debt in Arabic

Meaning of debt in Arabic is: (دين) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

debt in Arabic

Arabic for debt

1) debt-noun


  ∘ debt meaning in Arabic & English

a sum of money that somebody owes

الدين هو مبلغ من المال يستلفه أو يقترضه شخص من شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of debt in Arabic and English

He is working hard to pay off his debts.

هو يعمل بجد لسداد ديونه.

The company has accumulated a lot of debt.

تراكمت على الشركة الكثير من الديون.

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They took out a loan to cover their debts.

أخذوا قرضا لتغطية ديونهم.

Credit card debt can be overwhelming.

يمكن أن تكون ديون بطاقات الائتمان جائرة .

The government is seeking to reduce national debt.

تسعى الحكومة لتقليل الدين الوطني.

Debt counseling can help manage your finances.

يمكن للاستشارات المالية أن تساعدك في معالجة ديونك.

  ∘ How to pronounce debt in English?

The word debt is pronounced in English as



  ∘ debt meaning in Arabic & English

a sum of money that somebody owes

مبلغ من المال يدين به شخص لآخر

  ∘ Examples of debt in Arabic and English

He is trying to pay off his debts.

هو يحاول أن يسدد ديونه.

They incurred a lot of debt.

تكبدوا الكثير من الديون.

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National debt continues to rise.

يستمرالدين الوطني في الارتفاع.

She managed to clear her debts in two years.

تمكنت من تصفية ديونها في غضون سنتين.

Credit card debts can lead to financial troubles.

ديون بطاقات الائتمان يمكن أن تؤدي إلى مشاكل مالية.

His debts amounted to thousands of dollars.

بلغت ديونه آلاف الدولارات.

  ∘ How to pronounce debt in English?

The word debt is pronounced in English as

Arabic for debt

1) debt-noun


  ∘ debt meaning in Arabic & English

a sum of money that somebody owes

الدين هو مبلغ من المال يستلفه أو يقترضه شخص من شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of debt in Arabic and English

He is working hard to pay off his debts.

هو يعمل بجد لسداد ديونه.

The company has accumulated a lot of debt.

تراكمت على الشركة الكثير من الديون.

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They took out a loan to cover their debts.

أخذوا قرضًا لتغطية ديونهم.

Credit card debt can be overwhelming.

يمكن أن تكون ديون بطاقات الائتمان جائرة .

The government is seeking to reduce national debt.

تسعى الحكومة لتقليل الدين الوطني.

Debt counseling can help manage your finances.

يمكن للاستشارات المالية أن تساعدك في معالجة ديونك.

  ∘ How to pronounce debt in English?

The word debt is pronounced in English as



  ∘ debt meaning in Arabic & English

a sum of money that somebody owes

مبلغ من المال يدين به شخص لآخر

  ∘ Examples of debt in Arabic and English

He is trying to pay off his debts.

هو يحاول أن يسدد ديونه.

They incurred a lot of debt.

تكبدوا الكثير من الديون.

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National debt continues to rise.

يستمرالدين الوطني في الارتفاع.

She managed to clear her debts in two years.

تمكنت من تصفية ديونها في غضون سنتين.

Credit card debts can lead to financial troubles.

ديون بطاقات الائتمان يمكن أن تؤدي إلى مشاكل مالية.

His debts amounted to thousands of dollars.

بلغت ديونه آلاف الدولارات.

  ∘ How to pronounce debt in English?

The word debt is pronounced in English as
