arrest in Arabic

Meaning of arrest in Arabic is: (أسر، أعاق، أوقف) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

arrest in Arabic

Arabic for arrest

1) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

أسر شخص ما أيّ سجنه أو اعتقله

Click to show conjugation of أسر

  ∘ أسر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أسر أسرت أسرنا أسروا

  ∘ أسر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يأسر تأسر أأسر نأسر يأسرون تأسرون

  ∘ أسر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أأسر أأسري أأسروا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The enemy arrested some soldiers.

أسر العدو بعض الجنود.

Zionists arrest Palestinians violently.

يأسر الصهاينة الفلسطينين بعنف.

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He was killed while they were trying to arrest him.

قتل عندما كانوا يحاولون أن يأسروه.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

2) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

أعاق شيّء ما أيّ منع حدوثه

Click to show conjugation of أعاق

  ∘ أعاق past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعاق أعاقت أعاقنا أعاقوا

  ∘ أعاق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعيق تعيق أعيق نعيق يعيقون تعيقون

  ∘ أعاق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعق أعيقي أعيقوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They won't be able to arrest her political ambitions.

لن يستطيعوا أن يعيقوا طموحها السياسيّة.

They tried to arrest the enemy from moving forward.

حاولوا أن يعيقوا العدو من أن يتقدم.

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The company succeeded to arrest it's rivals' attack.

نجحت الشركة في أن تعيق هجوم المنافسين لها.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

3) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

أوقف شيّء ما أيّ منعه من الاستمرار

Click to show conjugation of أوقف

  ∘ أوقف past tense conjugation in Arabic

أوقف أوقفت أوقفنا أوقفوا

  ∘ أوقف present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يوقف توقف أوقف نوقف يوقفون توقفون

  ∘ أوقف imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أوقف أوقفي أوقفوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They couldn't arrest his winning the prize.

لم يستطيعو أن يوقفوا فوزها بالجائوة.

Some obstacles may arrest our moving forward.

يمكن لبعض العوائق أن توقف تقدمنا للأمام.

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He prevented those who tried to arrest his success.

منع هؤلاء الذين حاولوا أن يوقفوا نجاحه.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

4) arrest-noun

احتجاز -اسم

  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

احتجاز شخص ما أيّ اعتقاله أو حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

She was put under arrest.

وضعت رهن الاحتجاز.

There were many arrests during a riot.

كان هناك العديد من الاحتجازات خلال العصيان.

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People were perturbed at the news of the arrests.

قلق الناس من الأخبار المتعلقة بالاحتجازات.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

5) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

احتجز شخص ما أيّ اعتقله و سجنه

Click to show conjugation of احتجز

  ∘ احتجز past tense conjugation in Arabic

احتجز احتجزت احتجزنا احتجزوا

  ∘ احتجز present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

تحتجز تحتجز أحتجز نحتجز يحتجزون تحتجزون

  ∘ احتجز imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احتجز احتجزي احتجزوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They accused him of murder and arrested him.

اتهموه بجريمة قتل و احتجزوه.

She was arrested for violent behaviour.

احتجزت لسلوكها العنيف.

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People will be arrested if they break the laws.

سوف يحتجز الناس إذا خالف القوانين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

6) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

اعتقال شخص ما هو أسره و حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Opposition people were under arrest.

كان المعارضون رهن الاعتقال.

They ordered the arrest of demonstrators.

أمروا باعتقال المتظاهرين.

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The investigation has led to the arrest of the suspects.

أدى التحقيق إلى اعتقال المشبوهين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

7) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

اعتقل شخص ما أيّ حبسه و سجنه

Click to show conjugation of اعتقل

  ∘ اعتقل past tense conjugation in Arabic

اعتقل اعتقلت اعتقلنا اعتقلوا

  ∘ اعتقل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعتقل تعتقل أعتقل نعتقل يعتقلون تعتقلون

  ∘ اعتقل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اعتقل اعتقلي اعتقلوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They arrested the man thinking that he was guilty.

اعتقلوا الرجل معتقدين أنه مذنب.

Opposition people have been arrested to spend years in prison.

اعتقل المعارضون ليقضوا سنوات في السجن.

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The police will arrest thieves when they steal.

سوف تعتقل الشرطة اللصوص عندما يسرقون.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

8) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

an act of something stopping or being interrupted

التوقّف عن شيّء ما أيّ التعطيل و عدم الاستمراريّة في العمل

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The arrest of tooth decay is very necessary.

توقّف العفن في السن ضروري جدا.

The arrest of the device disturbed our work.

إن توقّف الجهاز أعاق عملنا.

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His sudden death of cardiac arrest affected his family.

أثر موته المفاجىء بتوقف القلب على أسرته.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

9) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

توقيف شخص ما أيّ سجنه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

A group of young men were under arrest.

