casualty in Arabic

Meaning of casualty in Arabic is: (خَسَارَة، ضَحيّة، غُرْفَةُ الطَّوارِىء) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

casualty in Arabic

Arabic for casualty

1) casualty -noun


  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of خسارة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

The recession has caused the company tremendous losses.

تسبب الركود بخسائر فادحة للشركة.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as

2) casualty-noun


  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident

  ∘ Plural of ضحيّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

a memorial was built to honor the casualties of the war.

تمّ بناء نصب تذكاريّ لتكريم ضحايا الحرب.

a clash between the gangs caused many civilian casualties.

تسبب اشتباك بين العصابات في سقوط العديد من الضحايا المدنيين.

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She read through the casualty list anxiously.

قرأت قائمة الضحايا بقلق.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as



  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

a person who suffers or a thing that is destroyed when something else takes place

  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

Small businesses were the main casualties to the multinational corporations.

المشاريع الصغيرة هي الضحيّة الرئيسية للشركات متعددة الجنسيات.

Their marriage was the casualty of their family's feud.

كان زواجهما ضحيّة لنزاع عائلي.

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The environment is the main casualty of global warming.

النظام البيئيّ هو الضحيّة الرئيسيّة للإحتباس الحراري.

3) casualty-noun

غرفة الطّوارىء-اسم

  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a hospital where people who need immediate treatment are taken

  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

The child was taken to casualty.

تمّ نقل الطفل إلى غرفة الطّوارىء.

ambulances rushed to transfer the patient to casualty.

هرعت سيّارات الإسعاف لنقل المريض إلى غرفة الطّوارىء.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as

Arabic for casualty

1) casualty -noun


  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of خَسَارَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

The recession has caused the company tremendous losses.

تَسَبَبَ الْرُكُوْدِ بِخَسَائِرَ فَادِحَةً لِلْشَرِكَةِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as

2) casualty-noun


  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident

  ∘ Plural of ضَحيّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

a memorial was built to honor the casualties of the war.

تَمَّ بِنَاءُ نَصْبٍ تِذْكَارِيٍّ لِتَكْرِيْمِ ضَحَايَا الْحَرْبِ.

a clash between the gangs caused many civilian casualties.

تَسَبَبَ اِشْتِبَاكٌ بِيْنَ الْعِصَابَاتِ فِيْ سُقُوْطِ الْعَدِيْدِ مِنَ الْضَحَايَا الْمَدَنِيِيْنَ.

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She read through the casualty list anxiously.

قَرَأَتْ قَائِمَةَ الْضَحَايَا بِقَلَقٍ.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as



  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

a person who suffers or a thing that is destroyed when something else takes place

  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

Small businesses were the main casualties to the multinational corporations.

الْمَشَارِيْعُ الْصَغِيْرَةُ هِيَ الْضَحِيَّةُ الْرَئِيْسِيَةُ لِلْشَرِكَاتِ مُتَعَدِدِةَ الْجِنْسِيَاتِ.

Their marriage was the casualty of their family's feud.

كَانَ زَوَاجُهُمَا ضَحِيَّةً لِنِزَاعٍ عَائِلِيٍ.

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The environment is the main casualty of global warming.

الْنِظَامُ الْبِيْئِيُّ هُوَ الْضَحِيَّةُ الْرَئِيْسِيَّةُ لِلْإحْتِبَاسِ الْحَرَارِيِ.

3) casualty-noun

غُرْفَةُ الطَّوارِىء-اسم

  ∘ casualty meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a hospital where people who need immediate treatment are taken

  ∘ Examples of casualty in Arabic and English

The child was taken to casualty.

تَمّ نَقْلُ الْطِفْلِ إِلَى غُرْفَةُ الطَّوارِىء.

ambulances rushed to transfer the patient to casualty.

هَرَعَتِ سَيَّارَاتُ اَلْإِسْعَافِ لِنَقْلِ الْمَرِيْضِ إِلَى غُرْفَةُ الطَّوارِىء.

  ∘ How to pronounce casualty in English?

The word casualty is pronounced in English as
