slave in Arabic

Meaning of slave in Arabic is: (عبد) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

slave in Arabic

Arabic for slave

1) slave-noun


  ∘ slave meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for and obey them

شخص يملكه شخص آخر ويجبر على العمل لأجله وطاعته

  ∘ Examples of slave in Arabic and English

Many slaves were transported across the Atlantic.

تم نقل العديد من العبيد عبر الأطلسي.

The slaves worked in the fields from dawn till dusk.

عمل العبيد في الحقول من الفجر حتى الغسق.

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He was sold as a slave at a young age.

تم بيعه عبدا في سن مبكرة.

The slaves were finally granted their freedom.

منح العبيد حريتهم في النهاية.

  ∘ How to pronounce slave in English?

The word slave is pronounced in English as

Arabic for slave

1) slave-noun


  ∘ slave meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is owned by another person and is forced to work for and obey them

شخص يملكه شخص آخر ويُجبر على العمل لأجله وطاعته

  ∘ Examples of slave in Arabic and English

Many slaves were transported across the Atlantic.

تم نقل العديد من العبيد عبر الأطلسي.

The slaves worked in the fields from dawn till dusk.

عمل العبيد في الحقول من الفجر حتى الغسق.

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He was sold as a slave at a young age.

تم بيعه عبدا في سن مبكرة.

The slaves were finally granted their freedom.

منح العبيد حريتهم في النهاية.

  ∘ How to pronounce slave in English?

The word slave is pronounced in English as
