English for علاقة
1) attachment-noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Plural of علاقة in Arabic
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
They have a strong friendship attachment
بينهما علاقة صداقة قويّة
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
attachment is pronounced in English as
2) correlation-noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
العلاقة هي رابطة بين شيئين أو أكثر بتغيّر الأوّل يتغيّر الثّاني وهكذا
∘ Plural of علاقة in Arabic
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
The correlation between corruption with power
علاقة الفساد بالسّلطة
More Examples
3) correspondence -noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
a connection between two things
العلاقة هي الرّابط ما بين شيئين
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Our team found no correspondence between poverty and crime
لم يجد فريقنا أيّ علاقة بين الفقر والجريمة
There a direct correspondence between smoking and cancer
هناك علاقة وثيق بين التّدخين والسّرطان
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
correspondence is pronounced in English as
4) involvement -noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable, uncountable] a romantic relationship between two people, especially when they are not married to each other
العلاقة هي حبّ وغرام بين شخصين دون زواج
∘ Plural of علاقة in Arabic
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Before etting marride, I had several involements with women
قبل زواجي, كان لديّ عدّة علاقات مع النّساء
More Examples
5) relevance-noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable] a close connection with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are in
العلاقة هي رابطة أو صلة قريبة لصيقة لشيء ما مع غيره
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
This has no relevance to the matter in hand
لا علاقة لهذا بالمسألة قيد البحث والدّراسة
His teachings are of great relevance to our life
تعاليمه متعلّقة علاقة وثيقة بحياتنا
6) bridge-noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable] a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things
العلاقة هي الرابطة التي تربط بين شخصين أو شيّئين
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Workshops can serve as a bridge between college and labour market.
يمكن لورشات العمل أن تخدم كعلاقة بيّن الكليّة و سوق العمل.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
bridge is pronounced in English as
7) Relation-N
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
The way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
الطريقة التي يتصرف بها شخصان أو مجموعتان أو دولتان تجاه بعضهما البعض أو يتعاملان مع بعضهما
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Their relation was based on mutual respect.
كانت علاقتهم مبنية على الاحترام المتبادل.
Relations between the two countries have improved.
تحسنت العلاقات بين البلدين.
More Examples
He is looking to foster better relations with the community.
يسعى إلى تعزيز علاقات أفضل مع المجتمع.
The diplomat was skilled in managing international relations.
كان الدبلوماسي ماهرا في إدارة العلاقات الدولية.
The company seeks to maintain good relations with its customers.
تسعى الشركة إلى الحفاظ على علاقات جيدة مع عملائها.
Family relations can sometimes be complicated.
قد تكون العلاقات العائلية معقدة أحيانا.
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
Relation is pronounced in English as
8) relationship-N
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
الطريقة التي يتصرف بها شخصان، مجموعتان أو دولتان تجاه بعضهما البعض أو كيفية التعامل فيما بينهم
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
They have a strong relationship.
علاقتهم قوية.
The relationship between the two countries has improved.
تحسنت العلاقة بين البلدين.
More Examples
Their working relationship is very professional.
علاقتهم في العمل محترفة جدا.
He is trying to build a good relationship with his neighbors.
يحاول بناء علاقة جيدة مع جيرانه.
The relationship ended after two years.
انتهت العلاقة بعد عامين.
Their family relationships are very strong.
علاقاتهم العائلية قوية جدا.
English for علاقة
1) attachment-noun
∘ عَلاقَة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Plural of عَلاقَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلاقَة in English and Arabic
They have a strong friendship attachment
بَيْنَهُمَا عَلَاقَةُ صَدَاقَةٍ قَوِيَّةٍ
She formed a strong attachment to her teacher
صَنَعَتْ/شَكَّلَتْ عَلَاقَةً مَتِيْنَةً مَعَ أُسْتَاذِهَا
∘ How to pronounce عَلاقَة in English?
