seat in Arabic

Meaning of seat in Arabic is: (مَقْعَد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

seat in Arabic

Arabic for seat

1) seat-noun


  ∘ seat meaning in Arabic & English

a place where you can sit

مكان الجلوس أو القعود

  ∘ Plural of مقعد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of seat in Arabic and English

Where is my seat

أين مقعدي؟

Ladies and gentlemen please take your seats

سيّداتي و سادتي الرّجاء الجلوس على المقاعد

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I prefer sitting on the window seat

أفضّل الجلوس على المقعد المجاور للنافذة

A 24-seater bus

حافلة بأربع و عشرين مقعدا

  ∘ How to pronounce seat in English?

The word seat is pronounced in English as



  ∘ bench meaning in Arabic & English

a long seat for more than one person

كرسي طويل يصنع عادة من الخشب يجلس عليه شخصان فأكثر يوجد عادة في الحدائق و المدارس و الاستراحات

  ∘ Plural of مقعد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bench in Arabic and English

A park bench

مقعد الحديقة

He started his career on the bench but ended as the team's captain

بدأ مهنته على مقاعد البدلاء و انتهى به الحال كقائد للفريق

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The substitute's bench

مقاعد البدلاء

Three kids were sitting on the bench

ثلاثة أطفال كانوا جالسين على المقعد

  ∘ How to pronounce bench in English?

The word bench is pronounced in English as

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  ∘ cripple meaning in Arabic & English

someone that is disabled, particularly one who is unable to walk because of an injury or illness

شخص لا يستطيع المشي

  ∘ Examples of cripple in Arabic and English

This cripple has been living alone since his wife death

هذا المقعد يعيش وحيدا منذ وفاة زوجته

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  ∘ Examples of seat in Arabic and English

Arabic for seat

1) seat-noun


  ∘ seat meaning in Arabic & English

a place where you can sit

مَكانُ الجُلُوسِ أَوِ القُعودِ

  ∘ Plural of مَقْعَد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of seat in Arabic and English

Where is my seat

أَينَ مَقعَدي؟

Ladies and gentlemen please take your seats

سَيِّداتِي وَ سادَتِي الرَّجاءُ الجُلوسُ عَلى المَقاعِدِ

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I prefer sitting on the window seat

أُفَضِّلُ الجُلوسَ عَلى المَقعَد المُجاوِرِ لِلنَافِذِةِ

A 24-seater bus

حافِلَةٌ بِأَربَعٍ وَ عِشرِينَ مَقعَداً

  ∘ How to pronounce seat in English?

The word seat is pronounced in English as



  ∘ bench meaning in Arabic & English

a long seat for more than one person

كُرْسِيٌ طَويِلٌ يُصنَعُ عَادَةً مِنَ الخَشَبِ يَجلِسُ عَلَيهِ شَخصَانِ فَأَكثَرَ يُوجَدُ عَادَةً فِي الحَدائِقِ وَ المَدارِسِ وَ الاسْتِراحَاتِ

  ∘ Plural of مَقعَد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bench in Arabic and English

A park bench

مَقْعَدُ الحَديقَةِ

He started his career on the bench but ended as the team's captain

بَدَأَ مِهنَتَهُ عَلى مَقاعِدِ البُدَلاءِ وَ انتَهى بِهِ الحَالُ كَقائِدٍ لِلفَريقِ

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The substitute's bench

مَقاعِدِ البُدَلاءِ

Three kids were sitting on the bench

ثَلاثَةُ أَطْفالٍ كَانُوا جَالِسينَ عَلى المَقْعَدِ

  ∘ How to pronounce bench in English?

The word bench is pronounced in English as

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  ∘ cripple meaning in Arabic & English

someone that is disabled, particularly one who is unable to walk because of an injury or illness

شَخْصٌ لَا يَستَطيعُ المَشيَ

  ∘ Examples of cripple in Arabic and English

This cripple has been living alone since his wife death

هَذا المُقعَدُ يَعيشُ وَحِيدَاً مُنْذُ وَفاةِ زَوجَتِهِ

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  ∘ Examples of seat in Arabic and English
