honest in Arabic

Meaning of honest in Arabic is: (صادق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

honest in Arabic

Arabic for honest

1) honest-adj


  ∘ honest meaning in Arabic & English

always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating

دائما يقول الحقيقة، ولا يسرق أو يغش أبدا

  ∘ Examples of honest in Arabic and English

He is an honest person.

هو شخص صادق.

She gave us an honest answer.

أعطتنا إجابة صادقة.

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You should always be honest with your friends.

يجب أن تكون صادقا دائما مع أصدقائك.

He won the award for being honest.

فاز بالجائزة لأنه صادق.

To be honest, I didn't admire the film.

لكي أكون صادقا، لم يعجبني الفيلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce honest in English?

The word honest is pronounced in English as

Arabic for honest

1) honest-adj


  ∘ honest meaning in Arabic & English

always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating

دائماً يقول الحقيقة، ولا يسرق أو يغش أبداً

  ∘ Examples of honest in Arabic and English

He is an honest person.

هو شخص صادق.

She gave us an honest answer.

أعطتنا إجابة صادقة.

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You should always be honest with your friends.

يجب أن تكون صادقاً دائماً مع أصدقائك.

He won the award for being honest.

فاز بالجائزة لأنه صادق.

To be honest, I didn't admire the film.

لكي أكون صادقاً، لم يعجبني الفيلم.

  ∘ How to pronounce honest in English?

The word honest is pronounced in English as
