pay in Arabic

Meaning of pay in Arabic is: (أَجْدَىْ، أَجْر، دَفَعَ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

pay in Arabic

Arabic for pay

1) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

Click to show conjugation of أجدى

  ∘ أجدى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أجدى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أجدى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

It may pay to ask him for his advice

قد يجدي طلبك النّصح منه نفعا

It would not pay you to arrest the opposition

لن يجدي لك اعتقال المعارضة نفعا

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Having known English paid dividends to me

أجدت لي معرفتي بالإنكليزيّة منفعة عظيمة

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

2) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of أجر in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عملت بدون أجر لأسبوع

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طلبت زيادة للأجر ولكنّها رفضت

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نترقّب زيادة للأجور في نهاية العام

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

3) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for something you buy or a service

Click to show conjugation of دفع

  ∘ دفع past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا دفعت - نحن دفعنا
أنت دفعت - أنت دفعت
أنتما دفعتما
أنتم دفعتم - أنتنّ دفعتنّ
هو دفع - هي دفعت
هما (مذكّر) دفعا - هما (مؤنّث) دفعتا
هم دفعوا - هنّ دفعن

  ∘ دفع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أدفع - نحن ندفع
أنت تدفع - أنت تدفعين
أنتما تدفعان
أنتم تدفعون - أنتنّ تدفعن
هو يدفع - هي تدفع
هما (مذكّر) يدفعان - هما (مؤنّث) تدفعان
هم يدفعون - هنّ يدفعن

  ∘ دفع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت ادفع - أنت ادفعي
أنتما ادفعا
أنتم ادفعوا - أنتنّ ادفعن

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Who did pay for you?

من دفع عنك؟

Mu dad paid for the car

دفع أبي سعر السّيّارة

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You can pay by credit card

يمكنك الدّفع ببطاقة الإئتمان

I'll pay you to teach me French

سأدفع لك مقابل تعليمي الفرنسيّة

You did not pay me for the bag

لم تدفع لي سعر الحقيبة

She paid him 5 dollars

دفعت له 5 دولارات

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to pay money that you owe to a person, company, etc.

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have not paid the water bill since two months

لم أدفع فاتورة المياه منذ شهرين

I pay the due interest on time

أدفع الفوائد المترتّبة عليّ في وقتها

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I have not paid the fees yet

لم أدفع القسط بعد

I paid the loan to Mohammed

دفعت القرض لمحمّد

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  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for the job they do

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

How much they pay you in the factory?

كم يدفعون لك في المعمل؟

They pay us the minimum wages

يدفعون لنا الحدّ الأدنى للأجور

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I was paid 8 euro an hour

دفع لي 8 يورو في السّاعة



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give money to somebody because you are ordered by the court as a part of a legal case

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have to pay $150 fine

عليّ دفع غرامة بـ 150$



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to suffer or being punished for your beliefs or actions

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

You will pay for your actions

ستدفع ثمن أفعالك

We paid with our lives for the freedom

دفعنا حياتنا ثمنا للحرّيّة

4) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of راتب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عملت بدون راتب لأسبوع

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طلبت زيادة للراتب ولكنّها رفضت

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نترقّب زيادة للرواتب في نهاية العام

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

5) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

if a shop or business pays, it makes profit

Click to show conjugation of ربح

  ∘ ربح past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا ربحت - نحن ربحنا
أنت ربحت - أنت ربحت
أنتما ربحتما
أنتم ربحتم - أنتنّ ربحتنّ
هو ربح - هي ربحت
هما (مذكّر) ربحا - هما (مؤنّث) ربحتا
هم ربحوا - هنّ ربحن

  ∘ ربح present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أربح - نحن نربح
أنت تربح - أنت تربحين
أنتما تربحان
أنتم تربحون - أنتنّ تربحن
هو يربح - هي تربح
هما (مذكّر) يربحان - هما (مؤنّث) تربحان
هم يربحون - هنّ يربحن

  ∘ ربح imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت اربح - أنت اربحي
أنتما اربحا
أنتم اربحوا - أنتنّ اربحن

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Traditional farming cannot pay.

لا يمكن للزّراعة التّقليديّة أن تربح

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

6) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for something you buy or a service

Click to show conjugation of سدّد

  ∘ سدّد past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا سدّدت - نحن سدّدنا
أنت سدّدت - أنت سدّدت
أنتما سدّدتما
أنتم سدّدتم - أنتنّ سدّدتنّ
هو سدّد - هي سدّدت
هما (مذكّر) سدّدا - هما (مؤنّث) سدّدتا
هم سدّدوا - هنّ سدّدن

  ∘ سدّد present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أسدّد - نحن نسدّد
أنت تسدّد - أنت تسدّدين
أنتما تسدّدان
أنتم تسدّدون - أنتنّ تسدّدن
هو يسدّد - هي تسدّد
هما (مذكّر) يسدّدان - هما (مؤنّث) تسدّدان
هم يسدّدون - هنّ يسدّدن

  ∘ سدّد imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت سدّد - أنت سدّدي
أنتما سدّدا
أنتم سدّدوا - أنتنّ سدّدن

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Who did pay for you?