تعرضت مجموعة من الشبان للتوقيف.

He was charged with shoplifting and placed under arrest.

أتهم بسرقة متجر وقاموا بتوقيفه.

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There is no possibility that she will be put under arrest.

لا يوجد احتمالية لتوقيفها.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

10) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

الحبس هو السجن

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The court placed the suspect under arrest.

وضعت المحكمة المشبوهين بالحبس.

He was under arrest because he was accused of being a spy.

كان بالحبس لأنه أتهم أنه جاسوس.

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The police made the arrest of a criminal gang.

قامت الشرطة بحبس العصابة المجرمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as



  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

حبس شخص ما أيّ سجنه

Click to show conjugation of حبس

  ∘ حبس past tense conjugation in Arabic

حبس حبست حبسنا حبسوا

  ∘ حبس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحبس تحبس أحبس نحبس يحبسون تحبسون

  ∘ حبس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احبس احبسي احبسوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

He was arrested for theft.

حبس بتهمة السرقة.

They arrested them in the name of the law.

حبسوهم باسم القانون.

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The police will arrest him on a drug charge.

سوف تحبسه الشرطة بتهمة المخدرات.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

11) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

حجز شخص ما هو حبسه و توقيفه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

criminals and thieves always face arrest.

يواجه المجرمون و اللصوص الحجز دائما.

His mother is worried because he is under arrest.

أمه قلقة لأنه في الحجز.

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The judge ordered the arrest of the suspect.

أمر القاضي بحجز المشتبه به.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

12) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

سجن شخص ما أيّ حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

He was charged with resisting arrest.

أتهم بمقاومة سجنه.

Some people will face arrest if they come back to their countries.

سوف يواجه بعض الناس السجن إذا عادوا مجددا لبلدانهم.

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The rate of crime and theft arrest is increasing nowadays.

إن نسبة السجن للجريمة و السرقة في ازدياد هذه الأيّام.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as



  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

سجن شخص ما أيّ جبسه

Click to show conjugation of سجن

  ∘ سجن past tense conjugation in Arabic

سجن سجنت سجننا سجنوا

  ∘ سجن present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يسجن تسجن أسجن نسجن يسجنون تسجنون

  ∘ سجن imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اسجن اسجني اسجنوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The innocent man was arrested by mistake.

سجن الرجل البريء بالخطأ.

He got away before they arrest him.

هرب قبل أن يسجنوه.

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She will be arrested for driving a car without license.

سوف تسجن لقيادتها سيارة بدزن رخصة قيادة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

13) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

قبض على شخص ما أيّ أمسك به و وضعه بالسجن

Click to show conjugation of قبض

  ∘ قبض past tense conjugation in Arabic

قبض قبضت قبضنا قبضوا

  ∘ قبض present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقبض تقبض أقبض نقبض يقبضون تقبضون

  ∘ قبض imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اقبض اقبضي اقبضوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Only one of the robbers was arrested while the others ran away.

قبض على واحد فقط من اللصوص بيّنما هرب الآخرون.

Yesterday, the police arrested the wrong man.

قبضت الشرطة بالأمس على الرجل الخطأ.

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The armed forces arrested the demonstrators.

قبضت القوات المسلّحة على المتظاهرين .

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

14) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to make someone notice something and pay attention to it

لفت انتباه شخص ما إلى شيّء ما أيّ نبهه أو لفت نظره إليّه

Click to show conjugation of لفت

  ∘ لفت past tense conjugation in Arabic

لفت لفتت لفتنا لفتوا

  ∘ لفت present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلفت تلفت ألفت نلفت يلفتون تلفتون

  ∘ لفت imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

الفت الفتي الفتوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Bright colours arrest children's sights.

الألوان الساطعة تلفت نظر الأطفال.

Her political speech may arrest the majority's interest.

لفت خطابها السياسي اهتمام الأغلبيّة.

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The unusual events arrested the journalists' attention.

لفتت الحوادث الغير عاديّة انتباه الصحفيين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

15) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

منع شيّء ما أيّ أوقفه و لم يدعه يستمر أو يتقدم

Click to show conjugation of منع

  ∘ منع past tense conjugation in Arabic

منع منعت منعنا منعوا

  ∘ منع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يمنع تمنع أمنع نمنع يمنعون تمنعون

  ∘ منع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

امنع امنعي منعوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

She couldn't arrest her tears.

لم تستطع أن تمنع دموعها.

Ignorance arrests development.

إن الجهل يمنع التطور.

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They failed to arrest her advanced steps in science.

