أول in English

Meaning of أول in English is: (early, former, front) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

أول بالانجليزي

English for أول


1) early-adj


  ∘ أوّل meaning in English & Arabic

Near the beginning of a period of time

مع المؤنّث أو الجمع أولى

  ∘ Plural of أوّل in Arabic

أوائل/ أولى

  ∘ Examples of أوّل in English and Arabic

The early morning sunshine

أشعّة الشّمس الأولى

We swam in the ocean in early summer

سبحنا في البحر في أيّام الصّيف الأولى

More Examples

He spent his early parts of his life travelling between Morocco and the Gulf

قضى المراحل الأولى من حياته متنقّلا بين المغرب والخليج

Your child has early signs of leadership

الأعمال الأولى/ الأول/ الأوائل لبيتهوفن

The economic crisis of the early 1990s

الأزمة الاقتصاديّة في أوائل التّسعينات

We swam in the ocean in early summer

سبحنا في البحر في أوائل الصّيف

In the early days, the company lost a lot

خسرت الشّركة الكثير في الأيّام الأولى / في أوائل الأيّام خسرت الشّركة الكثير

I got married in my early twenties

تزوّجت وأنا في أوائل العشرينات

  ∘ How to pronounce أوّل in English?

early is pronounced in English as

2) former-noun


  ∘ أوّل meaning in English & Arabic

the first of two people or things mentioned

  ∘ Examples of أوّل in English and Arabic

If I had to choose between health and money, I will choose the former

لو خيّرت بين الصّحّة والمال لاخترت الأولى

  ∘ How to pronounce أوّل in English?

former is pronounced in English as

3) front -noun


  ∘ أوّل meaning in English & Arabic

the most important side or surface of something, that you look at first

  ∘ Examples of أوّل in English and Arabic

The scandal was published on the front of the newspaper

نشرت الفضيحة في أوّل الصّحيفة

Her image is on the front of the magazine

صورتها على أوّل المجلّة

  ∘ How to pronounce أوّل in English?

front is pronounced in English as

4) first-Determiner

أول-أداة تعريف

  ∘ أول meaning in English & Arabic

happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st

الحدث أو الأمر الذي يأتي قبل جميع الأشياء أو الأشخاص المشابهين الآخرين؛ الأول

  ∘ Examples of أول in English and Arabic

He was the first person to arrive.

كان أول شخص يصل.

She took the first prize in the competition.

حصلت على الجائزة الأولى في المسابقة.

More Examples

This is my first time visiting this country.

هذه أول مرة أزور فيها هذا البلد.

My first impression was very positive.

كان انطباعي الأول إيجابيا جدا.

He answered the question on the first try.

أجاب على السؤال من المحاولة الأولى.

The first chapters of the book were the most interesting.

كانت الفصول الأولى من الكتاب هي الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام.

  ∘ How to pronounce أول in English?

first is pronounced in English as

English for أول


1) early-adj


  ∘ أَوَّلُ meaning in English & Arabic

Near the beginning of a period of time

مَعَ المُؤَنَّثِ أَوِ الجَمْعِ أُوْلَى

  ∘ Plural of أَوَّلُ in Arabic

أَوَائِلُ/ أُوْلَى

  ∘ Examples of أَوَّلُ in English and Arabic

The early morning sunshine

أَشِعَّةُ الشَّمْسِ الأُوْلَى

We swam in the ocean in early summer

سَبَحْنَا فِيْ البَحْرِ فِيْ أَيَّامِ الصَّيْفِ الأُوْلَىْ

More Examples

He spent his early parts of his life travelling between Morocco and the Gulf

قَضَىْ المَرَاحِلَ الأُوْلَىْ مِنْ حَيَاتِهِ مُتَنَقِّلًا بَيْنَ المَغْرِبِ وَالخَلِيْجِ

Your child has early signs of leadership

الأَعْمَالُ الأُوْلَى/ الأُوَلُ/ الأَوَائِلُ لِبِيْتْهُوْفِنَ

The economic crisis of the early 1990s

الأَزْمَةُ الاقْتِصَادِيَّةُ فِيْ أَوَائِلِ التِّسْعِيْنَاتِ

We swam in the ocean in early summer

سَبَحْنَا فِيْ البَحْرِ فِيْ أَوَائِلِ الصَّيْفِ

In the early days, the company lost a lot

خَسِرَتِ الشَّرِكَةُ الكَثِيْرَ فِيْ الأَيَّامِ الأُوْلَى / فِيْ أَوَائِلِ الأَيَّامِ خَسِرَتِ الشَّرِكَةُ الكَثِيْرَ

I got married in my early twenties

تَزَوَّجَتُ وَأَنَا فِيْ أَوَائِلِ العِشْرِيْنَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَوَّلُ in English?

early is pronounced in English as

2) former-noun


  ∘ أَوَّل meaning in English & Arabic

the first of two people or things mentioned

  ∘ Examples of أَوَّل in English and Arabic

If I had to choose between health and money, I will choose the former

لَوْ خُيِّرْتُ بَيْنَ الصِّحَّةِ وَالمَالِ لَاخْتَرْتُ الأُوْلَىْ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَوَّل in English?

former is pronounced in English as

3) front -noun


  ∘ أَوَّل meaning in English & Arabic

the most important side or surface of something, that you look at first

  ∘ Examples of أَوَّل in English and Arabic

The scandal was published on the front of the newspaper

نُشِرَتْ الفَضِيْحَةُ فِيْ أَوَّلِ الصَّحِيْفَةِ

Her image is on the front of the magazine

صُوْرَتُهَا عَلَىْ أَوَّلِ المَجَلَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce أَوَّل in English?

front is pronounced in English as

4) first-Determiner

أول-أداة تعريف

  ∘ أول meaning in English & Arabic

happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st

الحدث أو الأمر الذي يأتي قبل جميع الأشياء أو الأشخاص المشابهين الآخرين؛ الأول

  ∘ Examples of أول in English and Arabic

He was the first person to arrive.

كان أول شخص يصل.

She took the first prize in the competition.

حصلت على الجائزة الأولى في المسابقة.

More Examples

This is my first time visiting this country.

هذه أول مرة أزور فيها هذا البلد.

My first impression was very positive.

كان انطباعي الأول إيجابيًا جدًا.

He answered the question on the first try.

أجاب على السؤال من المحاولة الأولى.

The first chapters of the book were the most interesting.

كانت الفصول الأولى من الكتاب هي الأكثر إثارة للاهتمام.

  ∘ How to pronounce أول in English?

first is pronounced in English as
