excess in Arabic

Meaning of excess in Arabic is: (بَاقِي، زَائِد، فَائِض) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

excess in Arabic

Arabic for excess

1) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular, uncountable] an amount by which something is larger than

الباقي هو ما بقي من كمّيّة أو ثمن الخ بعد دفعه أو بيعها الخ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

The government will buy any excess of wheat from farmers

ستشتري الحكومة أيّ باق من القمح من المزارعين

The scholarship will cover 80% of the fees and you should pay the excess

ستغطّي المنحة الدّراسيّة 80% من الرّسوم ويتبقّى عليك دفع الباقي

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as

2) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[singular, uncountable] more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable

الزّائد هو ما زاد أو فاض عن الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

He talked about his design with an excess of enthusiasm

تحدّث عن تصميمه بحماس زائد

I plant vegetables in my garden and sell the excess

أزرع الخضراوات في حديقتي وأبيع الزّائد

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Give up any excess to a charity

تبرّع بأيّ زائد لجمعيّة خيريّة

Your share will be in slight excess of three percent

ستكون حصّتك زائدة قليلا عن الثّلاثة بالمئة

We suffer from an excess of engineering graduates

نعاني من زائد في أعداد خرّيجي الهندسة

A huge excess of wood

زائد كبير من الخشب

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as



  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular, uncountable] an amount by which something is larger than

الزّائد هو ما بقي من كمّيّة أو ثمن الخ بعد دفعه أو بيعها الخ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

The government will buy any excess of wheat from farmers

ستشتري الحكومة أيّ زائد من القمح من المزارعين

The scholarship will cover 80% of the fees and you should pay the excess

ستغطّي المنحة الدّراسيّة 80% من الرّسوم ويتبقّى عليك دفع الزّائد

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  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal

زائد أي فائض عن الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

We donated the excess fruits and vegetables to charities

تبرّعنا بالفواكه والخضراوات الزّائدة لجمعيّات خيريّة

My diet contains excess amounts of fat an sugar

يحوي نظامي الغذائيّ كمّيات زائدة من الدّهون والسّكّريّات

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My husband tens to invest the excess money rather than saving it

يميل زوجي إلى استثمار الأموال الزّائدة بدلا من ادّخارها

You should burn the excess waist fat

يجب عليك حرق دهون الخصر الزّائدة

An excess demand for euro

طلب زائد على اليورو

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as

3) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[singular, uncountable] more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable

الفائض هو ما زاد عن الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

I plant vegetables in my garden and sell the excess

أزرع الخضراوات في حديقتي وأبيع الفائض

A huge excess of oil

فائض ضخم من النّفط

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Give up any excess to a charity

تبرّع بأيّ فائض لجمعيّة خيريّة

We suffer from an excess of engineering graduates

نعاني من فائض في أعداد خرّيجي الهندسة

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as



  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal

فائض أي زائد عن الحاجة

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

We donated the excess fruits and vegetables to charities

تبرّعنا بالفواكه والخضراوات الفائضة لجمعيّات خيريّة

My diet contains excess amounts of fat an sugar

يحوي نظامي الغذائيّ كمّيات فائضة من الدّهون والسّكّريّات

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My husband tens to invest the excess money rather than saving it

يميل زوجي إلى استثمار الأموال الفائضة بدلا من ادّخارها

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as

Arabic for excess

1) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular, uncountable] an amount by which something is larger than

البَاقِيْ هُوَ مَا بَقِيَ مِنْ كَمِّيَّةٍ أَوْ ثَمَنٍ اِلَخْ بَعْدَ دَفْعِهِ أَوْ بَيْعِهَا اِلَخْ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

The government will buy any excess of wheat from farmers

سَتَشْتَرِيْ الحُكُوْمَةُ أَيَّ بَاقٍ مِنَ القَمْحِ مِنَ المُزَارِعِيْنَ

The scholarship will cover 80% of the fees and you should pay the excess

سَتُغَطِّيْ المِنْحَةُ الدِّرَاسِيَّةُ 80% مِنَ الرُّسُوْمِ وَيَتَبَقَّىْ عَلَيْكَ دَفْعُ البَاقِيْ

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as

2) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[singular, uncountable] more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable

الزَّائِدُ هُوَ مَا زَادَ أَوْ فَاضَ عَنِ الحَاجَةِ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

He talked about his design with an excess of enthusiasm

تَحَدَّثَ عَنْ تَصْمِيْمِهِ بِحَمَاسٍ زَائِدٍ

I plant vegetables in my garden and sell the excess

أَزْرَعُ الخُضْرَاوَاتِ فِيْ حَدِيْقَتِيْ وَأَبِيْعُ الزَّائِدَ

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Give up any excess to a charity

