player in Arabic

Meaning of player in Arabic is: (لاعب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

player in Arabic

Arabic for player

1) player-noun


  ∘ player meaning in Arabic & English

a person who takes part in a game or sport

شخص يشارك في لعبة أو رياضة

  ∘ Examples of player in Arabic and English

The football player scored a goal.

سجل لاعب كرة القدم هدفا.

The chess players were focused on their game.

كان لاعبو الشطرنج مركزين على لعبتهم.

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He is a great tennis player.

هو لاعب تنس رائع.

The players shook hands after the match.

صافح اللاعبون بعضهم بعد المباراة.

She is a player in the school basketball team.

هي لاعبة في فريق كرة السلة بالمدرسة.

The players were practicing for the upcoming tournament.

كان اللاعبون يتدربون للبطولة القادمة.

Arabic for player

1) player-noun


  ∘ player meaning in Arabic & English

a person who takes part in a game or sport

شخص يشارك في لعبة أو رياضة

  ∘ Examples of player in Arabic and English

The football player scored a goal.

سجل لاعب كرة القدم هدفا.

The chess players were focused on their game.

كان لاعبو الشطرنج مركزين على لعبتهم.

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He is a great tennis player.

هو لاعب تنس رائع.

The players shook hands after the match.

صافح اللاعبون بعضهم بعد المباراة.

She is a player in the school basketball team.

هي لاعبة في فريق كرة السلة بالمدرسة.

The players were practicing for the upcoming tournament.

كان اللاعبون يتدربون للبطولة القادمة.