من سدّد عنك؟

Mu dad paid for the car

سدّد أبي سعر السّيّارة

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You can pay by credit card

يمكنك التّسديد ببطاقة الإئتمان

You did not pay me for the bag

لم تسدّد لي سعر الحقيبة

She paid him 5 dollars

سدّدت له 5 دولارات

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to pay money that you owe to a person, company, etc.

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have not paid the water bill since two months

لم أسدّد فاتورة المياه منذ شهرين

I pay the due interest on time

أسدّد الفوائد المترتّبة عليّ في وقتها

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I have not paid the fees yet

لم أسدّد القسط بعد

I paid the loan to Mohammed

سدّدت القرض لمحمّد

7) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of مرتّب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عملت بدون مرتّب لأسبوع

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طلبت زيادة للمرتّب ولكنّها رفضت

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نترقّب زيادة للمرتّبات في نهاية العام

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

8) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to bring a good result for somebody

Click to show conjugation of نفع

  ∘ نفع past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا نفعت - نحن نفعنا
أنت نفعت - أنت نفعت
أنتما نفعتما
أنتم نفعتم - أنتنّ نفعتنّ
هو نفع - هي نفعت
هما (مذكّر) نفعا - هما (مؤنّث) نفعتا
هم نفعوا - هنّ نفعن

  ∘ نفع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أنفع - نحن ننفع
أنت تنفع - أنت تنفعين
أنتما تنفعان
أنتم تنفعون - أنتنّ تنفعن
هو ينفع - هي تنفع
هما (مذكّر) ينفعان - هما (مؤنّث) تنفعان
هم ينفعون - هنّ ينفعن

  ∘ نفع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت انفع - أنت انفعي
أنتما انفعا
أنتم انفعوا - أنتنّ انفعن

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

It may pay to ask him for his advice

قد ينفعك طلب النّصح منه

It would not pay you to arrest the opposition

لن ينفعك اعتقال المعارضة

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Having known English paid dividends to me

نفعتني معرفتي بالإنكليزيّة نفعا عظيما

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

Arabic for pay

1) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

Click to show conjugation of أَجْدَىْ

  ∘ أَجْدَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَجْدَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ أَجْدَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

It may pay to ask him for his advice

قَدْ يُجْدِيْ طَلَبُكَ النُّصْحَ مِنْهُ نَفْعًا

It would not pay you to arrest the opposition

لَنْ يُجْدِيْ لَكَ اعْتِقَالُ المُعَارَضَةِ نَفْعًا

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Having known English paid dividends to me

أَجْدَتْ لِيْ مَعْرِفَتِيْ بِالإِنْكِلِيْزِيَّةِ مَنْفَعَةً عَظِيْمَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

2) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of أَجْر in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عَمِلْتُ بِدُوْنِ أَجْرٍ لِأُسْبُوْعٍ

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طَلَبْتُ زِيَادَةً لِلْأَجْرِ وَلَكِنَّهَا رُفِضَتْ

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نَتَرَقَّبُ زِيَادَةً لِلْأُجُوْرِ فِيْ نِهَايَةِ العَامِ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

3) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for something you buy or a service

Click to show conjugation of دَفَعَ

  ∘ دَفَعَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا دَفَعْتُ - نَحْنُ دَفَعْنَا
أَنْتَ دَفَعْتَ - أَنْتِ دَفَعْتِ
أَنْتُمَا دَفَعْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ دَفَعْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ دَفَعْتُنَّ
هُوَ دَفَعَ - هِيَ دَفَعَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) دَفَعَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) دَفَعَتَا
هُمْ دَفَعُوا - هُنَّ دَفَعْنَ

  ∘ دَفَعَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أدْفَعُ - نَحْنُ ندْفَعُ
أَنْتَ تدْفَعُ - أَنْتِ تدْفَعِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تدْفَعَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تدْفَعُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تدْفَعْنَ
هُوَ يدْفَعُ - هِيَ تدْفَعُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يدْفَعَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تدْفَعَانِ
هُمْ يدْفَعُونَ - هُنَّ يدْفَعْنَ

  ∘ دَفَعَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ ادْفَعْ - أَنْتِ ادْفَعي
أَنْتُمَا ادْفَعا
أَنْتُمْ ادْفَعوا - أَنْتُنَّ ادْفَعنَ

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Who did pay for you?

