extensive in Arabic

Meaning of extensive in Arabic is: (كَثِيْف، مُكَثَّف، مُوَسَّع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

extensive in Arabic

Arabic for extensive

1) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

كثيف أي بكمّيّات وكثافة كبيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغارات الجوّيّة الكثيفة على المدينة

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تحتاج الكنيسة أعمال صيانة كثيفة ومقدارا ضخما من النّقود

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة كثيفة غير مسبوقة

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تعّرّض شرق إفريقيا لغزو جراد كثيف

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

ربّما يؤدّي الاستخدام الكثيف للأسمدة في المنطقة إلى تخريب التّربة

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

كثيف أي شامل لمعلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

معلوماته في الذّكاء الصّنعيّ كثيفة

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة كثيفة غير مسبوقة

2) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

مكثّف أي يغطّي بكمّيات أو حجم كبير

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغارات الجوّيّة المكثّفة على المدينة

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تحتاج الكنيسة أعمال صيانة مكثّفة ومقدارا ضخما من النّقود

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة مكثّفة غير مسبوقة

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تعّرّض شرق إفريقيا لغزو جراد مكثّف

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

ربّما يؤدّي الاستخدام المكثّف للأسمدة في المنطقة إلى تخريب التّربة

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

مكثّف أي شامل لمعلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بعد إجراء بحث مكثّف تبيّن لنا أنّ المرض غير قابل للعلاج

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة مكثّفة غير مسبوقة

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He has done an extensive research into autism

أجرى بحثا مكثّفا في مرض التّوحّد

3) extensive -adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

موسّع أي شامل لمعلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بعد إجراء بحث موسّع تبيّن لنا أنّ المرض غير قابل للعلاج

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة موسّعة غير مسبوقة

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He has done an extensive research into autism

أجرى بحثا موسّعا في مرض التّوحّد

I read an extensive report on the conflict in Syria

قرأت تقريرا موسّعا عن النّزاع في سوريّا

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

large in size, amount, or degree

موسّع أي يغطّي أمورا كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive programme of empowering women

البرنامج الموسّع لتمكين المرأة في المجتمع

I read an extensive report on the conflict in Syria

قرأت تقريرا موسّعا عن النّزاع في سوريّا

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The flower shop has an extensive range of blooms

لدى متجر الأزهار مجموعة موسّعة من الورود

The extensive programme of modernizing the capital

البرنامج الموسّع لتحديث العاصمة

4) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

واسع أي يغطّي مساحة شاسعة فسيحة كبيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The war caused extensive destruction

سبّبت الحرب دمارا واسعا

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تحتاج الكنيسة أعمال صيانة واسعة ومقدارا ضخما من النّقود

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The flower shop has an extensive range of blooms

لدى متجر الأزهار مجموعة واسعة من الورود

The extensive uses of these fertilizers

الاستخدامات الواسعة لهذه الأسمدة

I read an extensive range of political reports

قرأت مجموعة واسعة من التّقارير السّياسيّة

An extensive field of wheat

حقل قمح واسع

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة واسعة غير مسبوقة

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تعّرّض شرق إفريقيا لغزو جراد واسع النّطاق

His speech received extensive response from the public

تلقّى خطابه استجابة واسعة من العامّة

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

واسع أي شامل لمعلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

معلوماته في الذّكاء الصّنعيّ واسعة

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بعد إجراء بحث واسع تبيّن لنا أنّ المرض غير قابل للعلاج

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة واسعة غير مسبوقة

The deputy minister has extensive experience in foreign affairs

يمتلك نائب الوزير خبرة واسعة في الشّؤون الخارجيّة

Russians have extensive knowledge in chess

لدى الرّوس معرفة واسعة في الشّطرنج

He has done an extensive research into autism

أجرى بحثا واسعا في مرض التّوحّد

Arabic for extensive

1) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

كَثِيْفٌ أَيْ بِكَمِّيَّاتٍ وَكَثَافَةٍ كَبِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغَارَاتُ الجَوِّيَّةُ الكَثِيْفَةُ عَلَىْ المَدِيْنَةِ

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تَحْتَاجُ الكَنِيْسَةُ أَعْمَالَ صِيَانَةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ وَمِقْدَارًا ضَخْمًا مِنَ النُّقُوْدِ

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تَعَّرَّضَ شَرْقُ إِفْرِيْقِيَا لِغَزْوِ جَرَادٍ كَثِيْفٍ

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

رُبَّمَا يُؤَدِّيْ الِاسْتِخْدَامُ الكَثِيْفُ لِلْأَسْمِدَةِ فِيْ المَنْطِقَةِ إِلَىْ تَخْرِيْبِ التُّرْبَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

كَثِيْفٌ أَيْ شَامِلٌ لِمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

مَعْلُوْمَاتُهُ فِيْ الذَّكَاءِ الصُّنْعِيِّ كَثِيْفَةٌ

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

2) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

مُكَثَّفٌ أَيْ يُغَطِّيْ بِكَمِّيَاتٍ أَوْ حَجْمٍ كَبِيْرٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغَارَاتُ الجَوِّيَّةُ المُكَثَّفَةُ عَلَىْ المَدِيْنَةِ

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تَحْتَاجُ الكَنِيْسَةُ أَعْمَالَ صِيَانَةٍ مُكَثَّفَةٍ وَمِقْدَارًا ضَخْمًا مِنَ النُّقُوْدِ

