Plural of صَفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صَفّ in English and Arabic

My brother is in second grade

أَخِيْ فِيْ الصَّفِّ الثَّانِيْ

I left school when I was in tenth grade

تَرَكْتُ الدِّرَاسَةَ عِنْدَمَا كُنْتُ فِيْ الصَّفِّ العَاشِرِ

  ∘ How to pronounce صَفّ in English?

grade is pronounced in English as

3) row-noun


  ∘ صَفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other

  ∘ Plural of صَفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صَفّ in English and Arabic

There are a row of bushes in front of my house

هُنَاكَ صَفٌّ مِنَ الشُّجَيْرَاتِ مُقَابِلَ مَنْزِلِيَ

The teacher asked the students to stand up in a straight row

طَلَبَتِ المُعَلِّمَةُ مِنَ التَّلَامِيْذِ الوُقُوْفَ بِصَّفٍّ مُسْتَقِيْمٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce صَفّ in English?

row is pronounced in English as



  ∘ صَفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a line of seat in a cinema/ theater, etc.

  ∘ Examples of صَفّ in English and Arabic

We sat in the front row of the theater

جَلَسْنَا فِيْ الصَّفِّ الأَمَامِيِّ لِلْمَسْرَحِ

There was a student sleeping in the back row of the auditorium

كَانَ هُنَاكَ تِلْمِيْذٌ نَائِمًا فِيْ الصَّفِّ الخَلْفِيِّ مِنَ المُدَرَّجِ

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  ∘ صَفّ meaning in English & Arabic

a complete line of stitches in knitting or crochet

4) year-noun


  ∘ صَفّ meaning in English & Arabic

A level in school that you stay in for one year

الصف هو مستوى دراسي في المدرسة لمدة سنة واحد

  ∘ Plural of صَفّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of صَفّ in English and Arabic

English is taught at our schools from year one

تُدَرَّسُ الإِنْكْلِيْزِيَّةُ فِيْ مَدَارِسِنَا مِنَ الصَّفِّ الأَوَّلِ

I was in year seven

كُنْتُ فِيْ الصَّفِّ السَّابِعِ

More Examples

A year-eleven pupil

طَالِبٌ فِيْ الصَّفِّ الحَادِيْ عَشَرَ

He was in my year at school

كَانَ فِيْ صَفِّيْ

  ∘ How to pronounce صَفّ in English?

year is pronounced in English as

5) class-noun


  ∘ صف meaning in English & Arabic

a group of students who are taught together

مجموعة من الطلاب يُدرسون معًا

  ∘ Examples of صف in English and Arabic

She teaches a class of 30 students.

تعلم صفًا من 30 طالبًا.

The whole class was excited about the trip.

كان الصف بأكمله متحمسًا للرحلة.

More Examples

He was the best student in his class.

كان أفضل طالب في صفه.

Classes were canceled due to the snow.

أُلغيت الصفوف بسبب الثلج.

  ∘ How to pronounce صف in English?

class is pronounced in English as
