Arabic for approach
1) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a way of dealing with someone or something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
أسلوب أيّ طريقة في التفكير أو التعامل مع الأشيّاء للقيام بعمل أو حل مشكلة أو مسألة
∘ Plural of أسلوب in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
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He has a thoughtful approach when making his plans.
لديّه أسلوب مدروس عندما يقوم بإعداد خططه.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
2) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They were worried about the approach of exam.
كانوا قاقين لاقتراب الامتحان.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
3) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of اقترب
∘ اقترب past tense conjugation in Arabic
اقترب اقتربت اقتربنا اقتربوا
∘ اقترب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقترب تقترب أقترب نقترب يقتربون تقتربون
∘ اقترب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
اقترب اقتربي اقتربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They approached the fire when they felt cold.
اقتربوا من النار عندما شعروا بالبرد.
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4) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
دنا من شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اقترب منه
Click to show conjugation of دنا
∘ دنا past tense conjugation in Arabic
دنا دنت دنوت دنونا دنوا
∘ دنا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يدنو أدنو تدنو ندنو يدنون تدنون
∘ دنا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
ادنو ادني ادنوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He approached the beach to swim.
دنا من الشاطئ ليسبح.
The time of the interview is approaching.
إن موعد المقابلة يدنو.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
5) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
movement nearer to someone or something in distance or time
دنو الشيّء أيّ اقترابه
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
She made a quick approach towards the gate.
قامت بدنو سريع باتجاه البوابة.
The plane began its approach to the airport.
بدأت الطائرة بالدنو من المطار
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A huge number of audience made their approach to the theater to attend the play.
قام عدد كبير من الجمهور بالدنو من المسرح لحضور المسرحية.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
6) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
الطريق هو الممر الواسع الذي يؤدي إلى مكان ما
∘ Plural of طريق in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
There is now a new approach to the library.
يوجد الآن طريق جديد للمكتبة.
You can go to the airport through the short approach.
يمكنك الذهاب إلى المطار عبر الطريق القصير.
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The direction of their approach was southwards.
كان طريقهم باتجاه الجنوب.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
7) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a way of dealing with someone or something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
طريقة أيّ أسلوب في التفكير أو التعامل مع الأشيّاء للقيام بعمل أو حل مشكلة أو مسألة
∘ Plural of طريقة in Arabic
طرق طرائق
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
You have to think of an effective approach to fulfil the project
يجب أن تفكر بطريقة فعّالة لتنفيذ المشروع.
They followed a new approach for doing the tests.
انبعوا طريقة جديدة للقيام بالاختبارات.
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All surveys should have analytic approaches.
يجب أن يكون هناك طرائق تحليليّة لكل استطلاعات الرأيّ .
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
8) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
the act of speaking to someone about something, especially when making an offer or a request
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He offended the manager with his persistent approaches.
أزعج المدير بطلباته المستمرة.
The workers will make an approach for a raise.
سوف يقوم العمّال بطلب زيادة.
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She made an approach for the organisation to be a member in it.
تقدّمت بطلب للمنظّمة لتكون عضوة فيها.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
9) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
the act of speaking to someone about something, especially when making an offer or a request
العرض هو الاقتراح لتقديم شيّء ما
∘ Plural of عرض in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He has made an approach to the company to get the bid.
قدّم عرض للشركة ليحصل على المناقصة.
The factory's industrial approaches was the best.
كانت العروض الصناعيّة للمصنع هي الأفضل.
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They made the highest commercial approach.
قاموا بتقديم أعلى عروض تجاريّة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
10) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
قرب من الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ اقترب أو دنا منه
Click to show conjugation of قرب
∘ قرب past tense conjugation in Arabic
قرب قربت قربنا قربوا
∘ قرب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقرب تقرب أقرب نقرب يقربون تقربون
∘ قرب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
قرب قربي قربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They are approaching the mosque to pray.
إنهم يقربون المسجد ليصلوا.
Spring is approaching and gentle breezes are coming,
يقرب الربيع و النسائم العليلة قادمة.
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School time is approaching while the vacation is at its very end.
يقرب موعد المدرسة بينما العطلة في نهاياتها الأخيرة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
11) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
المسار هو الطريق أو خط السير
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
Most old Roman approach roads are covered with flagstones.
معظم المسارات الرومانية القديمة مغطاة بالبلاط.
The approach to the old temple is not long.
المسار إلى المعبد القديم ليس طويل.
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All the approaches in this area are not paved.
كل المسارات في هذه المنطقة غير معبدة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
12) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
الممر هو المسلك في مبنى ما يوصل إلى أجزائه أو المسار
∘ Plural of ممر in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
This wide approach in the building leads to the manager's office.
يقودك الممر العريض في البناء إلى مكتب المدير.
All the approaches in this big palace are covered with marble.
كل الممرات في القصر الكبير مغطاة بالرخام.
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Follow that approach along the left side if you want the kitchen.