تَبَرَّعْ بِأَيِّ زَائِدٍ لِجَمْعِيَّةٍ خَيْرِيَّةٍ

Your share will be in slight excess of three percent

سَتَكُوْنُ حِصَّتُكَ زَائِدَةً قَلِيْلًا عَنِ الثَّلَاثَةِ بِالمِئَةِ

We suffer from an excess of engineering graduates

نُعَانِيْ مِنْ زَائِدٍ فِيْ أَعْدَادِ خِرِّيْجِيْ الهَنْدَسَةِ

A huge excess of wood

زَائِدٌ كَبِيْرٌ مِنْ الخَشَبِ

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as



  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular, uncountable] an amount by which something is larger than

الزَّائِدُ هُوَ مَا بَقِيَ مِنْ كَمِّيَّةٍ أَوْ ثَمَنٍ اِلَخْ بَعْدَ دَفْعِهِ أَوْ بَيْعِهَا اِلَخْ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

The government will buy any excess of wheat from farmers

سَتَشْتَرِيْ الحُكُوْمَةُ أَيَّ زَائِدٍ مِنَ القَمْحِ مِنَ المُزَارِعِيْنَ

The scholarship will cover 80% of the fees and you should pay the excess

سَتُغَطِّيْ المِنْحَةُ الدِّرَاسِيَّةُ 80% مِنَ الرُّسُوْمِ وَيَتَبَقَّىْ عَلَيْكَ دَفْعُ الزَّائِدِ

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  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal

زَائِدٌ أَيْ فَائِضٌ عَنِ الحَاجَةِ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

We donated the excess fruits and vegetables to charities

تَبَرَّعْنَا بِالفَوَاكِهِ وَالخُضْرَاوَاتِ الزَّائِدَةِ لِجَمْعِيَّاتٍ خَيْرِيَّةٍ

My diet contains excess amounts of fat an sugar

يَحْوِيْ نِظَامِيَ الغِذَائِيَّ كَمِّيَاتٍ زَائِدَةً مِنَ الدُّهُوْنِ وَالسُّكَّرِيَّاتِ

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My husband tens to invest the excess money rather than saving it

يَمِيْلُ زَوْجِيْ إِلَىْ اسْتِثْمَارِ الأَمْوَالِ الزَّائِدَةِ بَدَلًا مِنِ ادِّخَارِهَا

You should burn the excess waist fat

يَجِبُ عَلَيْكِ حَرْقُ دُهُوْنِ الخَصْرِ الزَّائِدَةِ

An excess demand for euro

طَلَبٌ زَائِدٌ عَلَىْ اليُوْرُوْ

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as

3) excess-noun


  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

[singular, uncountable] more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable

الفَائِضُ هُوَ مَا زَادَ عَنِ الحَاجَةِ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

I plant vegetables in my garden and sell the excess

أَزْرَعُ الخُضْرَاوَاتِ فِيْ حَدِيْقَتِيْ وَأَبِيْعُ الفَائِضَ

A huge excess of oil

فَائِضُ ضَخْمٌ مِنَ النَّفْطِ

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Give up any excess to a charity

تَبَرَّعْ بِأَيِّ فَائِضٍ لِجَمْعِيَّةٍ خَيْرِيَّةٍ

We suffer from an excess of engineering graduates

نُعَانِيْ مِنْ فَائِضٍ فِيْ أَعْدَادِ خِرِّيْجِيْ الهَنْدَسَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as



  ∘ excess meaning in Arabic & English

in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal

فَائِضٌ أَيْ زَائِدٌ عَنِ الحَاجَةِ

  ∘ Examples of excess in Arabic and English

We donated the excess fruits and vegetables to charities

تَبَرَّعْنَا بِالفَوَاكِهِ وَالخُضْرَاوَاتِ الفَائِضَةِ لِجَمْعِيَّاتٍ خَيْرِيَّةٍ

My diet contains excess amounts of fat an sugar

يَحْوِيْ نِظَامِيَ الغِذَائِيَّ كَمِّيَاتٍ فَائِضَةً مِنَ الدُّهُوْنِ وَالسُّكَّرِيَّاتِ

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My husband tens to invest the excess money rather than saving it

يَمِيْلُ زَوْجِيْ إِلَىْ اسْتِثْمَارِ الأَمْوَالِ الفَائِضَةٍ بَدَلًا مِنِ ادِّخَارِهَا

  ∘ How to pronounce excess in English?

The word excess is pronounced in English as
