defensive in Arabic

Meaning of defensive in Arabic is: (دِفَاعِيّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

defensive in Arabic

Arabic for defensive

1) defensive-adj


  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

Our army has taken a series of defensive measure

اتّخذ جيشنا سلسلة إجراءت دفاعيّة

The archers took a defensive position on the hill

اتّخذ الرّماة موقعا دفاعيّا على التّلّة

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North Korea's announced that its rockets are a purely defensive measure against any possible attack

لقد أعلنت كوريا الشّماليّة أنّ صواريخها مجرّد إجراء دفاعيّ ضدّ أيّ هجوم محتمل

Defensive weapons

أسلحة دفاعيّة

These weapons will be used only for defensive purposes

ستستخدم هذه الأسلحة لأغراض دفاعيّة فقط



  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you

دفاعيّ أي يتصرّف بطريقة تظهر شعوره بأنّ النّاس ينتقدوه

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

Whenever I mention her work's nature, my sister gets defensive

تصبح أختي دفاعيّة عندما أذكر طبيعة عملها

He is sounding extremely defensive

يبدو دفاعيّا للغاية

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He explained his plan with a defensive manner

شرح خطّته بطريقة دفاعيّة

We are discussing so there is not need to get defensive

إنّنا نتحاور فلا داعي لتصبح دفاعيّا

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  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

(sport) connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals

لعب دفاعيّ أي بأسلوب يهدف إلى عدم الهجوم ومحاولة منع الخصم من إحراز الأهداف

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

A boring defensive match

مباراة دفاعيّة مملّة

Juventus is a master of the defensive play

إنّ يوفنتوس هو أستاذ/سيّد اللّعب الدّفاعيّ

Arabic for defensive

1) defensive-adj


  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

Our army has taken a series of defensive measure

اتَّخَذَ جَيْشُنَا سِلْسَلَةَ إِجْرَاءَتٍ دِفَاعِيَّةً

The archers took a defensive position on the hill

اتَّخَذَ الرُّمَاةُ مَوْقِعًا دِفَاعِيًّا عَلَىْ التَّلَّةِ

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North Korea's announced that its rockets are a purely defensive measure against any possible attack

لَقَدْ أَعْلَنَتْ كُوْرِيَا الشَّمَالِيَّةَ أَنَّ صَوَارِيْخَهَا مُجَرَّدُ إِجْرَاءٍ دِفَاعِيٍّ ضِدَّ أَيِّ هُجُوْمٍ مُحْتَمَلٍ

Defensive weapons

أَسْلِحَةٌ دِفَاعِيَّةٌ

These weapons will be used only for defensive purposes

سَتُسْتَخْدَمُ هَذِهِ الأَسْلِحَةُ لِأَغْرَاضٍ دِفَاعِيَّةً فَقَطَ



  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you

دِفَاعِيٌّ أَيْ يَتَصَرَّفُ بِطَرِيْقَةٍ تُظْهِرُ شُعُوْرَهُ بِأَنَّ النَّاسَ يَنْتَقِدُوْهُ

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

Whenever I mention her work's nature, my sister gets defensive

تُصْبِحُ أُخْتِيْ دِفَاعِيَّةً عِنْدَمَا أَذْكُرُ طَبِيْعَةَ عَمَلِهَا

He is sounding extremely defensive

يَبْدُوْ دِفَاعِيًّا لِلْغَايَةِ

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He explained his plan with a defensive manner

شَرَحَ خُطَّتَهُ بِطَرِيْقَةٍ دِفَاعِيَّةٍ

We are discussing so there is not need to get defensive

إِنَّنَا نَتَحَاوُر فَلَا دَاعِيَ لِتُصْبِحَ دِفَاعِيًّا

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  ∘ defensive meaning in Arabic & English

(sport) connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals

لَعِبٌ دِفَاعِيٌّ أَيْ بِأُسْلُوْبٍ يَهْدُفُ إِلَىْ عَدَمِ الهُجُوْمِ وَمُحَاوَلَةِ مَنْعِ الخَصْمِ مِنْ إِحْرَازِ الأَهْدَافِ

  ∘ Examples of defensive in Arabic and English

A boring defensive match

مُبَارَاةٌ دِفَاعِيَّةٌ مُمِلَّةٌ

Juventus is a master of the defensive play

إِنَّ يُوْفِنْتُوْسَ هُوَ أُسْتَاذُ/سَيِّدُ اللَّعِبِ الدِّفَاعِيِّ
