freely in Arabic

Meaning of freely in Arabic is: (بِحُرِّيَّةٍ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

freely in Arabic

Arabic for freely

1) freely-adverb

بحرّيّة-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

without anyone trying to prevent or control something

بحرّيّة أي دون أيّ منع أو ضغوطات من سلطة أو شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

He is the first freely elected president in the history of our country

إنّه أوّل رئيس منتخب بحرّيّة في تاريخ بلادنا

People cannot travel freely in North Korea

لا يمكن للنّاس السّفر بحرّيّة في كوريا الشّماليّة

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Christians are exercising their right to worship freely in Egypt

يمارس المسيحيّون حقّهم في العبادة بحرّيّة في مصر

In many countries people cannot not speak or write freely

في بلدان كثيرة لا يمكن للنّاس أن تتحدّث أو تكتب بحرّيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce freely in English?

The word freely is pronounced in English as


بحرّيّة-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

without anything stopping the movement or flow of something

بحرّيّة أي بدون عوائق

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

Her knee injury prevented her from moving freely.

منعتها إصابة ركبتها من الحركة بحرّيّة

Wines are available freely in Dubai

الخمور متوفّرة بحرّيّة في دبيّ

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Imported cars are flowing freely in the markets

تتدفّق السّيّارات المستوردة بحرّيّة في الأسواق

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بحرّيّة-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

in an honest way without worrying about what people will say or do

بحرّيّة أي بصدق دون خوف أو قلق ممّا سيقوله الآخرون أو سيفعلوه

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

I am not able to speak freely in the presence of the manager

لا أستطيع التّحدّث بحرّيّة في حضور المدير

I express my ideas and convictions freely in Germany

أعبّر عن آرائي وقناعاتي بحرّيّة في ألمانيا

Arabic for freely

1) freely-adverb

بِحُرِّيَّةٍ-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

without anyone trying to prevent or control something

بِحُرِّيَّةٍ أَيْ دُوْنَ أَيِّ مَنْعٍ أَوْ ضُغُوْطَاتٍ مِنْ سُلْطَةٍ أَوْ شَخْصٍ آخَرَ

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

He is the first freely elected president in the history of our country

إِنَّهُ أَوَّلُ رَئِيْسٍ مُنْتَخَبٍ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ تَارِيْخِ بِلَادِنَا

People cannot travel freely in North Korea

لَا يُمْكِنُ لِلنَّاسِ السَّفَرَ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ كُوْرِيَا الشَّمَالِيَّةَ

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Christians are exercising their right to worship freely in Egypt

يُمَارِسُ المَسِيْحِيُّوْنَ حَقَّهُمْ فِيْ العِبَادَةِ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ مِصْرَ

In many countries people cannot not speak or write freely

فِيْ بُلْدَانٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ لَا يُمْكِنُ لِلنَّاسِ أَنْ تَتَحَدَّثَ أَوْ تَكْتُبَ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce freely in English?

The word freely is pronounced in English as


بِحُرِّيَّةٍ-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

without anything stopping the movement or flow of something

بِحُرِّيَّةٍ أَيْ بُدُوْنِ عَوَائِقَ

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

Her knee injury prevented her from moving freely.

مَنَعَتْهَا إِصَابَةُ رُكْبَتِهَا مِنَ الحَرَكَةِ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ

Wines are available freely in Dubai

الخُمُوْرُ مُتَوَفِّرَةٌ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ دُبَيَّ

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Imported cars are flowing freely in the markets

تَتَدَفَّقُ السَّيَّارَاتُ المُسْتَوْرَدَةُ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ الأَسْوَاقِ

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بِحُرِّيَّةٍ-جار ومجرور

  ∘ freely meaning in Arabic & English

in an honest way without worrying about what people will say or do

بِحُرِّيَّةٍ أَيْ بِصِدْقٍ دُوْنَ خَوْفٍ أَوْ قَلَقٍ مِمَّا سَيَقُوْلُهُ الآخَرُوْنَ أَوْ سَيَفْعَلُوْهُ

  ∘ Examples of freely in Arabic and English

I am not able to speak freely in the presence of the manager

لَا أَسْتَطِيْعُ التَّحَدُّثَ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ حُضُوْرِ المُدِيْرِ

I express my ideas and convictions freely in Germany

أُعَبِّرُ عَنْ آرَائِيْ وَقَنَاعَاتِيْ بِحُرِّيَّةٍ فِيْ أَلْمَانِيَا
