Arabic for mob
1) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الدّهماء هو حشد من سفلة النّاس ورعاعهم كثيروا الجلبة والصّياح ومستعدّون لاستخدام العنف على من يخالفهم
∘ Plural of دهماء in Arabic
دهم / دهماوات
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
Mobs are spreading misleading information on the internet
ينشر الدّهماء معلومات مضلّلة على الإنترنتّ
The recent constitutional reforms made the mobs angy
أغضبت التّعديلات الدّستوريّة الأخيرة الدّهماء
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the lawless days of mob rule
أيّام الفوضى وحكم الدّهماء
The parliament was seized by the mobs
استولى الدّهماء على البرلمان
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
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2) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الرّعاع هم سفلة وسفهاء وجهلة النّاس وغوغاؤهم مفردها رعاعة
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
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The governemnt has given in to mobs
أذعنت الحكومة للرّعاع
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
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3) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الغوغاء هو حشد من سفلة النّاس ورعاعهم كثيروا الجلبة والصّياح ومستعدّون لاستخدام العنف على من يخالفهم
∘ Plural of غوغاء in Arabic
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
Angry mobs dominated the streets
سيطر الغوغاء الغاضبون على الشّوارع
The mob surrounded us
طوّقنا(=أحاط بنا) الغوغاء
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The governemnt has given in to mob rule
أذعنت الحكومة لحكم الغوغاء
The army sided with the mobs against the Muslim and Christian minorities
انحاز الجيش إلى جانب الغوغاء ضدّ الأقلّيّتين المسلمة والمسيحيّة
Racial mobs within the party turned on the intellectual elite
انقلب الغوغاء العنصريّون داخل الحزب على النّخبة المثقّفة
The parliament was seized by the mobs
استولى الغوغاء على البرلمان
The police used rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse the mobs
استخدمت الشّرطة الرّصاص المطّاطيّ وخراطيم المياه لتفريق الغوغاء
A bunch of unruly mobs
ثلّة غوغاء متفلّتين
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
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4) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الهمج هو حشد من سفلة النّاس ورعاعهم كثيروا الجلبة والصّياح ومستعدّون لاستخدام العنف على من يخالفهم
∘ Plural of همج in Arabic
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
A mob of Armenians crowded into the square
احتشد همج أرمنيّون في السّاحة (=الميدان)
A bunch of mobs surrounded threw petrol bombs at the police
رمت مجموعة من الهمج القنابل الحارقة على الشرطة
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The governemnt has given in to mobs
أذعنت الحكومة للأهماج
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was seized by the mobs
استولى الهمج على وزارة الخارجيّة
The president called out the army to control the mobs
استدعى الرّئيس الجيش للسّيطرة على الهمج
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
Arabic for mob
1) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الدَّهْمَاءُ هُوَ حَشْدٌ مِنْ سَفَلَةِ النَّاسِ وُرُعَاعِهِمْ كَثِيْرُوْا الجَلَبَةِ وَالصِّيَاحِ وَمُسْتَعِدُّوْنَ لِاسْتِخْدَامِ العُنْفِ عَلَىْ مَنْ يُخَالِفُهُمْ
∘ Plural of دَهْمَاء in Arabic
دُهُمْ / دَهْمَاوَات
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
Mobs are spreading misleading information on the internet
يَنْشُرُ الدَّهْمَاءُ مَعْلُوْمَاتٍ مُضَلِّلَةً عَلَىْ الإِنْتَرْنِتَّ
The recent constitutional reforms made the mobs angy
أَغْضَبَتِ التَّعْدِيْلَاتُ الدُّسْتُوْرِيَّةُ الأَخِيْرَةَ الدَّهْمَاءَ