اتبع ذاك الممر على طول الجانب الأيسر إذا أردت المطبخ.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
13) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to someone or something in distance or time
تقدّم إلى شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اقترب منه أو خطا إلى الأمام
Click to show conjugation of تقدّم
∘ تقدّم past tense conjugation in Arabic
تقدّم تقدّمت تقدّمنا تقدّموا
∘ تقدّم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يتقدّم تتقدّم أتقدّم نتقدّم يتقدّمون تتقدّمون
∘ تقدّم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
تقدّم تقدّمي تقدّموا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The deadline of finishing the project is approaching fast.
يتقدّم بسرعة الموعد النهائي لإنهاء المشروع.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
14) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to speak to someone about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
تواصل مع شخص ما أيّ اجتمع به و تحدثا و اتفقا
Click to show conjugation of تواصل
∘ تواصل past tense conjugation in Arabic
تواصل تواصلت تواصلنا تواصلوا
∘ تواصل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يتواصل تتواصل أتواصل نتواصل يتواصلون تتواصلون
∘ تواصل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
تواصل تواصلي تواصلوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
Many customers approached our marketeers to buy our products.
تواصل العديد من زبئنا مع مندوبي المبيعات لديّنا ليشتروا منتجاتنا.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
15) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come close to something in amount, level, or quality
قارب أيّ شابه في المواصفات
Click to show conjugation of قارب
∘ قارب past tense conjugation in Arabic
قارب قاربت قاربنا قاربوا
∘ قارب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقارب تقارب أقارب نقارب يقاربون تقاربون
∘ قارب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
قارب قاربي تاربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The value added tax is approaching 30%.
تقارب الضريبة المضافة نسبة 30%.
His hand writing approaches printed characters.
يقارب خطه حروف الطباعة.
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The company's profits approached about 50 million dollars.
قاربت أرباح الشركة حوالي 50 مليون دولار.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
16) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
عالج الأمر أو المشكلة أيّ بحث عن أحطائها و صححها
Click to show conjugation of عالج
∘ عالج past tense conjugation in Arabic
عالج عالجت عالجنا عالجوا
∘ عالج present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يعالج تعالج أعالج نعالج يعالجون تعالجون
∘ عالج imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
عالج عالجي عالجوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The staff failed to approach any complaint.
فشلت مجموعة الموظّفين في أن تعالج أيّ شكوى.
We need an effective strategy to approach the problem of pollution.
نحتاج إلى استراتيجيّة فعّالة لنعالج مشكلة التلوّث.
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They spent a long time approaching customer inquiries.
أمضوا وقتا طويلا ليعالجوا تساؤلات الزبائن.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
Arabic for approach
1) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a way of dealing with someone or something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
أسلوب أيّ طريقة في التفكير أو التعامل مع الأشيّاء للقيام بعمل أو حل مشكلة أو مسألة
∘ Plural of أسلوب in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
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He has a thoughtful approach when making his plans.
لديّه أسلوب مدروس عندما يقوم بإعداد خططه.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
2) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They were worried about the approach of exam.
كانوا قاقين لاقتراب الامتحان.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
3) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of اقترب
∘ اقترب past tense conjugation in Arabic
اقترب اقتربت اقتربنا اقتربوا
∘ اقترب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقترب تقترب أقترب نقترب يقتربون تقتربون
∘ اقترب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
اقترب اقتربي اقتربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They approached the fire when they felt cold.
اقتربوا من النار عندما شعروا بالبرد.
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4) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
دنا من شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اقترب منه
Click to show conjugation of دنا
∘ دنا past tense conjugation in Arabic
دنا دنت دنوت دنونا دنوا
∘ دنا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يدنو أدنو تدنو ندنو يدنون تدنون
∘ دنا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
ادنو ادني ادنوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He approached the beach to swim.
دنا من الشاطئ ليسبح.
The time of the interview is approaching.
إن موعد المقابلة يدنو.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
5) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
movement nearer to someone or something in distance or time
دنو الشيّء أيّ اقترابه
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
She made a quick approach towards the gate.
قامت بدنو سريع باتجاه البوابة.
The plane began its approach to the airport.
بدأت الطائرة بالدنو من المطار
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A huge number of audience made their approach to the theater to attend the play.
قام عدد كبير من الجمهور بالدنو من المسرح لحضور المسرحية.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
6) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
الطريق هو الممر الواسع الذي يؤدي إلى مكان ما
∘ Plural of طريق in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
There is now a new approach to the library.
يوجد الآن طريق جديد للمكتبة.
You can go to the airport through the short approach.
يمكنك الذهاب إلى المطار عبر الطريق القصير.
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The direction of their approach was southwards.
كان طريقهم باتجاه الجنوب.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
7) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a way of dealing with someone or something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
طريقة أيّ أسلوب في التفكير أو التعامل مع الأشيّاء للقيام بعمل أو حل مشكلة أو مسألة
∘ Plural of طريقة in Arabic
طرق طرائق
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
You have to think of an effective approach to fulfil the project
يجب أن تفكر بطريقة فعّالة لتنفيذ المشروع.
They followed a new approach for doing the tests.
انبعوا طريقة جديدة للقيام بالاختبارات.
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All surveys should have analytic approaches.
يجب أن يكون هناك طرائق تحليليّة لكل استطلاعات الرأيّ .
