ضيق in English

Meaning of ضيق in English is: (distress, minute, tight) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ضيق بالانجليزي

English for ضيق


1) distress-noun


  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

severe problems caused by not having enough money, food, etc

الضّيق هو عدم وجود ما يكفي من المال مع الشّخص

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

Our country is suffering from economic distress

تعاني بلادنا من ضيق اقتصاديّ

The government will eliminate poverty and distress

ستقضي الحكومة على الفقر والضّيق

More Examples

Our family has been living in acute financial distress for three years

تعيش عائلتنا في ضيق ماليّ حادّ منذ ثلاث سنوات

  ∘ How to pronounce ضيق in English?

distress is pronounced in English as



  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

a feeling of great worry or unhappiness; great mental pain

الضّيق هو الحزن الشّديد يصيب القلب

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

The news cased me distress

أصابتني الأخبار بالضّيق

I felt his great distress

شعرت بضيقه العظيم

More Examples

He was in distress after losing his wife

كان في ضيق بعد وفاة زوجته

2) minute -adj

ضيّق بالغ الضّيق -اسم

  ∘ ضيّق بالغ الضّيق meaning in English & Arabic

extremely small. SYNONYM tiny

ضيّق بالغ الضّيق أي عكس واسع أو فسيح

  ∘ Examples of ضيّق بالغ الضّيق in English and Arabic

The cell he was threw in is minute and cold

رمي في زنزانة ضيّقة بالغة الضّيق وباردة

The kitchen in this house is minute

المطبخ في هذا البيت ضيّق بالغ الضّيق

More Examples

Why the attic is minute?

لم العلّيّة ضيّقة بالغة الضّيق؟

  ∘ How to pronounce ضيّق بالغ الضّيق in English?

minute is pronounced in English as

3) tight-adj


  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

held or fixed in position securely; difficult to move, open or separate

محكم أو ثابت في وضعه بشكل آمن؛ صعب الحركة أو الفتح أو الفصل

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

The budget is tight this month.

الميزانية ضيقة هذا الشهر.

The knots are too tight to untie.

العقد ضيقة جدا بحيث لا يمكن فكها.

More Examples

The jeans are too tight for me.

الجينز ضيق جدا بالنسبة لي.

She wore a tight dress to the party.

ارتدت فستانا ضيقا إلى الحفلة.

The shoes are too tight and hurt my feet.

الحذاء ضيق جدا ويؤلم قدمي.

We have a tight schedule today.

لدينا جدول زمني ضيق اليوم.

4) narrow-adj


  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length

قياس مسافة قصيرة من جانب إلى آخر، خاصة بالنسبة للطول

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

The road is very narrow.

الطريق ضيق جدا.

He squeezed through a narrow opening.

اندس عبر فتحة ضيقة.

More Examples

The corridor was too narrow for the wheelchair.

كان الممر ضيقا جدا على الكرسي المتحرك.

Narrow paths wind through the forest.

سبل ضيقة تلتف داخل الغابة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ضيق in English?

narrow is pronounced in English as

English for ضيق


1) distress-noun


  ∘ ضِيْق meaning in English & Arabic

severe problems caused by not having enough money, food, etc

الضِّيْقُ هُوَ عَدَمُ وُجُوْدِ مَا يَكْفِيْ مِنَ المَالِ مَعَ الشَّخْصِ

  ∘ Examples of ضِيْق in English and Arabic

Our country is suffering from economic distress

تُعَانِيْ بِلَادُنَا مِنْ ضِيْقٍ اقْتِصَادِيٍّ

The government will eliminate poverty and distress

سَتَقْضِيْ الحُكُوْمَةُ عَلَىْ الفَقْرِ وَالضِّيْقِ

More Examples

Our family has been living in acute financial distress for three years

تَعِيْشُ عَائِلَتُنَا فِيْ ضِيْقٍ مَالِيٍّ حَادٍّ مُنْذُ ثَلَاثِ سَنَوَاتٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce ضِيْق in English?

distress is pronounced in English as



  ∘ ضِيْق meaning in English & Arabic

a feeling of great worry or unhappiness; great mental pain

الضِّيْقُ هُوَ الحُزْنُ الشَّدِيْدُ يُصِيْبُ القَلْبَ

  ∘ Examples of ضِيْق in English and Arabic

The news cased me distress

أَصَابَتْنِيَ الأَخْبَارُ بِالضِّيْقِ

I felt his great distress

شَعَرْتُ بِضَيْقِهِ العَظِيْمِ

More Examples

He was in distress after losing his wife

كَانَ فِيْ ضِيْقٍ بَعْدَ وَفَاةِ زَوْجَتِهِ

2) minute -adj

ضَيِّقٌ بَالِغُ الضِّيْقِ -اسم

  ∘ ضَيِّقٌ بَالِغُ الضِّيْقِ meaning in English & Arabic

extremely small. SYNONYM tiny

ضَيِّق بَالِغُ الضِّيْقِ أَيْ عَكْسُ وَاسِعٍ أَوْ فَسِيْحٍ

  ∘ Examples of ضَيِّقٌ بَالِغُ الضِّيْقِ in English and Arabic

The cell he was threw in is minute and cold

رُمِيَ فِيْ زِنْزَانَةٍ ضَيِّقَةٍ بَالِغَةَ الضِّيْقِ وَبَارِدَةٍ

The kitchen in this house is minute

المَطْبَخُ فِيْ هَذَا البَيْتِ ضَيِّقٌ بَالِغُ الضِّيِقِ

More Examples

Why the attic is minute?

لِمَ العِلِّيَّةُ ضَيِّقَةٌ بَالِغَةُ الضِّيْقِ؟

  ∘ How to pronounce ضَيِّقٌ بَالِغُ الضِّيْقِ in English?

minute is pronounced in English as

3) tight-adj


  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

held or fixed in position securely; difficult to move, open or separate

محكم أو ثابت في وضعه بشكل آمن؛ صعب الحركة أو الفتح أو الفصل

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

The budget is tight this month.

الميزانية ضيقة هذا الشهر.

The knots are too tight to untie.

العقد ضيقة جدًا بحيث لا يمكن فكها.

More Examples

The jeans are too tight for me.

الجينز ضيق جدًا بالنسبة لي.

She wore a tight dress to the party.

ارتدت فستاناً ضيقاً إلى الحفلة.

The shoes are too tight and hurt my feet.

الحذاء ضيق جدًا ويؤلم قدمي.

We have a tight schedule today.

لدينا جدول زمني ضيق اليوم.

4) narrow-adj


  ∘ ضيق meaning in English & Arabic

measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length

قياس مسافة قصيرة من جانب إلى آخر، خاصة بالنسبة للطول

  ∘ Examples of ضيق in English and Arabic

The road is very narrow.

الطريق ضيق جدًا.

He squeezed through a narrow opening.

اندس عبر فتحة ضيقة.

More Examples

The corridor was too narrow for the wheelchair.

كان الممر ضيقًا جدًا على الكرسي المتحرك.

Narrow paths wind through the forest.

سبل ضيقة تلتف داخل الغابة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ضيق in English?

narrow is pronounced in English as
