ankle in Arabic

Meaning of ankle in Arabic is: (رسغ، كاحل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ankle in Arabic

Arabic for ankle

1) ankle-noun


  ∘ ankle meaning in Arabic & English

he joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

رسغ القدم هو المفصل المشكّل من ربط عظام القدم السفليّة مع عظم الكاحل

  ∘ Plural of رسغ in Arabic

أرساغ رسغ

  ∘ Examples of ankle in Arabic and English

He fell and sprained his ankle.

وقع و التوى رسغ قدمه.

Her ankle disjointed after the accident.

تفكك رسغ قدمها بعد الحادث.

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It's hard for me to walk, I have a sharp pain in my ankle.

من الصعب عليّا المشيّ، لديّ ألم حاد في رسغ قدميّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce ankle in English?

The word ankle is pronounced in English as

2) ankle-noun


  ∘ ankle meaning in Arabic & English

the joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

كاحل القدم هو العظم الذي يربط القدم مع الساق

  ∘ Plural of كاحل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ankle in Arabic and English

She fell and broke her ankle.

وقعت و كسرت كاحلها.

He is suffering of a twisted ankle.

يعاني من كاحل ملتو.

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While he was playing, he sprained his ankle.

بيّنما كان يلعب، التوى كاحله.

  ∘ How to pronounce ankle in English?

The word ankle is pronounced in English as

Arabic for ankle

1) ankle-noun


  ∘ ankle meaning in Arabic & English

he joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

رسغ القدم هو المفصل المشكَّل من ربط عظام القدم السفليَّة مع عظم الكاحل

  ∘ Plural of رسغ in Arabic

أرساغ رسغ

  ∘ Examples of ankle in Arabic and English

He fell and sprained his ankle.

وقع و التوى رسغ قدمه.

Her ankle disjointed after the accident.

تفكك رسغ قدمها بعد الحادث.

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It's hard for me to walk, I have a sharp pain in my ankle.

من الصعب عليّا المشيّ، لديّ ألم حاد في رسغ قدميّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce ankle in English?

The word ankle is pronounced in English as

2) ankle-noun


  ∘ ankle meaning in Arabic & English

the joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

كاحل القدم هو العظم الذي يربط القدم مع الساق

  ∘ Plural of كاحل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ankle in Arabic and English

She fell and broke her ankle.

وقعت و كسرت كاحلها.

He is suffering of a twisted ankle.

يعاني من كاحل ملتو.

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While he was playing, he sprained his ankle.

بيّنما كان يلعب، التوى كاحله.

  ∘ How to pronounce ankle in English?

The word ankle is pronounced in English as
