Arabic for comprehensive
1) comprehensive-adj
∘ comprehensive meaning in Arabic & English
gained or lost by a large amount (of a victory or defeat)
ساحق: هزيمة أو نصر بفارق كبير
∘ Examples of comprehensive in Arabic and English
A comprehensive defeat
هزيمة ساحقة
A comprehensive victory
نصر ساحق
∘ How to pronounce comprehensive in English?
The word comprehensive is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) comprehensive-adj
∘ comprehensive meaning in Arabic & English
complete and including everything that is necessary
شامل: أي تامّ وكامل حاو على جميع التّفاصيل وكلّ ما هو ضروريّ
∘ Examples of comprehensive in Arabic and English
A comprehensive study on human behavior
دراسة شاملة عن سلوك الإنسان
I have a comprehensive car insurance
لديّ تأمين سيّارة شامل
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Our organization has complied a comprehensive sit of the names of the political prisoners
جمعت منظّمتنا قائمة شاملة بأسماء المعتقلين السّياسيّين
Your comprehensive guide to the Spanish language
دليلك الشّامل للّغة الإسبانيّة
The data was collected through a comprehensive survey
جمعت البيانات عبر المسح الشّامل
A comprehensive political dialogue between the regime and the revolutionaries
حوار سياسيّ شامل بين النّظام والثّوّار
The witness provided a comprehensive account of the crime
قدّم الشّاهد وصفا شاملا للجريمة
A comprehensive development plan
خطّة تنمويّة شاملة
∘ How to pronounce comprehensive in English?
The word comprehensive is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
Arabic for comprehensive
1) comprehensive-adj
∘ comprehensive meaning in Arabic & English
gained or lost by a large amount (of a victory or defeat)
سَاحِقٌ: هَزِيْمَةٌ أَوْ نَصْرٌ بِفَارِقٍ كَبِيْرٍ
∘ Examples of comprehensive in Arabic and English
A comprehensive defeat
هَزِيْمَةٌ سَاحِقَةٌ
A comprehensive victory
نَصْرٌ سَاحِقٌ
∘ How to pronounce comprehensive in English?
The word comprehensive is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) comprehensive-adj
∘ comprehensive meaning in Arabic & English
complete and including everything that is necessary
شَامِلٌ: أَيْ تَامٌّ وَكَامِلٌ حَاوٍ عَلَىْ جَمِيْعِ التَّفَاصِيْلِ وَكُلَّ مَا هُوَ ضَرُوْرِيٌّ
∘ Examples of comprehensive in Arabic and English
A comprehensive study on human behavior
دِرَاسَةٌ شَامِلَةٌ عَنْ سُلُوْكِ الإِنْسَانِ
I have a comprehensive car insurance
لَدَيَّ تَأْمِيْنُ سَيَّارَةٍ شَامِلٍ
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Our organization has complied a comprehensive sit of the names of the political prisoners
جَمَعَتْ مُنَظَّمَتُنَا قَائِمَةً شَامِلَةً بِأَسْمَاءِ المُعْتَقَلِيْنَ السِّيَاسِيِّيْنَ
Your comprehensive guide to the Spanish language
دَلِيْلُكَ الشَّامِلُ لِلُّغَةِ الإِسْبَانِيَّةَ
The data was collected through a comprehensive survey
جُمِعَتِ البَيَانَاتُ عَبْرَ المَسْحِ الشَّامِلِ
A comprehensive political dialogue between the regime and the revolutionaries
حِوَارٌ سِيَاسِيٌّ شَامِلٌ بَيْنَ النِّظَامِ وَالثُّوَّارِ
The witness provided a comprehensive account of the crime
قَدَّمَ الشَّاهِدُ وَصْفًا شَامِلًا لِلْجَرِيْمَةِ
A comprehensive development plan
خُطَّةٌ تَنْمَوِيَّةٌ شَامِلَةٌ
∘ How to pronounce comprehensive in English?
The word comprehensive is pronounced in English as
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