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
8) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
the act of speaking to someone about something, especially when making an offer or a request
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He offended the manager with his persistent approaches.
أزعج المدير بطلباته المستمرة.
The workers will make an approach for a raise.
سوف يقوم العمّال بطلب زيادة.
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She made an approach for the organisation to be a member in it.
تقدّمت بطلب للمنظّمة لتكون عضوة فيها.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
9) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
the act of speaking to someone about something, especially when making an offer or a request
العرض هو الاقتراح لتقديم شيّء ما
∘ Plural of عرض in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
He has made an approach to the company to get the bid.
قدّم عرض للشركة ليحصل على المناقصة.
The factory's industrial approaches was the best.
كانت العروض الصناعيّة للمصنع هي الأفضل.
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They made the highest commercial approach.
قاموا بتقديم أعلى عروض تجاريّة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
10) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
قرب من الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ اقترب أو دنا منه
Click to show conjugation of قرب
∘ قرب past tense conjugation in Arabic
قرب قربت قربنا قربوا
∘ قرب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقرب تقرب أقرب نقرب يقربون تقربون
∘ قرب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
قرب قربي قربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
They are approaching the mosque to pray.
إنهم يقربون المسجد ليصلوا.
Spring is approaching and gentle breezes are coming,
يقرب الربيع و النسائم العليلة قادمة.
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School time is approaching while the vacation is at its very end.
يقرب موعد المدرسة بينما العطلة في نهاياتها الأخيرة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
11) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
المسار هو الطريق أو خط السير
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
Most old Roman approach roads are covered with flagstones.
معظم المسارات الرومانية القديمة مُغطاة بالبلاط.
The approach to the old temple is not long.
المسار إلى المعبد القديم ليس طويل.
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All the approaches in this area are not paved.
كل المسارات في هذه المنطقة غير مُعبدة.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
12) approach-noun
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
a path, road, etc. that leads to a place
الممر هو المسلك في مبنى ما يوصل إلى أجزائه أو المسار
∘ Plural of ممر in Arabic
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
This wide approach in the building leads to the manager's office.
يقودك الممر العريض في البناء إلى مكتب المدير.
All the approaches in this big palace are covered with marble.
كل الممرات في القصر الكبير مُغطاة بالرخام.
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Follow that approach along the left side if you want the kitchen.
اتبع ذاك الممر على طول الجانب الأيسر إذا أردت المطبخ.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
13) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come near to someone or something in distance or time
تقدّم إلى شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اقترب منه أو خطا إلى الأمام
Click to show conjugation of تقدّم
∘ تقدّم past tense conjugation in Arabic
تقدّم تقدّمت تقدّمنا تقدّموا
∘ تقدّم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يتقدّم تتقدّم أتقدّم نتقدّم يتقدّمون تتقدّمون
∘ تقدّم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
تقدّم تقدّمي تقدّموا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The deadline of finishing the project is approaching fast.
يتقدّم بسرعة الموعد النهائي لإنهاء المشروع.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
14) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to speak to someone about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
تواصل مع شخص ما أيّ اجتمع به و تحدثا و اتفقا
Click to show conjugation of تواصل
∘ تواصل past tense conjugation in Arabic
تواصل تواصلت تواصلنا تواصلوا
∘ تواصل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يتواصل تتواصل أتواصل نتواصل يتواصلون تتواصلون
∘ تواصل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
تواصل تواصلي تواصلوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
Many customers approached our marketeers to buy our products.
تواصل العديد من زبئنا مع مندوبي المبيعات لديّنا ليشتروا منتجاتنا.
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∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
15) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to come close to something in amount, level, or quality
قارب أيّ شابه في المواصفات
Click to show conjugation of قارب
∘ قارب past tense conjugation in Arabic
قارب قاربت قاربنا قاربوا
∘ قارب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقارب تقارب أقارب نقارب يقاربون تقاربون
∘ قارب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
قارب قاربي تاربوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The value added tax is approaching 30%.
تقارب الضريبة المضافة نسبة 30%.
His hand writing approaches printed characters.
يقارب خطه حروف الطباعة.
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The company's profits approached about 50 million dollars.
قاربت أرباح الشركة حوالي 50 مليون دولار.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as
16) approach-verb
∘ approach meaning in Arabic & English
to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
عالج الأمر أو المشكلة أيّ بحث عن أحطائها و صححها
Click to show conjugation of عالج
∘ عالج past tense conjugation in Arabic
عالج عالجت عالجنا عالجوا
∘ عالج present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يعالج تعالج أعالج نعالج يعالجون تعالجون
∘ عالج imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
عالج عالجي عالجوا
∘ Examples of approach in Arabic and English
The staff failed to approach any complaint.
فشلت مجموعة الموظّفين في أن تعالج أيّ شكوى.
We need an effective strategy to approach the problem of pollution.
نحتاج إلى استراتيجيّة فعّالة لنعالج مشكلة التلوّث.
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They spent a long time approaching customer inquiries.
أمضوا وقتاً طويلاً ليعالجوا تساؤلات الزبائن.
∘ How to pronounce approach in English?
The word approach is pronounced in English as