Arabic for momentum
1) momentum-noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] the ability to keep increasing or developing
الزّخم هو القدرة على الاستمرار والمتابعة في فعل شيء محدّد
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
The boycott against French products gathers momentum each day
تكتسب مقاطعة البضائع الفرنسيّة زخما كلّ يوم
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We are hardly sustaining the momentum for the independence
نحافظ بالكاد على الزّخم المؤيّد للاستقلال
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) momentum -noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Plural of طاقة in Arabic
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
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3) momentum -noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
the force that makes a moving object keep moving
العزم هو قوّة تجعل الجسم المتحرّك مستمرّا في حركته
∘ Plural of عزم in Arabic
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
Cars gather more momentum as the road dipped
تكتسب السّيّارات عزما إضافيّا مع انخفاض الطّريق
The bike lost momentum as it crashed into the bushes
فقدت الدّرّاجة عزمها عند اصطدامها بالشّجيرات
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it keeps going under its own momentum
تستمرّ بالحركة تحت تأثير عزمها الذّاتيّ
A falling object gains momentum as it falls
يكتسب الجسم السّاقط عزما أثناء سقوطه
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
4) momentum-noun
كمّيّة الحركة-اسم
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
(specialist) the quantity of movement of a moving object, measured as its mass multiplied by its speed
كمّيّة الحركة هي مقدار حركة الجسم المتحرّك مقاسة بضرب الكتلة في السّرعة
∘ Plural of كمّيّة الحركة in Arabic
كمّيّات الحركة
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
The momentum of the electron
كمّيّة حركة الإلكترون
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
Arabic for momentum
1) momentum-noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] the ability to keep increasing or developing
الزَّخْمُ هُوَ القُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ الِاسْتِمْرَارِ وَالمُتَابَعَةِ فِيْ فِعْلِ شَيْءٍ مُحَدَّدٍ
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
The boycott against French products gathers momentum each day
تَكْتَسِبُ مُقَاطَعَةُ البَضَائِعِ الفِرَنْسِيَّةَ زَخْمًا كُلَّ يَوْمٍ
The match lost momentum in the second half
فَقَدَتِ المُبَارَاتُ زَخْمَهَا فِيْ الشَّوْطِ الثَّانِيْ
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Demonstrations have lost momentum in recent days
فَقَدَتِ المُظَاهَرَاتُ الزَّخْمَ فِيْ الأَيَّامِ الأَوَاخِرِ
The political momentum that accompanies the election
الزَّخْمُ السِّيَاسِيُّ المُصَاحِبُ لِلِانْتِخَابَاتِ
We are hardly sustaining the momentum for the independence
نُحَافِظُ بِالكَادِ عَلَىْ الزَّخْمِ المُؤَيِّدِ لِلِاسْتِقْلَالِ
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
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2) momentum -noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
a force that is gained by movement
الطَّاقَةُ هِيَ قُوَّةٌ تَجْعَلُ الجِسْمَ المُتَحَرِّكَ مُسْتَمِرًّا فِيْ حَرَكَتِهِ
∘ Plural of طَاقَة in Arabic
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
A falling object gains momentum as it falls
يَكْتَسِبُ الجِسْمُ السَّاقِطُ طَاقَةً أَثْنَاءَ سُقُوْطِهِ
it keeps going under its own momentum
تَسْتَمِرُّ بِالحَرَكَةِ تَحْتَ تَأْثِيْرِ طَاقَتِهَا الذَّاتِيِّ
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Cars gather more momentum as the road dipped
تَكْتَسِبُ السَّيَّارَاتُ طَاقَةً إِضَافِيَّةً مَعَ انْخِفَاضِ الطَّرِيْقِ
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) momentum -noun
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
the force that makes a moving object keep moving
العَزْمُ هُوَ قُوَّةٌ تَجْعَلُ الجِسْمَ المُتَحَرِّكَ مُسْتَمِرًّا فِيْ حَرَكَتِهِ
∘ Plural of عَزْم in Arabic
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
Cars gather more momentum as the road dipped
تَكْتَسِبُ السَّيَّارَاتُ عَزْمًا إِضَافِيًّا مَعَ انْخِفَاضِ الطَّرِيْقِ
The bike lost momentum as it crashed into the bushes
فَقَدَتِ الدَّرَّاجَةُ عَزْمَهَا عِنْدَ اصْطِدَامِهَا بِالشُّجَيْرَاتِ
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it keeps going under its own momentum
تَسْتَمِرُّ بِالحَرَكَةِ تَحْتَ تَأْثِيْرِ عَزْمِهَا الذَّاتِيِّ
A falling object gains momentum as it falls
يَكْتَسِبُ الجِسْمُ السَّاقِطُ عَزْمًا أَثْنَاءَ سُقُوْطِهِ
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
4) momentum-noun
كَمِّيَّةُ الحَرَكَةِ-اسم
∘ momentum meaning in Arabic & English
(specialist) the quantity of movement of a moving object, measured as its mass multiplied by its speed
كَمِّيَّةُ الحَرَكَةِ هِيَ مِقْدَارُ حَرَكَةِ الجِسْمِ المُتَحَرِّكِ مُقَاسَةً بِضَرْبِ الكُتْلَةِ فِيْ السُّرْعَةِ
∘ Plural of كَمِّيَّةُ الحَرَكَةِ in Arabic
كَمِّيَّاتُ الحَرَكَةِ
∘ Examples of momentum in Arabic and English
The momentum of the electron
كَمِّيَّةُ حَرَكَةِ الإِلْكِتْرُوْنَ
∘ How to pronounce momentum in English?
The word momentum is pronounced in English as
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