حرق in English

Meaning of حرق in English is: (burn) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

حرق بالانجليزي

English for حرق


1) burn-verb


  ∘ حرق meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc.; to damage or injure somebody/something in this way

حرق شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ جعل النار تؤثر به و تصيبه بأذى

Click to show conjugation of حرق

  ∘ حرق past tense conjugation in Arabic

حرق حرقت حرقنا حرقوا

  ∘ حرق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحرق تحرق أحرق نحرق يحرقون تحرقون

  ∘ حرق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احرق احرقي احرقوا

  ∘ Examples of حرق in English and Arabic

He burnt his mouth by eating hot food.

حرق فمه من الطعام الساخن.

She burnt her fingers while she was cooking.

حرقت أصابعها بينما كانت تطهو.

More Examples

I burnt myself when I was setting the fire.

حرقت نفسي عندما كنت أشعل النار.

  ∘ How to pronounce حرق in English?

burn is pronounced in English as



  ∘ الحرق meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat, or acid

الحرق هو إصابة ناتجة عن النّار أو الحرارة أو الإشعاع أو الكهرباء أو مادّة كاوية

  ∘ Plural of الحرق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of الحرق in English and Arabic

There were sever burns in his body caused by the fire.

تسببت النار بحروق بالغة في جسده

The reason of the burn mark in her hand is cooking.

سبب أثر الحرق في يدها هو الطبخ.

More Examples

The several cigarette burns in the sofa need to be mended.

تحتاج الحروق التي على الأريكة و الناتجة عن السجائر تصليح.

  ∘ How to pronounce الحرق in English?

burn is pronounced in English as

English for حرق


1) burn-verb


  ∘ حرق meaning in English & Arabic

[intransitive, transitive] to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc.; to damage or injure somebody/something in this way

حرق شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ جعل النار تؤثر به و تصيبه بأذى

Click to show conjugation of حرق

  ∘ حرق past tense conjugation in Arabic

حرق حرقت حرقنا حرقوا

  ∘ حرق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يحرق تحرق أحرق نحرق يحرقون تحرقون

  ∘ حرق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

احرق احرقي احرقوا

  ∘ Examples of حرق in English and Arabic

He burnt his mouth by eating hot food.

حرق فمه من الطعام الساخن.

She burnt her fingers while she was cooking.

حرقت أصابعها بينما كانت تطهو.

More Examples

I burnt myself when I was setting the fire.

حرقتُ نفسي عندما كنت أُشعل النار.

  ∘ How to pronounce حرق in English?

burn is pronounced in English as



  ∘ الحرق meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat, or acid

الحرق هو إصابة ناتجة عن النَّار أو الحرارة أو الإشعاع أو الكهرباء أو مادّة كاوية

  ∘ Plural of الحرق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of الحرق in English and Arabic

There were sever burns in his body caused by the fire.

تسببت النار بحروق بالغة في جسده

The reason of the burn mark in her hand is cooking.

سبب أثر الحرق في يدها هو الطبخ.

More Examples

The several cigarette burns in the sofa need to be mended.

تحتاج الحروق التي على الأريكة و الناتجة عن السجائر تصليح.

  ∘ How to pronounce الحرق in English?

burn is pronounced in English as