مَنْ دَفَعَ عَنْكَ؟

Mu dad paid for the car

دَفَعَ أَبِيْ سِعْرَ السَّيَّارَةِ

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You can pay by credit card

يُمْكِنُكَ الدَّفْعُ بِبِطَاقَةِ الإِئْتِمَانِ

I'll pay you to teach me French

سَأَدْفَعُ لَكَ مُقَابِلَ تَعْلِيْمِيَ الفِرَنْسِيَّةَ

You did not pay me for the bag

لَمْ تَدْفَعْ لِيْ سِعْرَ الحَقِيْبَةِ

She paid him 5 dollars

دَفَعَتْ لَهُ 5 دُوْلَارَاتٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to pay money that you owe to a person, company, etc.

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have not paid the water bill since two months

لَمْ أَدْفَعْ فَاتُوْرَةَ المِيَاهِ مُنْذُ شَهْرَيْنِ

I pay the due interest on time

أَدْفَعُ الفَوَائِدَ المُتَرَتِّبَةَ عَلَيَّ فِيْ وَقْتِهَا

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I have not paid the fees yet

لَمْ أَدْفَعِ القِسْطَ بَعْدُ

I paid the loan to Mohammed

دَفَعْتُ القَرْضَ لِمُحَمَّدَ

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  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for the job they do

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

How much they pay you in the factory?

كَمْ يَدْفَعُوْنَ لَكَ فِيْ المَعْمَلِ؟

They pay us the minimum wages

يَدْفَعُوْنَ لَنَا الحَدَّ الأَدْنَىْ لِلْأُجُوْرِ

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I was paid 8 euro an hour

دُفِعَ لِيَ 8 يُوْرُوْ فِيْ السَّاعَةِ



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give money to somebody because you are ordered by the court as a part of a legal case

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have to pay $150 fine

عَلَيَّ دَفْعُ غَرَامَةٍ بـِ 150$



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to suffer or being punished for your beliefs or actions

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

You will pay for your actions

سَتَدْفَعُ ثَمَنَ أَفْعَالِكَ

We paid with our lives for the freedom

دَفَعْنَا حَيَاتَنَا ثَمَنًا لِلْحُرِّيَّةِ

4) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of رَاتِب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عَمِلْتُ بِدُوْنِ رَاتِبٍ لِأُسْبُوْعٍ

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طَلَبْتُ زِيَادَةً لِلْرَاتِبِ وَلَكِنَّهَا رُفِضَتْ

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نَتَرَقَّبُ زِيَادَةً لِلْرَوَاتِبِ فِيْ نِهَايَةِ العَامِ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

5) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

if a shop or business pays, it makes profit

Click to show conjugation of رَبِحَ

  ∘ رَبِحَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا رَبِحْتُ - نَحْنُ رَبِحْنَا
أَنْتَ رَبِحْتَ - أَنْتِ رَبِحْتِ
أَنْتُمَا رَبِحْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ رَبِحْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ رَبِحْتُنَّ
هُوَ رَبِحَ - هِيَ رَبِحَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) رَبِحَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) رَبِحَتَا
هُمْ رَبِحُوا - هُنَّ رَبِحْنَ

  ∘ رَبِحَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أرْبَحُ - نَحْنُ نرْبَحُ
أَنْتَ ترْبَحُ - أَنْتِ ترْبَحِينَ
أَنْتُمَا ترْبَحَانِ
أَنْتُمْ ترْبَحُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ ترْبَحْنَ
هُوَ يرْبَحُ - هِيَ ترْبَحُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يرْبَحَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) ترْبَحَانِ
هُمْ يرْبَحُونَ - هُنَّ يرْبَحْنَ

  ∘ رَبِحَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ ارْبَحْ - أَنْتِ ارْبَحي
أَنْتُمَا ارْبَحا
أَنْتُمْ ارْبَحوا - أَنْتُنَّ ارْبَحنَ

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Traditional farming cannot pay.