فشلوا في أن يمنعوا خطواتها المتقدّمة في العلوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

Arabic for arrest

1) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

أسر شخص ما أيّ سجنه أو اعتقله

Click to show conjugation of أسر

  ∘ أسر past tense conjugation in Arabic

أسر أسرت أسرنا أسروا

  ∘ أسر present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يأسر تأسر أأسر نأسر يأسرون تأسرون

  ∘ أسر imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أأسر أأسري أأسروا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The enemy arrested some soldiers.

أسر العدو بعض الجنود.

Zionists arrest Palestinians violently.

يأسر الصهاينة الفلسطينين بعنف.

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He was killed while they were trying to arrest him.

قُتل عندما كانوا يحاولون أن يأسروه.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

2) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

أعاق شيّء ما أيّ منع حدوثه

Click to show conjugation of أعاق

  ∘ أعاق past tense conjugation in Arabic

أعاق أعاقت أعاقنا أعاقوا

  ∘ أعاق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعيق تعيق أعيق نعيق يعيقون تعيقون

  ∘ أعاق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أعق أعيقي أعيقوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They won't be able to arrest her political ambitions.

لن يستطيعوا أن يعيقوا طموحها السياسيّة.

They tried to arrest the enemy from moving forward.

حاولوا أن يعيقوا العدو من أن يتقدم.

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The company succeeded to arrest it's rivals' attack.

نجحت الشركة في أن تعيق هجوم المنافسين لها.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

3) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

أوقف شيّء ما أيّ منعه من الاستمرار

Click to show conjugation of أوقف

  ∘ أوقف past tense conjugation in Arabic

أوقف أوقفت أوقفنا أوقفوا

  ∘ أوقف present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يوقف توقف أوقف نوقف يوقفون توقفون

  ∘ أوقف imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أوقف أوقفي أوقفوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They couldn't arrest his winning the prize.

لم يستطيعو أن يوقفوا فوزها بالجائوة.

Some obstacles may arrest our moving forward.

يمكن لبعض العوائق أن توقف تقدمنا للأمام.

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He prevented those who tried to arrest his success.

منع هؤلاء الذين حاولوا أن يوقفوا نجاحه.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

4) arrest-noun

احتجاز -اسم

  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

احتجاز شخص ما أيّ اعتقاله أو حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

She was put under arrest.

وُضعت رهن الاحتجاز.

There were many arrests during a riot.

كان هناك العديد من الاحتجازات خلال العصيان.

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People were perturbed at the news of the arrests.

قلق الناس من الأخبار المتعلقة بالاحتجازات.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

5) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

احتجز شخص ما أيّ اعتقله و سجنه

Click to show conjugation of احتجز

  ∘ احتجز past tense conjugation in Arabic

احتجز احتجزت احتجزنا احتجزوا

  ∘ احتجز present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

تحتجز تحتجز أحتجز نحتجز يحتجزون تحتجزون

  ∘ احتجز imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احتجز احتجزي احتجزوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They accused him of murder and arrested him.

اتهموه بجريمة قتل و احتجزوه.

She was arrested for violent behaviour.

اُحتجزت لسلوكها العنيف.

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People will be arrested if they break the laws.

سوف يُحتجز الناس إذا خالف القوانين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

6) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

اعتقال شخص ما هو أسره و حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Opposition people were under arrest.

كان المعارضون رهن الاعتقال.

They ordered the arrest of demonstrators.

أمروا باعتقال المتظاهرين.

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The investigation has led to the arrest of the suspects.

أدى التحقيق إلى اعتقال المشبوهين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

7) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

اعتقل شخص ما أيّ حبسه و سجنه

Click to show conjugation of اعتقل

  ∘ اعتقل past tense conjugation in Arabic

اعتقل اعتقلت اعتقلنا اعتقلوا

  ∘ اعتقل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعتقل تعتقل أعتقل نعتقل يعتقلون تعتقلون

  ∘ اعتقل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اعتقل اعتقلي اعتقلوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

They arrested the man thinking that he was guilty.

اعتقلوا الرجل معتقدين أنه مذنب.

Opposition people have been arrested to spend years in prison.

اُعتقل المعارضون ليقضوا سنوات في السجن.

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The police will arrest thieves when they steal.

سوف تعتقل الشرطة اللصوص عندما يسرقون.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

8) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

an act of something stopping or being interrupted

التوقّف عن شيّء ما أيّ التعطيل و عدم الاستمراريّة في العمل

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The arrest of tooth decay is very necessary.

توقّف العفن في السن ضروري جداً.

The arrest of the device disturbed our work.

إن توقّف الجهاز أعاق عملنا.

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His sudden death of cardiac arrest affected his family.

أثر موته المفاجىء بتوقف القلب على أسرته.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

9) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

توقيف شخص ما أيّ سجنه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

A group of young men were under arrest.

تعرضت مجموعة من الشبان للتوقيف.

He was charged with shoplifting and placed under arrest.

أُتهم بسرقة متجر وقاموا بتوقيفه.