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ مُكَثَّفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تَعَّرَّضَ شَرْقُ إِفْرِيْقِيَا لِغَزْوِ جَرَادٍ مُكَثَّفٍ

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

رُبَّمَا يُؤَدِّيْ الِاسْتِخْدَامُ المُكَثَّفُ لِلْأَسْمِدَةِ فِيْ المَنْطِقَةِ إِلَىْ تَخْرِيْبِ التُّرْبَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

مُكَثَّفٌ أَيْ شَامِلٌ لِمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بَعْدَ إِجْرَاءِ بَحْثٍ مُكَثَّفٍ تَبَيَّنَ لَنَا أَنَّ المَرَضَ غَيْرُ قَابِلٍ لِلْعِلَاجِ

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ مُكَثَّفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

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He has done an extensive research into autism

أَجْرَىْ بَحْثًا مُكَثَّفًا فِيْ مَرَضِ التَّوَحُّدِ

3) extensive -adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

مُوَسَّعٌ أَيْ شَامِلٌ لِمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بَعْدَ إِجْرَاءِ بَحْثٍ مُوَسَّعٍ تَبَيَّنَ لَنَا أَنَّ المَرَضَ غَيْرُ قَابِلٍ لِلْعِلَاجِ

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ مُوَسَّعَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

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He has done an extensive research into autism

أَجْرَىْ بَحْثًا مُوَسَّعًا فِيْ مَرَضِ التَّوَحُّدِ

I read an extensive report on the conflict in Syria

قَرَأْتُ تَقْرِيْرًا مُوَسَّعًا عَنِ النِّزَاعِ فِيْ سُوْرِيَّا

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

large in size, amount, or degree

مُوَسَّعُ أَيْ يُغَطِّيْ أُمُوْرًا كَثِيْرَةً

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The extensive programme of empowering women

البَرْنَامَجُ المُوَسَّعُ لِتَمْكِيْنِ المَرْأَةِ فِيْ المُجْتَمَعِ

I read an extensive report on the conflict in Syria

قَرَأْتُ تَقْرِيْرًا مُوَسَّعًا عَنِ النِّزَاعِ فِيْ سُوْرِيَّا

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The flower shop has an extensive range of blooms

لَدَىْ مَتْجَرِ الأَزْهَارِ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ مُوَسَّعَةٌ مِنَ الوُرُوْدُ

The extensive programme of modernizing the capital

البَرْنَامَجُ المُوَسَّعُ لِتَحْدِيْثِ العَاصِمَةِ

4) extensive-adj


  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

covering a large area; great in amount

وَاسِعٌ أَيْ يُغَطِّيْ مَسَاحَةً شَاسِعَةً فَسِيْحَةً كَبِيْرَةً

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

The war caused extensive destruction

سَبَّبَتِ الحَرْبُ دَمَارًا وَاسِعًا

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تَحْتَاجُ الكَنِيْسَةُ أَعْمَالَ صِيَانَةٍ وَاسِعَةٍ وَمِقْدَارًا ضَخْمًا مِنَ النُّقُوْدِ

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The flower shop has an extensive range of blooms

لَدَىْ مَتْجَرِ الأَزْهَارِ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ وَاسِعَةٌ مِنَ الوُرُوْدُ

The extensive uses of these fertilizers

الِاسْتِخْدَامَاتُ الوَاسِعَةُ لِهَذِهِ الأَسْمِدَةِ

I read an extensive range of political reports

قَرَأْتُ مَجْمُوْعَةً وَاسِعَةً مِنَ التَّقَارِيْرِ السِّيَاسِيَّةِ

An extensive field of wheat

حَقْلُ قَمْحٍ وَاسِعٍ

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ وَاسِعَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تَعَّرَّضَ شَرْقُ إِفْرِيْقِيَا لِغَزْوِ جَرَادٍ وَاسِعِ النِّطَاقِ

His speech received extensive response from the public

تَلَقَّىْ خِطَابُهُ اسْتِجَابَةً وَاسِعَةً مِنَ العَامَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce extensive in English?

The word extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ extensive meaning in Arabic & English

including or dealing with a wide range of information

وَاسِعٌ أَيْ شَامِلٌ لِمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of extensive in Arabic and English

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

مَعْلُوْمَاتُهُ فِيْ الذَّكَاءِ الصُّنْعِيِّ وَاسِعَةٌ

After extensive research has been done, we concluded that the disease in incurable

بَعْدَ إِجْرَاءِ بَحْثٍ وَاسِعٍ تَبَيَّنَ لَنَا أَنَّ المَرَضَ غَيْرُ قَابِلٍ لِلْعِلَاجِ

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The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ وَاسِعَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

The deputy minister has extensive experience in foreign affairs

يَمْتَلِكُ نَائِبُ الوَزِيْرِ خِبْرَةً وَاسِعَةً فِيْ الشُّؤُوْنِ الخَارِجِيَّةِ

Russians have extensive knowledge in chess

لَدَىْ الرُّوْسِ مَعْرِفَةٌ وَاسِعَةٌ فِيْ الشِّطْرَنْجِ

He has done an extensive research into autism

أَجْرَىْ بَحْثًا وَاسِعًا فِيْ مَرَضِ التَّوَحُّدِ
