landing in Arabic

Meaning of landing in Arabic is: (إِنْزَال، مِيْدَة، هُبُوْط) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

landing in Arabic

Arabic for landing

1) landing -noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the action of bringing soldiers onto land that is controlled by the enemy

الإنزال هي عمليّة جلب أو إحضار الجنود إلى أراضي العدوّ (=الإبرار = الإنزال إلى البرّ)

  ∘ Plural of إنزال in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

The first landing of Russian troops in Afghanistan

الإنزال الأوّل للقوّات الرّوسيّة في أفغانستان

Normandy landings is the largest seaborne landing in the history

إنزال النّورماندي هو أكبر إنزال بحريّ في التّاريخ

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as

2) landing -noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the floor at the top of a set of stairs or between two sets of stairs

الميدة هي الأرضيّة المنبسطة بين درجين

  ∘ Plural of ميدة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

She was smoking on the second-floor landing

كانت تدخّن على ميدة الطّابق الثّاني

There is a water tap on the landing between each two floor

هناك صنبور ماء عند الميدة بين كلّ طابقين

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Put the pot on the landing

ضع الأصيص (=وعاء توضع فيه النّباتات أو الأزهار) على الميدة

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as

3) landing-noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] an act of bringing an aircraft or a spacecraft down to the ground after a journey

الهبوط هو عمليّة نزول الطّائرة من الجوّ إلى المدرّج (=الأرض) بعد رحلة

  ∘ Plural of هبوط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

The pilot performed a smooth and safe landing

قام الطّيّار بهبوط سلس وآمن

The landing on Mars

الهبوط على سطح المرّيخ

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Emergency landing procedures

إجراءات الهبوط الإضطّراريّ

The jet fight had to make a forced landing

اضطرّت المقاتلة النّفّاثة إلى الهبوط الاضطّراريّ

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as

Arabic for landing

1) landing -noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the action of bringing soldiers onto land that is controlled by the enemy

الإِنْزَالُ هِيَ عَمَلِيَّةُ جَلْبِ أَوْ إِحْضَارِ الجُنُوْدِ إِلَىْ أَرَاضِيْ العَدُوِّ (=الإِبْرَارُ = الإِنْزَالُ إِلَىْ البَرِّ)

  ∘ Plural of إِنْزَال in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

The first landing of Russian troops in Afghanistan

الإِنْزَالُ الأَوَّلُ لِلْقُوَّاتِ الرُّوْسِيَّةِ فِيْ أَفَغَانِسْتَانَ

Normandy landings is the largest seaborne landing in the history

إِنْزَالُ النُّوْرْمَانْدِيْ هُوَ أَكْبَرُ إِنْزَالٍ بَحْرِيٍّ فِيْ التَّارِيْخِ

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as

2) landing -noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the floor at the top of a set of stairs or between two sets of stairs

المِيْدَةُ هِيَ الأَرْضِيَّةُ المُنْبَسِطَةُ بَيْنَ دَرَجَيْنِ

  ∘ Plural of مِيْدَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

She was smoking on the second-floor landing

كَانَتْ تُدَخِّنُ عَلَىْ مِيْدَةِ الطَّابَقِ الثَّانِيْ

There is a water tap on the landing between each two floor

هُنَاكَ صُنْبُوْرُ مَاءٍ عِنْدَ المَيْدَةِ بَيْنَ كُلِّ طَابَقَيْنِ

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Put the pot on the landing

ضَعِ الأَصِيْصَ (=وِعَاءٌ تُوْضَعُ فِيْهِ النَّبَاتَاتُ أَوِ الأَزْهَارُ) عَلَىْ المِيْدَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as

3) landing-noun


  ∘ landing meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] an act of bringing an aircraft or a spacecraft down to the ground after a journey

الهُبُوْطُ هُوَ عَمَلِيَّةُ نُزُوْلُ الطَّائِرَةِ مِنَ الجَوِّ إِلَىْ المُدَرَّجِ (=الأَرْضِ) بَعْدَ رِحْلَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of هُبُوْط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of landing in Arabic and English

The pilot performed a smooth and safe landing

قَامَ الطَّيَّارُ بِهُبُوْطٍ سَلِسٍ وَآمِنٍ

The landing on Mars

الهُبُوْطُ عَلَىْ سَطْحِ المِرِّيْخِ

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Emergency landing procedures

إِجْرَاءَاتُ الهُبُوْطِ الإِضْطِّرَارِيِّ

The jet fight had to make a forced landing

اضْطُرَّتِ المُقَاتِلَةُ النَّفَّاثَةُ إِلَىْ الهُبُوْطِ الِاضْطِّرَارِيِّ

  ∘ How to pronounce landing in English?

The word landing is pronounced in English as
