clock in Arabic

Meaning of clock in Arabic is: (ٍسَاعَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

clock in Arabic

Arabic for clock

1) clock-noun


  ∘ Examples of clock in Arabic and English

I bought a new clock

اشتريت ساعة جديدة

The station clock is 5 minutes slow

ساعة المحطّة مقصّرة خمس دقائق

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The kitchen clock is 10 minutes fast

ساعة المطبخ مسبّقة عشر دقائق

The clock has stopped

السّاعة واقفة

Have I asked you to draw a clock

هل سألتك أن ترسم ساعة؟

The hands of the clock

عقارب السّاعة

I heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall

سمعت دقّات السّاعة الصّاخبة في الصّالة

The factory works around the clock

يعمل المصنع على مدار السّاعة

BrEn: Put the clocks forward/back AmEn: set/move the clocks ahead/back

قدّم السّاعة/أخّر السّاعة

Watch the clock

انتبه على السّاعة

  ∘ How to pronounce clock in English?

The word clock is pronounced in English as



  ∘ clock meaning in Arabic & English

an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room, on the wall of a building or on a computer screen (not worn or carried like a watch)

آلة لقياس وعرض الوقت، في غرفة، على جدار مبنى أو على شاشة كمبيوتر (لا تلبس أو تحمل مثل الساعة)

  ∘ Examples of clock in Arabic and English

The clock on the wall stopped working.

توقفت الساعة التي على الجدار عن العمل.

He glanced at the clock to check the time.

ألقى نظرة على الساعة للتحقق من الوقت.

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The digital clock displays the time and temperature.

تعرض الساعة الرقمية الوقت ودرجة الحرارة.

They installed a large clock in the town square.

قاموا بتركيب ساعة كبيرة في ساحة البلدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce clock in English?

The word clock is pronounced in English as

Arabic for clock

1) clock-noun


  ∘ Examples of clock in Arabic and English

I bought a new clock

اشْتَرَيْتُ سَاعَةً جَدِيْدَةً

The station clock is 5 minutes slow

سَاعَةُ المَحَطَّةِ مُقَصِّرَةٌ خَمْسُ دَقَائِقَ

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The kitchen clock is 10 minutes fast

سَاعَةُ المَطْبَخِ مُسَبِّقَةٌ عَشْرُ دَقَائِقَ

The clock has stopped

السَّاعَةُ وَاقِفَةٌ

Have I asked you to draw a clock

هَلْ سَأَلْتُكَ أَنْ تَرْسُمَ سَاعَةً؟

The hands of the clock

عَقَارِبُ السَّاعَةِ

I heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall

سَمِعْتُ دَقَّاتَ السَّاعَةِ الصَّاخِبَةَ فِيْ الصَّالَةِ

The factory works around the clock

يَعْمَلُ المَصْنَعُ عَلَى مَدَارِ السَّاعَةِ

BrEn: Put the clocks forward/back AmEn: set/move the clocks ahead/back

قَدِّمِ السَّاعَةَ/أَخِّرِ السَّاعَةَ

Watch the clock

انْتَبِهْ عَلَى السَّاعَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce clock in English?

The word clock is pronounced in English as



  ∘ clock meaning in Arabic & English

an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room, on the wall of a building or on a computer screen (not worn or carried like a watch)

آلة لقياس وعرض الوقت، في غرفة، على جدار مبنى أو على شاشة كمبيوتر (لا تُلبس أو تُحمل مثل الساعة)

  ∘ Examples of clock in Arabic and English

The clock on the wall stopped working.

توقفت الساعة التي على الجدار عن العمل.

He glanced at the clock to check the time.

ألقى نظرة على الساعة للتحقق من الوقت.

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The digital clock displays the time and temperature.

تعرض الساعة الرقمية الوقت ودرجة الحرارة.

They installed a large clock in the town square.

قاموا بتركيب ساعة كبيرة في ساحة البلدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce clock in English?

The word clock is pronounced in English as