attachment is pronounced in English as
2) correlation-noun
∘ عَلَاقَة meaning in English & Arabic
a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does
العَلَاقَةُ هِيَ رَابِطَةٌ بَيْنَ شَيْئَيْنِ أَوْ أَكْثَرَ بِتَغَيُّرِ الأَوَّلِ يَتَغَيَّرُ الثَّانِيْ وَهَكَذَا
∘ Plural of عَلَاقَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَاقَة in English and Arabic
There is a direct correlation between poverty and illiteracy
هُنَاكَ عَلَاقَةٌ مُبَاشِرَةٌ بَيْنَ الفَقْرِ وَالأُمِّيَّةِ
The correlation between corruption with power
عَلَاقَةُ الفَسَادِ بِالسُّلْطَةِ
More Examples
The Strong correlation between crime and illiteracy
دِرَاسَةٌ جَدِيْدَةٌ عَنْ عَلَاقَةِ الجَرِيْمَةِ الوَثِيْقِ بِالأُمِّيَّةِ
The correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer
العَلَاقَةُ بَيْنَ تَدْخِيْنِ السَّجَائِرَ وَسَرَطَانِ الرِّئَةِ
3) correspondence -noun
∘ عَلَاقَة meaning in English & Arabic
a connection between two things
العَلَاقَةُ هُيَ الرَّابِطُ مَا بَيْنَ شَيْئَيْنِ
∘ Examples of عَلَاقَة in English and Arabic
Our team found no correspondence between poverty and crime
لَمْ يَجِدْ فَرِيْقُنَا أَيَّ عَلَاقَةٍ بَيْنَ الفَقْرِ وَالجَرِيْمَةِ
There a direct correspondence between smoking and cancer
هُنَاكَ عَلَاقَةٌ وَثِيْقٌ بَيْنَ التَّدْخِيْنِ وَالسَّرَطَانِ
∘ How to pronounce عَلَاقَة in English?
correspondence is pronounced in English as
4) involvement -noun
∘ عَلَاقَة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable, uncountable] a romantic relationship between two people, especially when they are not married to each other
العَلَاقَةُ هُيَ حُبٌّ وَغَرَامٌ بَيْنَ شَخْصَيْنِ دُوْنَ زَوَاجٍ
∘ Plural of عَلَاقَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of عَلَاقَة in English and Arabic
Before etting marride, I had several involements with women
قَبْلَ زَوَاجِيْ, كَانَ لَدَيَّ عِدَّةُ عَلَاقَاتٍ مَعَ النِّسَاءِ
More Examples
5) relevance-noun
∘ عِلَاقَة meaning in English & Arabic
[uncountable] a close connection with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are in
العِلَاقَةُ هِيَ رَابِطَةٌ أَوْ صِلَةٌ قَرِيْبَةٌ لَصِيْقَةٌ لِشَيْءٍ مَا مَعَ غَيْرِهِ
∘ Examples of عِلَاقَة in English and Arabic
This has no relevance to the matter in hand
لَا عِلَاقَةَ لِهَذَا بِالمَسْأَلَةِ قَيْدَ البَحْثِ وَالدِّرَاسَةِ
His teachings are of great relevance to our life
تَعَالِيْمُهُ مُتَعَلِّقَةً عَلَاقَةً وَثِيْقَةً بِحَيَاتِنَا
6) bridge-noun
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable] a thing that provides a connection or contact between two different things
العلاقة هي الرابطة التي تربط بين شخصين أو شيّئين
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Workshops can serve as a bridge between college and labour market.
يمكن لورشات العمل أن تخدم كعلاقة بيّن الكليّة و سوق العمل.
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
bridge is pronounced in English as
7) Relation-N
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
The way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
الطريقة التي يتصرف بها شخصان أو مجموعتان أو دولتان تجاه بعضهما البعض أو يتعاملان مع بعضهما
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
Their relation was based on mutual respect.
كانت علاقتهم مبنية على الاحترام المتبادل.
Relations between the two countries have improved.
تحسنت العلاقات بين البلدين.
More Examples
He is looking to foster better relations with the community.
يسعى إلى تعزيز علاقات أفضل مع المجتمع.
The diplomat was skilled in managing international relations.
كان الدبلوماسي ماهراً في إدارة العلاقات الدولية.
The company seeks to maintain good relations with its customers.
تسعى الشركة إلى الحفاظ على علاقات جيدة مع عملائها.
Family relations can sometimes be complicated.
قد تكون العلاقات العائلية معقدة أحياناً.
∘ How to pronounce علاقة in English?
Relation is pronounced in English as
8) relationship-N
∘ علاقة meaning in English & Arabic
the way in which two people, groups or countries behave towards each other or deal with each other
الطريقة التي يتصرف بها شخصان، مجموعتان أو دولتان تجاه بعضهما البعض أو كيفية التعامل فيما بينهم
∘ Examples of علاقة in English and Arabic
They have a strong relationship.
علاقتهم قوية.
The relationship between the two countries has improved.
تحسنت العلاقة بين البلدين.
More Examples
Their working relationship is very professional.
علاقتهم في العمل محترفة جداً.
He is trying to build a good relationship with his neighbors.
يحاول بناء علاقة جيدة مع جيرانه.
The relationship ended after two years.
انتهت العلاقة بعد عامين.
Their family relationships are very strong.
علاقاتهم العائلية قوية جداً.