لَا يُمْكِنُ لِلْزِّرَاعَةِ التَّقْلِيْدِيَّةِ أَنْ تَرْبَحَ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

6) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to give someone money for something you buy or a service

Click to show conjugation of سَدَّدَ

  ∘ سَدَّدَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا سَدَّدْتُ - نَحْنُ سَدَّدْنَا
أَنْتَ سَدَّدْتَ - أَنْتِ سَدَّدْتِ
أَنْتُمَا سَدَّدْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ سَدَّدْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ سَدَّدْتُنَّ
هُوَ سَدَّدَ - هِيَ سَدَّدَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) سَدَّدَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) سَدَّدَتَا
هُمْ سَدَّدُوا - هُنَّ سَدَّدْنَ

  ∘ سَدَّدَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أسَدِّدُ - نَحْنُ نسَدِّدُ
أَنْتَ تسَدِّدُ - أَنْتِ تسَدِّدِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تسَدِّدَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تسَدِّدُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تسَدِّدْنَ
هُوَ يسَدِّدُ - هِيَ تسَدِّدُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يسَدِّدَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تسَدِّدَانِ
هُمْ يسَدِّدُونَ - هُنَّ يسَدِّدْنَ

  ∘ سَدَّدَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ سَدِّدْ - أَنْتِ سَدِّدي
أَنْتُمَا سَدِّدا
أَنْتُمْ سَدِّدوا - أَنْتُنَّ سَدِّدنَ

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

Who did pay for you?

مَنْ سَدَّدَ عَنْكَ؟

Mu dad paid for the car

سَدَّدَ أَبِيْ سِعْرَ السَّيَّارَةِ

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You can pay by credit card

يُمْكِنُكَ التَّسْدِيْدُ بِبِطَاقَةِ الإِئْتِمَانِ

You did not pay me for the bag

لَمْ تُسَدِّدْ لِيْ سِعْرَ الحَقِيْبَةِ

She paid him 5 dollars

سَدَّدَتْ لَهُ 5 دُوْلَارَاتٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as



  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to pay money that you owe to a person, company, etc.

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I have not paid the water bill since two months

لَمْ أُسَدِّدْ فَاتُوْرَةَ المِيَاهِ مُنْذُ شَهْرَيْنِ

I pay the due interest on time

أُسَدِّدُ الفَوَائِدَ المُتَرَتِّبَةَ عَلَيَّ فِيْ وَقْتِهَا

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I have not paid the fees yet

لَمْ أُسَدِّدِ القِسْطَ بَعْدُ

I paid the loan to Mohammed

سَدَّدْتُ القَرْضَ لِمُحَمَّدَ

7) pay-noun


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

money that you are giving for doing your job

  ∘ Plural of مُرَتَّب in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

I've worked without pay for a week

عَمِلْتُ بِدُوْنِ مُرَتَّبٍ لِأُسْبُوْعٍ

I made a pay claim, but it was refused

طَلَبْتُ زِيَادَةً لِلْمُرَتَّبِ وَلَكِنَّهَا رُفِضَتْ

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We are looking forwards to a pay rise/raise at the end of the year

نَتَرَقَّبُ زِيَادَةً لِلْمُرَتَّبَاتِ فِيْ نِهَايَةِ العَامِ

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as

8) pay-verb


  ∘ pay meaning in Arabic & English

to bring a good result for somebody

Click to show conjugation of نَفَعَ

  ∘ نَفَعَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا نَفَعْتُ - نَحْنُ نَفَعْنَا
أَنْتَ نَفَعْتَ - أَنْتِ نَفَعْتِ
أَنْتُمَا نَفَعْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ نَفَعْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ نَفَعْتُنَّ
هُوَ نَفَعَ - هِيَ نَفَعَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) نَفَعَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) نَفَعَتَا
هُمْ نَفَعُوا - هُنَّ نَفَعْنَ

  ∘ نَفَعَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أنْفَعُ - نَحْنُ ننْفَعُ
أَنْتَ تنْفَعُ - أَنْتِ تنْفَعِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تنْفَعَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تنْفَعُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تنْفَعْنَ
هُوَ ينْفَعُ - هِيَ تنْفَعُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) ينْفَعَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تنْفَعَانِ
هُمْ ينْفَعُونَ - هُنَّ ينْفَعْنَ

  ∘ نَفَعَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ انْفَعْ - أَنْتِ انْفَعي
أَنْتُمَا انْفَعا
أَنْتُمْ انْفَعوا - أَنْتُنَّ انْفَعنَ

  ∘ Examples of pay in Arabic and English

It may pay to ask him for his advice

قَدْ يَنْفَعُكَ طَلَبُ النُّصْحِ مِنْهُ

It would not pay you to arrest the opposition

لَنْ يَنْفَعَكَ اعْتِقَالُ المُعَارَضَةِ

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Having known English paid dividends to me

نَفَعَتْنِيْ مَعْرِفَتِيْ بِالإِنْكِلِيْزِيَّةِ نَفْعًا عَظِيْمًا

  ∘ How to pronounce pay in English?

The word pay is pronounced in English as
