anymore in Arabic

Meaning of anymore in Arabic is: (بعد الآن، بعد ذلك، ثانيّةً) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

anymore in Arabic

Arabic for anymore

1) anymore-adverb

بعد الآن-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

بعد الآن أيّ من الآن فصاعدا أيّ بعد هذا الزمن المحدد

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

She won't live in this city anymore.

لن تعيش في هذه المدينة بعد الآن.

They decided not to travel anymore.

قرروا ألا يسافروا بعد الآن.

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He won't visit his friend anymore.

لن يزور صديقه بعد الآن.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

2) anymore-adverb

بعد ذلك-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

بعد ذلك أيّ بعد الآن

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

His mother was ill so she couldn't cook anymore.

كانت أمه مريضة حتى أنها لم تستطع أن تطهو بعد ذلك.

He became stronger enough that he doesn't need help anymore.

هو أصبح قويّ كفاية بحيّث أنه لا يحتاج مساعدة بعد ذلك.

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When she has had new friends, she didn't feel lonely anymore.

عندما أصبح لديّها أصدقاء جدد، لم تعد تشعر بالوحدة بعد ذلك.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

3) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

ثانيّة أيّ مرة أخرى

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

He won't smoke anymore.

لن يدخن ثانيّة.

Jim has retired. He won't go to work anymore.

تقاعد جيم. لن يذهب إلى العمل ثانيّة.

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After the accident, she couldn't drive anymore.

بعد الحادث، لم تستطع أن تقود سيّارتها ثانيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

4) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مجددا أيّ من جديد أو بعد الآن

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

He is not in our group anymore.

هو ليس في مجموعتنا مجددا.

We can't trust her anymore.

لا نستطيع أن نثق بها مجددا.

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Don't waste your time anymore.

لا تضيّع وقتك مجددا.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

5) anymore-adverb

مرّة أخرى-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مرّة أخرى أيّ مجددا

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

You can't disturb people anymore.

لا يمكنك أن تزعج الناس مرّة أخرى.

I can't bare that noise anymore.

لا أستطيع أن أتحمّل الضجيج مرّة أخرى.

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She refused to put up with the situation anymore.

رفضت أن تتحمّل الوضع مرّة أخرى.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

6) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مطّلقا أي على الإطلاق أو أبدا

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

Since the war, he didn't see his nephews anymore.

منذ الحرب، لم ير أولاد أخيه مطّلقا.

I won't talk to her anymore.

لن أكلّمها مطّلقا.

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She doesn't remember what happened anymore.

لا تتذكر ما حصل مطّلقا.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

Arabic for anymore

1) anymore-adverb

بعد الآن-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

بعد الآن أيّ من الآن فصاعداً أيّ بعد هذا الزمن المحدد

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

She won't live in this city anymore.

لن تعيش في هذه المدينة بعد الآن.

They decided not to travel anymore.

قرروا ألا يسافروا بعد الآن.

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He won't visit his friend anymore.

لن يزور صديقه بعد الآن.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

2) anymore-adverb

بعد ذلك-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

بعد ذلك أيّ بعد الآن

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

His mother was ill so she couldn't cook anymore.

كانت أمه مريضة حتى أنها لم تستطع أن تطهو بعد ذلك.

He became stronger enough that he doesn't need help anymore.

هو أصبح قويّ كفاية بحيّث أنه لا يحتاج مساعدة بعد ذلك.

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When she has had new friends, she didn't feel lonely anymore.

عندما أصبح لديّها أصدقاء جدد، لم تعد تشعر بالوحدة بعد ذلك.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

3) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

ثانيّةً أيّ مرة أُخرى

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

He won't smoke anymore.

لن يدخن ثانيّةً.

Jim has retired. He won't go to work anymore.

تقاعد جيم. لن يذهب إلى العمل ثانيّةً.

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After the accident, she couldn't drive anymore.

بعد الحادث، لم تستطع أن تقود سيّارتها ثانيّةً.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

4) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مجدداً أيّ من جديد أو بعد الآن

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

He is not in our group anymore.

هو ليس في مجموعتنا مجدداً.

We can't trust her anymore.

لا نستطيع أن نثق بها مجدداً.

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Don't waste your time anymore.

لا تضيّع وقتك مجدداً.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

5) anymore-adverb

مرّةً أُخرى-اسم

  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مرّةً أُخرى أيّ مجدداً

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

You can't disturb people anymore.

لا يمكنك أن تزعج الناس مرّةً أُخرى.

I can't bare that noise anymore.

لا أستطيع أن أتحمّل الضجيج مرّةً أُخرى.

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She refused to put up with the situation anymore.

رفضت أن تتحمّل الوضع مرّةً أُخرى.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as

6) anymore-adverb


  ∘ anymore meaning in Arabic & English

often used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean “any longer”

مطّلقاً أي على الإطلاق أو أبداً

  ∘ Examples of anymore in Arabic and English

Since the war, he didn't see his nephews anymore.

منذ الحرب، لم ير أولاد أخيه مطّلقاً.

I won't talk to her anymore.

لن أكلّمها مطّلقاً.

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She doesn't remember what happened anymore.

لا تتذكر ما حصل مطّلقاً.

  ∘ How to pronounce anymore in English?

The word anymore is pronounced in English as
