lead in Arabic

Meaning of lead in Arabic is: (قاد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

lead in Arabic

Arabic for lead

1) lead-verb


  ∘ lead meaning in Arabic & English

to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction

الذهاب مع شخص أو في مقدمته أو مع حيوان لإظهار الطريق أو جعله يسير في الاتجاه الصحيح

  ∘ Examples of lead in Arabic and English

She led the team to victory.

قادت الفريق إلى النصر.

He leads the horse back to the stable.

يقود الحصان إلى الاسطبل.

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The guide led the tourists around the city.

قاد المرشد السياح حول المدينة.

They led us down a dark alley.

قادونا عبر زقاق مظلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce lead in English?

The word lead is pronounced in English as

Arabic for lead

1) lead-verb


  ∘ lead meaning in Arabic & English

to go with or in front of a person or an animal to show the way or to make them go in the right direction

الذهاب مع شخص أو في مقدمته أو مع حيوان لإظهار الطريق أو جعله يسير في الاتجاه الصحيح

  ∘ Examples of lead in Arabic and English

She led the team to victory.

قادت الفريق إلى النصر.

He leads the horse back to the stable.

يقود الحصان إلى الاسطبل.

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The guide led the tourists around the city.

قاد المرشد السياح حول المدينة.

They led us down a dark alley.

قادونا عبر زقاق مظلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce lead in English?

The word lead is pronounced in English as
