ثابت in English

Meaning of ثابت in English is: (firm, consistent) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ثابت بالانجليزي

English for ثابت


1) firm-adj


  ∘ ثابت meaning in English & Arabic

not likely to change

ثابت أي محدّد لا يتوقّع تغييره

  ∘ Examples of ثابت in English and Arabic

The exam date is firm and will not change

موعد الامتحان ثابت ولن يتغيّر

We have firm evidence that he embezzled the ten million dollar

لدينا أدلّة ثابتة على أنّه قد اختلس عشرة ملايين دولار

More Examples

I has a firm conviction that diplomacy is the only way to resolve the conflict

عندي قناعة ثابتة أنّ الدبلوماسيّة هي السّبيل الوحيد لحلّ النّزاع

We have a firm belief in our fair cause

عندنا إيمان ثابت بقضيّتنا العادلة

They remained firm in their position to the settlements

بقوا ثابتين على موقفهم من المستوطنات

  ∘ How to pronounce ثابت in English?

firm is pronounced in English as

2) consistent-adjective


  ∘ ثابت meaning in English & Arabic

always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.

ثابت أي يتصرف دائما بنفس الطريقة أويمتلاك نفس الآراء، المعايير، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of ثابت in English and Arabic

Her work is always consistent in quality.

عملها دائما ثابت في الجودة.

He has been consistent in his support for the project.

كان ثابتا في دعمه للمشروع.

More Examples

A consistent approach is key to success.

النهج الثابت مفتاح النجاح.

His arguments were consistent throughout the debate.

كانت حججه ثابتة طوال المناقشة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ثابت in English?

consistent is pronounced in English as

English for ثابت


1) firm-adj


  ∘ ثَابِت meaning in English & Arabic

not likely to change

ثَابِتٌ أَيْ مُحَدَّدٌ لَا يُتَوَقَّعُ تَغْيِيْرُهُ

  ∘ Examples of ثَابِت in English and Arabic

The exam date is firm and will not change

مَوْعِدُ الِامْتِحَانِ ثَابِتٌ وَلَنْ يَتَغَيَّرَ

We have firm evidence that he embezzled the ten million dollar

لَدَيْنَا أَدِلَّةٌ ثَابِتَةٌ عَلَىْ أَنَّهُ قَدِ اخْتَلَسَ عَشَرَةَ مَلَايِيْنَ دُوْلَارَ

More Examples

I has a firm conviction that diplomacy is the only way to resolve the conflict

عِنْدِيَ قَنَاعَةٌ ثَابِتَةٌ أَنَّ الدِبْلُوْمَاسِيَّةَ هِيَ السَّبِيْلُ الوَحِيْدُ لِحَلِّ النِّزَاعِ

We have a firm belief in our fair cause

عِنْدَنَا إِيْمَانٌ ثَابِتٌ بِقَضِيَّتِنَا العَادِلَةِ

They remained firm in their position to the settlements

بَقُوْا ثَابِتِيْنَ عَلَىْ مَوْقِفِهِمْ مِنَ المُسْتَوْطَنَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce ثَابِت in English?

firm is pronounced in English as

2) consistent-adjective


  ∘ ثابت meaning in English & Arabic

always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.

ثابت أي يتصرف دائمًا بنفس الطريقة أويمتلاك نفس الآراء، المعايير، إلخ.

  ∘ Examples of ثابت in English and Arabic

Her work is always consistent in quality.

عملها دائمًا ثابت في الجودة.

He has been consistent in his support for the project.

كان ثابتًا في دعمه للمشروع.

More Examples

A consistent approach is key to success.

النهج الثابت مفتاح النجاح.

His arguments were consistent throughout the debate.

كانت حججه ثابتة طوال المناقشة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ثابت in English?

consistent is pronounced in English as
