سياسي in English

Meaning of سياسي in English is: (political, politician) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

سياسي بالانجليزي

English for سياسي


1) political-adj


  ∘ سياسي meaning in English & Arabic

connected with the state, government or public affairs

مرتبط بالدولة أو الحكومة أو الشؤون العامة

  ∘ Examples of سياسي in English and Arabic

She is very interested in political issues.

هي مهتمة جدا بالقضايا السياسية.

Political decisions greatly influence the economy.

تؤثر القرارات السياسية بشكل كبير على الاقتصاد.

More Examples

The party has a clear political agenda.

للحزب جدول أعمال سياسي واضح.

He made a political statement during his speech.

أدلى بتصريح سياسي في خطابه.

The political landscape has changed dramatically.

تغير المشهد السياسي بشكل جذري.

  ∘ How to pronounce سياسي in English?

political is pronounced in English as

2) politician-noun


  ∘ سياسي meaning in English & Arabic

a person whose job involves politics, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc

شخص عمله متعلق بالسياسة، خاصة كعضو منتخب في البرلمان أو ما شابه

  ∘ Examples of سياسي in English and Arabic

She aims to become a politician.

تهدف لأن تصبح سياسية.

The politician gave a speech about the new policy.

ألقى السياسي خطابا حول السياسة الجديدة.

More Examples

Politicians often debate on national issues.

كثيرا ما يناقش السياسيون القضايا الوطنية.

The young politician was well-received by the public.

استقبل الناس السياسي الشاب استقبالا حافلا.

Politicians need strong communication skills.

يحتاج السياسيون إلى مهارات تواصل قوية.

Many politicians started their careers as lawyers.

بدأ العديد من السياسيين مسيرتهم المهنية كمحامين.

  ∘ How to pronounce سياسي in English?

politician is pronounced in English as

English for سياسي


1) political-adj


  ∘ سياسي meaning in English & Arabic

connected with the state, government or public affairs

مرتبط بالدولة أو الحكومة أو الشؤون العامة

  ∘ Examples of سياسي in English and Arabic

She is very interested in political issues.

هي مهتمة جدًا بالقضايا السياسية.

Political decisions greatly influence the economy.

تؤثر القرارات السياسية بشكل كبير على الاقتصاد.

More Examples

The party has a clear political agenda.

للحزب جدول أعمال سياسي واضح.

He made a political statement during his speech.

أدلى بتصريح سياسي في خطابه.

The political landscape has changed dramatically.

تغير المشهد السياسي بشكل جذري.

  ∘ How to pronounce سياسي in English?

political is pronounced in English as

2) politician-noun


  ∘ سياسي meaning in English & Arabic

a person whose job involves politics, especially as an elected member of parliament, etc

شخص عمله متعلق بالسياسة، خاصة كعضو مُنتخب في البرلمان أو ما شابه

  ∘ Examples of سياسي in English and Arabic

She aims to become a politician.

تهدف لأن تصبح سياسية.

The politician gave a speech about the new policy.

ألقى السياسي خطاباً حول السياسة الجديدة.

More Examples

Politicians often debate on national issues.

كثيراً ما يناقش السياسيون القضايا الوطنية.

The young politician was well-received by the public.

استقبل الناس السياسي الشاب استقبالا حافلا.

Politicians need strong communication skills.

يحتاج السياسيون إلى مهارات تواصل قوية.

Many politicians started their careers as lawyers.

بدأ العديد من السياسيين مسيرتهم المهنية كمحامين.

  ∘ How to pronounce سياسي in English?

politician is pronounced in English as
