داخل in English

Meaning of داخل in English is: (gut, interior, in) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

داخل بالانجليزي

English for داخل


1) gut-noun


  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning:

شعور داخلك أي شعور تشعر به أو اعتقاد تعتقده لا يمكنك تفسيره أو الجزم بصحّته

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

I had a feeling in my gut that they will divorce

كان لديّ شعور في داخلي أنّهما سيتطلّقان

I have a gut feeling that something good will happen

لديّ شعور داخلي أنّ شيئا حسنا سيحدث

2) interior-adj


  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, usually singular] the inside part of something

الدّاخل هو الجزء الدّاخليّ من شيء محدّد

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

The interior of the building is dark

داخل المبنى (=البناء) مظلم

You do not hear the engine's noise in the interior of the coach

لا تسمع ضجيج المحرّك داخل الحافلة السّياحيّة

More Examples

I have pictures of the castle from the outside but none of the interior

معي صور للقلعة من الخارج ولكن ليس لديّ أيّ من الدّاخل

The cabin's interior is luxury and impressive

داخل المقصورة فاخر ومبهر

  ∘ How to pronounce داخل in English?

interior is pronounced in English as



  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

the interior [singular] the central part of a country or continent that is a long way from the coast

الدّاخل هو أيّ منطقة بعيدة عن السّاحل أو الشّاطئ لبلد ما

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

He died during his last journey from the interior to the eastern coast of Africa

توفّي أثناء رحلته الأخيرة من الدّاخل إلى ساحل إفريقيا الشّرقيّ

The storm is approaches the interior of the US

تتّجه العاصفة صوب الدّاخل الأمريكيّ

More Examples

The Asian interior

الدّاخل اللآسيويّ

3) in -adverb


  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

contained within an area, object or substance

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

my mother was locked in the room

علقت أمّي داخل الغرفة

I do not eat soup with meat in

لا آكل الحساء واللّحم داخله



  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

into an object, area or substance

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

She removed her shoes and went in

خلعت حذاءها ودخلت إلى الدّاخل

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  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

at home or at a place of work

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

There was not any one in when the building collapsed

لم يكن أحد في الدّاخل عندما انهار البناء

4) inside-prep

داخل-حرف جر

  ∘ داخل meaning in English & Arabic

on or to the inner part of something/somebody; within something/somebody

على أو إلى الجزء الداخلي من شيء ما/شخص ما؛ في داخل شيء ما/شخص ما

  ∘ Examples of داخل in English and Arabic

He placed the letter inside the book.

وضع الرسالة داخل الكتاب.

We sat inside the cafe to avoid the rain.

جلسنا داخل المقهى لتجنب المطر.

More Examples

There is a small gift inside the box.

يوجد هدية صغيرة داخل الصندوق.

She felt a deep sadness inside her heart.

شعرت بحزن عميق داخل قلبها.

The children played inside the house.

لعب الأطفال داخل البيت.

They discovered ancient writings inside the cave.

اكتشفوا كتابات قديمة داخل الكهف.

  ∘ How to pronounce داخل in English?

inside is pronounced in English as

English for داخل


1) gut-noun


  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

a strong belief about someone or something that cannot completely be explained and does not have to be decided by reasoning:

شُعُوْرٌ دَاخِلَكَ أَيْ شُعُوْرٌ تَشْعُرُ بِهِ أَوِ اعْتِقَادٌ تَعْتَقِدُهُ لَا يُمْكِنُكَ تَفْسِيْرُهُ أَوِ الجَزْمُ بِصِحَّتِهِ

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

I had a feeling in my gut that they will divorce

كَانَ لَدَيَّ شُعُوْرٌ فِيْ دَاخِلِيْ أَنَّهُمَا سَيَتَطَلَّقَانِ

I have a gut feeling that something good will happen

لَدَيَّ شُعُوْرٌ دَاخِلِيْ أَنَّ شَيْئًا حَسَنًا سَيَحْدُثُ

2) interior-adj


  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, usually singular] the inside part of something

الدَّاخِلُ هُوَ الجُزْءُ الدَّاخِلِيُّ مِنْ شَيْءٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

The interior of the building is dark

دَاخِلُ المَبْنَىْ (=البِنَاءِ) مُظْلِمٌ

You do not hear the engine's noise in the interior of the coach

لَا تَسْمَعُ ضَجِيْجَ المُحَرِّكِ دَاخِلَ الحَافِلَةِ السِّيَاحِيَّةِ

More Examples

I have pictures of the castle from the outside but none of the interior

مَعِيَ صُوَرٌ لِلْقَلْعَةِ مِنَ الخَارِجِ وَلَكِنْ لَيْسَ لَدَيَّ أَيٌّ مِنَ الدَّاخِلِ

The cabin's interior is luxury and impressive

دَاخِلُ المَقْصُوْرَةِ فَاخِرٌ وَمُبْهِرٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce دَاخِل in English?

interior is pronounced in English as



  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

the interior [singular] the central part of a country or continent that is a long way from the coast

الدَّاخِلُ هُوَ أَيُّ مَنْطِقَةٍ بَعِيْدَةٍ عَنِ السَّاحِلِ أَوِ الشَّاطِئِ لِبَلَدٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

He died during his last journey from the interior to the eastern coast of Africa

تُوُفِّيَ أَثْنَاءَ رِحْلَتِهِ الأَخِيْرَةِ مِنَ الدَّاخِلِ إِلَىْ سَاحِلِ إِفْرِيْقِيَا الشَّرْقِيِّ

The storm is approaches the interior of the US

تَتَّجِهُ العَاصِفَةُ صَوْبَ الدَّاخِلِ الأَمْرِيْكيِّ

More Examples

The Asian interior

الدَّاخِلُ اللآسْيَوِيُّ

3) in -adverb


  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

contained within an area, object or substance

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

my mother was locked in the room

عَلِقَتْ أُمِّيْ دَاخِلَ الغُرْفَةِ

I do not eat soup with meat in

لَا آكُلُ الحَسَاءَ وَاللَّحْمُ دَاخِلَهُ



  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

into an object, area or substance

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

She removed her shoes and went in

خَلَعَتْ حِذَاءَهَا وَدَخَلَتْ إِلَىْ الدَّاخِلِ

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  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

at home or at a place of work

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

There was not any one in when the building collapsed

لَمْ يَكُنْ أَحَدٌ فِيْ الدَّاخِلِ عِنْدَمَا انْهَارَ البِنَاءُ

4) inside-prep

دَاخِل-حرف جر

  ∘ دَاخِل meaning in English & Arabic

on or to the inner part of something/somebody; within something/somebody

على أو إلى الجزء الداخلي من شيء ما/شخص ما؛ في داخل شيء ما/شخص ما

  ∘ Examples of دَاخِل in English and Arabic

He placed the letter inside the book.

وضع الرسالة داخل الكتاب.

We sat inside the cafe to avoid the rain.

جلسنا داخل المقهى لتجنب المطر.

More Examples

There is a small gift inside the box.

يوجد هدية صغيرة داخل الصندوق.

She felt a deep sadness inside her heart.

شعرت بحزن عميق داخل قلبها.

The children played inside the house.

لعب الأطفال داخل البيت.

They discovered ancient writings inside the cave.

اكتشفوا كتابات قديمة داخل الكهف.

  ∘ How to pronounce دَاخِل in English?

inside is pronounced in English as