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There is no possibility that she will be put under arrest.

لا يوجد احتمالية لتوقيفها.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

10) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

الحبس هو السجن

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The court placed the suspect under arrest.

وضعت المحكمة المشبوهين بالحبس.

He was under arrest because he was accused of being a spy.

كان بالحبس لأنه أُتهم أنه جاسوس.

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The police made the arrest of a criminal gang.

قامت الشرطة بحبس العصابة المجرمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as



  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

حبس شخص ما أيّ سجنه

Click to show conjugation of حبس

  ∘ حبس past tense conjugation in Arabic

حبس حبست حبسنا حبسوا

  ∘ حبس present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحبس تحبس أحبس نحبس يحبسون تحبسون

  ∘ حبس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احبس احبسي احبسوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

He was arrested for theft.

حُبس بتهمة السرقة.

They arrested them in the name of the law.

حبسوهم باسم القانون.

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The police will arrest him on a drug charge.

سوف تحبسه الشرطة بتهمة المخدرات.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

11) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

حجز شخص ما هو حبسه و توقيفه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

criminals and thieves always face arrest.

يواجه المجرمون و اللصوص الحجز دائماً.

His mother is worried because he is under arrest.

أمه قلقة لأنه في الحجز.

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The judge ordered the arrest of the suspect.

أمر القاضي بحجز المشتبه به.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

12) arrest-noun


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

the act of arresting somebody

سجن شخص ما أيّ حبسه

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

He was charged with resisting arrest.

أُتهم بمقاومة سجنه.

Some people will face arrest if they come back to their countries.

سوف يواجه بعض الناس السجن إذا عادوا مجدداً لبلدانهم.

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The rate of crime and theft arrest is increasing nowadays.

إن نسبة السجن للجريمة و السرقة في ازدياد هذه الأيّام.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as



  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

سجن شخص ما أيّ جبسه

Click to show conjugation of سجن

  ∘ سجن past tense conjugation in Arabic

سجن سجنت سجننا سجنوا

  ∘ سجن present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يسجن تسجن أسجن نسجن يسجنون تسجنون

  ∘ سجن imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اسجن اسجني اسجنوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

The innocent man was arrested by mistake.

سُجن الرجل البريء بالخطأ.

He got away before they arrest him.

هرب قبل أن يسجنوه.

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She will be arrested for driving a car without license.

سوف تُسجن لقيادتها سيارة بدزن رخصة قيادة.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

13) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, often passive] if the police arrest someone, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty

قبض على شخص ما أيّ أمسك به و وضعه بالسجن

Click to show conjugation of قبض

  ∘ قبض past tense conjugation in Arabic

قبض قبضت قبضنا قبضوا

  ∘ قبض present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقبض تقبض أقبض نقبض يقبضون تقبضون

  ∘ قبض imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اقبض اقبضي اقبضوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Only one of the robbers was arrested while the others ran away.

قُبض على واحد فقط من اللصوص بيّنما هرب الآخرون.

Yesterday, the police arrested the wrong man.

قبضت الشرطة بالأمس على الرجل الخطأ.

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The armed forces arrested the demonstrators.

قبضت القوات المسلّحة على المتظاهرين .

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

14) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to make someone notice something and pay attention to it

لفت انتباه شخص ما إلى شيّء ما أيّ نبهه أو لفت نظره إليّه

Click to show conjugation of لفت

  ∘ لفت past tense conjugation in Arabic

لفت لفتت لفتنا لفتوا

  ∘ لفت present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلفت تلفت ألفت نلفت يلفتون تلفتون

  ∘ لفت imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

الفت الفتي الفتوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

Bright colours arrest children's sights.

الألوان الساطعة تلفت نظر الأطفال.

Her political speech may arrest the majority's interest.

لفت خطابها السياسي اهتمام الأغلبيّة.

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The unusual events arrested the journalists' attention.

لفتت الحوادث الغير عاديّة انتباه الصحفيين.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as

15) arrest-verb


  ∘ arrest meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] arrest something (formal) to stop a process or a development

منع شيّء ما أيّ أوقفه و لم يدعه يستمر أو يتقدم

Click to show conjugation of منع

  ∘ منع past tense conjugation in Arabic

منع منعت منعنا منعوا

  ∘ منع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يمنع تمنع أمنع نمنع يمنعون تمنعون

  ∘ منع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

امنع امنعي منعوا

  ∘ Examples of arrest in Arabic and English

She couldn't arrest her tears.

لم تستطع أن تمنع دموعها.

Ignorance arrests development.

إن الجهل يمنع التطور.

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They failed to arrest her advanced steps in science.

فشلوا في أن يمنعوا خطواتها المتقدّمة في العلوم.

  ∘ How to pronounce arrest in English?

The word arrest is pronounced in English as