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The angry mobs were ready to use violence
كَانَتِ الدَّهْمَاءُ الغَاضِبَةُ مُسْتَعِدَّةُ لِاسْتِخْدَامِ العُنْفِ
the lawless days of mob rule
أَيَّامُ الفَوْضَىْ وُحُكْمِ الدَّهْمَاءِ
The parliament was seized by the mobs
اسْتَوْلَىْ الدَّهْمَاءُ عَلَىْ البَرْلَمَانَ
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
2) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الرُّعَاعُ هُمْ سَفَلَةُ وَسُفَهَاءُ وَجَهَلَةُ النَّاسِ وَغَوْغَاؤُهُمْ مُفْرَدُهَا رُعَاعَة
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
The parliament called out the army to control the mobs
اسْتَدْعَىْ البَرْلَمَانُ الجَيْشَ لِلسَّيْطَرَةِ عَلَىْ الرُّعَاعِ
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The governemnt has given in to mobs
أَذْعَنَتِ الحُكُوْمَةُ لِلرُّعَاعِ
A mob of Armenians crowded into the square
احْتَشَدَ رُعَاعٌ أَرْمَنِيُّوْنَ فِيْ السَّاحَةِ (=المَيْدَانَ)
A bunch of mobs surrounded threw petrol bombs at the police
رَمتْ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ مِنَ الرُّعَاعِ القَنَابِلَ الحَارِقَةَ عَلَىْ الشُرْطَةِ
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
3) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الغَوْغَاءُ هُوَ حَشْدٌ مِنْ سَفَلَةِ النَّاسِ وُرُعَاعِهِمْ كَثِيْرُوْا الجَلَبَةِ وَالصِّيَاحِ وَمُسْتَعِدُّوْنَ لِاسْتِخْدَامِ العُنْفِ عَلَىْ مَنْ يُخَالِفُهُمْ
∘ Plural of غَوْغَاء in Arabic
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
Angry mobs dominated the streets
سَيْطَرَ الغَوْغَاءُ الغَاضِبُوْنَ عَلَىْ الشَّوَارِعِ
The mob surrounded us
طَوَّقَنَا(=أَحَاطَ بِنَا) الغَوْغَاءُ
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The governemnt has given in to mob rule
أَذْعَنَتِ الحُكُوْمَةُ لِحُكْمِ الغَوْغَاءِ
The army sided with the mobs against the Muslim and Christian minorities
انْحَازَ الجَيْشُ إِلَىْ جَانِبِ الغَوْغَاءِ ضِدَّ الأَقَلِّيَّتَيْنِ المُسْلِمَةِ وَالمَسِيْحِيَّةِ
Racial mobs within the party turned on the intellectual elite
انْقَلَبَ الغَوْغَاءُ العُنْصُرِيُّوْنَ دَاخِلَ الحِزْبِ عَلَىْ النُّخْبَةِ المُثَقَّفَةِ
The parliament was seized by the mobs
اسْتَوْلَىْ الغَوْغَاءُ عَلَىْ البَرْلَمَانَ
The police used rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse the mobs
اسْتَخْدَمَتِ الشُّرْطَةُ الرَّصَاصَ المَطَّاطِيَّ وَخَرَاطِيْمَ المِيَاهِ لِتَفْرِيْقِ الغَوْغَاءِ
A bunch of unruly mobs
ثُلَّةُ غَوْغَاءٍ مُتَفَلِّتِيْنَ
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
✦ ✦ ✦✦ ✦
4) mob-noun
∘ mob meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, singular + singular or plural verb] a large crowd of people, especially one that may become violent or cause trouble
الهَمَجُ هُوَ حَشْدٌ مِنْ سَفَلَةِ النَّاسِ وُرُعَاعِهِمْ كَثِيْرُوْا الجَلَبَةِ وَالصِّيَاحِ وَمُسْتَعِدُّوْنَ لِاسْتِخْدَامِ العُنْفِ عَلَىْ مَنْ يُخَالِفُهُمْ
∘ Plural of هَمَج in Arabic
∘ Examples of mob in Arabic and English
A mob of Armenians crowded into the square
احْتَشَدَ هَمَجٌ أَرْمَنِيُّوْنَ فِيْ السَّاحَةِ (=المَيْدَانَ)
A bunch of mobs surrounded threw petrol bombs at the police
رَمتْ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ مِنَ الهَمَجِ القَنَابِلَ الحَارِقَةَ عَلَىْ الشُرْطَةِ
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The governemnt has given in to mobs
أَذْعَنَتِ الحُكُوْمَةُ لَلْأَهْمَاجِ
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was seized by the mobs
اسْتَوْلَىْ الهَمَجُ عَلَىْ وَزَارَةِ الخَارِجِيَّةِ
The president called out the army to control the mobs
اسْتَدْعَىْ الرَّئِيْسُ الجَيْشَ لِلسَّيْطَرَةِ عَلَىْ الهَمَجِ
∘ How to pronounce mob in English?
The word mob is pronounced in English as
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