sanction in Arabic

Meaning of sanction in Arabic is: (عُقُوْبَة، مُوَافَقَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

sanction in Arabic

Arabic for sanction

1) sanction-noun


  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually plural] sanction (against somebody) an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law

العقوبة هي أمر رسميّ من دولة أو مجموعة دول يحدّ من العلاقات التّجاريّة أو الدّبلوماسيّة مع دولة محدّدة لدفعها إلى الامتثال إلى القانون الدّوليّ

  ∘ Plural of عقوبة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

Economic sanctions were imposed against Iran

فرضت عقوبات اقتصاديّة على إيران

Trade sanctions against Sudan lifted in 2020

رفعت العقوبات التّجاريّة عن السّودان في ال 2020

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International sanctions were imposed on Iraq in 1990

فرضت عقوبات دوليّة على العراق عام 1990

The EU decided to ease sanction against Iran

قرّر الاتّحاد الأوروبّيّ تخفيف العقوبات عن إيران

  ∘ How to pronounce sanction in English?

The word sanction is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] sanction (against something) a course of action that can be used, if necessary, to make people obey a law or behave in a particular way

العقوبة هو إجراء يتّخذ ضدّ شخص ما عند اللّزوم لجعله يمتثل إلى القانون

  ∘ Plural of عقوبة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

The legal sanction will be the demolising of the building

العقوبة القانونيّة هدم البناء

The prosecution demanded the imposition of the harshest possible sanction against the defendant

طالب الادّعاء بإنزال أقسى عقوبة ممكنة بالمتّهم

2) sanction-noun


  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

​[uncountable] (formal) official permission or approval for an action or a change

الموافقة هي إذن رسميّ صادر عن سلطة رسميّة كمحكمة أو بلديّة أو حكومة أو مجلس إدارة ونحوهم

  ∘ Plural of موافقة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

The military operation was launched with the Bentagon sanction

أطلقت العمليّة العسكريّة بموافقة البنتاغون

The decision was made with the sanction of the premier

اتّخذ القرار بموافقة رئيس الوزراء

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This step could not be taken without the president's official sanction

لا يمكن أخذ هذه الخطوة دون موافقة رسميّة من الرّئيس

The council had given its official sanction for the plan

أعطى المجلس موافقته الرّسميّة على الخطّة

  ∘ How to pronounce sanction in English?

The word sanction is pronounced in English as

Arabic for sanction

1) sanction-noun


  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually plural] sanction (against somebody) an official order that limits trade, contact, etc. with a particular country, in order to make it do something, such as obeying international law

العُقُوْبَةُ هِيَ أَمْرٌ رَسْمِيٌّ مِنْ دَوْلَةٍ أَوْ مَجْمُوْعَةِ دُوَلٍ يَحُدُّ مِنَ العَلَاقَاتِ التِّجَارِيَّةِ أَوِ الدِّبْلُوْمَاسِيَّةِ مَعَ دَوْلَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ لِدَفْعِهَا إِلَىْ الِامْتِثَالِ إِلَىْ القَانُوْنِ الدُّوَلِيِّ

  ∘ Plural of عُقُوْبَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

Economic sanctions were imposed against Iran

فُرِضَتْ عُقُوْبَاتٌ اقتِصَادِيَّةٌ عَلَىْ إِيْرَانَ

Trade sanctions against Sudan lifted in 2020

رُفِعَتِ العُقُوْبَاتُ التِّجَارِيَّةُ عَنِ السُّوْدَانِ فِيْ الْ 2020

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International sanctions were imposed on Iraq in 1990

فُرِضَتْ عُقُوْبَاتٌ دُوَلِيَّةٌ عَلَىْ العِرَاقِ عَامَ 1990

The EU decided to ease sanction against Iran

قَرَّرَ الِاتِّحَادُ الأُوْرُوْبِّيُّ تَخْفِيْفَ العُقُوْبَاتِ عَنْ إِيْرَانَ

  ∘ How to pronounce sanction in English?

The word sanction is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] sanction (against something) a course of action that can be used, if necessary, to make people obey a law or behave in a particular way

العُقُوْبَةُ هُوَ إِجْرَاءٌ يُتَّخَذُ ضِدَّ شَخْصٍ مَا عِنْدَ اللُّزُوْمِ لِجَعْلِهِ يَمْتَثِلُ إِلَىْ القَانُوْنِ

  ∘ Plural of عُقُوْبَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

The legal sanction will be the demolising of the building

العُقُوْبَةُ القَانُوْنِيَّةُ هَدْمُ البِنَاءِ

The prosecution demanded the imposition of the harshest possible sanction against the defendant

طَالَبَ الاِدِّعَاءُ بِإِنْزَالِ أَقْسَىْ عُقُوْبَةٍ مُمْكِنَةٍ بِالمُتَّهَمِ

2) sanction-noun


  ∘ sanction meaning in Arabic & English

​[uncountable] (formal) official permission or approval for an action or a change

المُوَافَقَةُ هِيَ إِذْنٌ رَسْمِيٌّ صَادِرٌ عَنْ سٌلْطَةٍ رَسْمِيَّةٍ كَمَحْكَمَةٍ أَوْ بَلَدِيَّةٍ أَوْ حُكُوْمَةٍ أَوْ مَجْلِسِ إِدَارَةٍ وَنَحْوِهِمْ

  ∘ Plural of مُوَافَقَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sanction in Arabic and English

The military operation was launched with the Bentagon sanction

أُطْلِقَتِ العَمَلِيَّةُ العَسْكَرِيَّةُ بِمُوَافَقَةِ البِنْتَاغُوْنِ

The decision was made with the sanction of the premier

اتُّخِذَ القَرَارُ بِمُوَافَقَةِ رَئِيْسِ الوُزَرَاءِ

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This step could not be taken without the president's official sanction

لَا يُمْكِنُ أَخْذُ هَذِهِ الخُطْوَةِ دُوْنَ مُوَافَقَةٍ رَسْمِيَّةٍ مِنَ الرَّئِيْسِ

The council had given its official sanction for the plan

أَعْطَىْ المَجْلِسُ مُوَافَقَتَهُ الرَّسْمِيَّةَ عَلَىْ الخُطَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce sanction in English?

The word sanction is pronounced in English as
