passive in Arabic

Meaning of passive in Arabic is: (سَلْبِيّ، مَبْنِيٌّ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

passive in Arabic

Arabic for passive

1) passive-adj


  ∘ passive meaning in Arabic & English

accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them, without taking any action

سلبيّ أي لا يحاول تغيير أو معارضة ما يراه خاطئا أو غير متعاون; سلبيّ أي لا ينضوي على حركة ونشاط

  ∘ Examples of passive in Arabic and English

The UN took a passive stance against the Serbian aggressions

اتّخذت الأمم المتّحدة موقفا سلبيّا من الاعتداءات الصّربيّة

The king played a passive role in the political crisi

لعب الملك دورا سلبيّا (=غير متعاون) في الأزمة السّياسيّة

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The EU in just a passive observer of the events

الاتّحاد الأوروبّيّ مجرّد مراقب سلبيّ للأحداث

a passive activity

نشاط سلبيّ

I made around $700 a month as passive income

أجني 700 دولار شهريّا كدخل سلبيّ

  ∘ How to pronounce passive in English?

The word passive is pronounced in English as

2) passive-adj

مبنيّ للمجهول -اسم

  ∘ passive meaning in Arabic & English

​(grammar) connected with the form of a verb used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb

المبنيّ للمجهول هو الفعل الّذي يحذف فاعله ويحلّ المفعول به محلّ الفاعل، ويطلق عليه "نائب فاعل"

  ∘ Examples of passive in Arabic and English

'He was released from prison' is a passive sentence

جملة "أطلق سراحه من السّجن جملة مبنيّة للمجهول

In the sentence "The building was demolished", "was demolished" is in the passive voice.

في جملة "أزيل المبنى" فعل"أزيل" مبنيّ للمجهول

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In a passive sentence, the subject is the person or thing affected by the action of the verb.

في الجملة المبنيّة للمجهول, نائب الفاعل هو من وقع عليه الفعل

  ∘ How to pronounce passive in English?

The word passive is pronounced in English as

Arabic for passive

1) passive-adj


  ∘ passive meaning in Arabic & English

accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them, without taking any action

سَلْبِيٌّ أَيْ لَا يُحَاوِلُ تَغْيِيْرَ أَوْ مُعَارَضَةَ مَا يَرَاهُ خَاطِئًا أَوْ غَيْرُ مُتَعَاوِنٍ; سَلْبِيٌّ أَيْ لَا يَنْضَوِيْ عَلَىْ حَرَكَةٍ وَنَشَاطٍ

  ∘ Examples of passive in Arabic and English

The UN took a passive stance against the Serbian aggressions

اتَّخَذَتِ الأُمَمُ المُتَّحِدَةُ مَوْقِفًا سَلْبِيًّا مِنَ الِاعْتِدَاءَاتِ الصِّرْبِيَّةِ

The king played a passive role in the political crisi

لَعِبَ المَلِكُ دَوْرًا سَلْبِيًّا (=غَيْرَ مُتَعَاوِنٍ) فِيْ الأَزْمَةِ السِّيَاسِيَّةِ

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The EU in just a passive observer of the events

الِاتِّحَادُ الأُوْرُوْبِّيَّ مُجَرَّدُ مُرَاقِبٍ سَلْبِيٍّ لِلْأَحْدَاثِ

a passive activity

نَشَاطٌ سَلْبِيٌّ

I made around $700 a month as passive income

أَجْنِيْ 700 دُوْلَارَ شَهْرِيًّا كَدَخْلٍ سَلْبِيٍّ

  ∘ How to pronounce passive in English?

The word passive is pronounced in English as

2) passive-adj

مَبْنِيٌّ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ -اسم

  ∘ passive meaning in Arabic & English

​(grammar) connected with the form of a verb used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb

المَبْنِيٌّ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ هُوَ الفِعْلُ الَّذِيْ يُحْذَفُ فَاعِلُهُ وَيَحُلُّ المَفْعُوْلُ بِهِ مَحَلَّ الفَاعِلِ، وَيُطْلَقُ عَلَيْهِ "نَائِبُ فَاعِلٍ"

  ∘ Examples of passive in Arabic and English

'He was released from prison' is a passive sentence

جُمْلَةُ "أُطْلِقَ سَرَاحُهُ مِنَ السِّجْنِ جُمْلَةٌ مَبْنِيَّةٌ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ

In the sentence "The building was demolished", "was demolished" is in the passive voice.

فِيْ جُمْلَةِ "أُزِيْلَ المَبْنَىْ" فِعْلُ"أُزِيْلَ" مَبْنِيٌّ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ

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In a passive sentence, the subject is the person or thing affected by the action of the verb.

فِيْ الجُمْلَةِ المَبْنِيَّةِ لِلْمَجْهُوْلِ, نَائِبُ الفَاعِلِ هُوَ مَنْ وَقَعَ عَلَيْهِ الفِعْلُ

  ∘ How to pronounce passive in English?

The word passive is pronounced in English as
