beyond in Arabic

Meaning of beyond in Arabic is: (أبعد، بعد، فوق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

beyond in Arabic

Arabic for beyond

1) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

on or to the further side of something

أبعد أيّ بعيد جدا عن الشيّء الذي نتحدّث عنه

  ∘ Plural of أبعد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

You've gone beyond the bank.

ذهبت أبعد من المصرّف.

Her house is beyond the bridge.

منزلها أبعد من الجسر.

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The pencil is a few centimeters beyond my reach.

قلم الرّصاص أبعد بينتمترات قليلة عن متناول يدي.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

2) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

He hasn't thought what he will do beyond graduation.

لم يفكر ما سيفعل بعد التخرّج.

The noise won't continue beyond midnight.

لن يستمر الضجيج بعد منتصف الليل.

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Her plans include the deeds beyond the performance.

تشمل خططها الأعمال ما بعد التنفيذ.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

3) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

more than something

فوق أيّ خارج النطاق المعتاد

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

The theory is beyond our knowledge.

إن النظريّة فوق إدراكنا.

Her efforts were beyond her abilities.

كانت جهودها فوق قدراتها.

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His behaviour was completely beyond our expectations.

كان تصرّفه تماما فوق توقّعاتنا.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

4) beyond-adverb

ما يعد-اسم

  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

on the other side; further on

ما بعد أيّ وراء أو الزمن الذي يلي الزمن الذي نتحدّث عنه

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

He was standing beyond the post office.

كان يقف ما بعد مركز البريد.

Nobody can predict what will happen beyond.

لا يستطيع أحد أن يتنبأ ما سيحدث في ما بعد.

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This history book speaks about the year 2000 and beyond.

إن كتاب التاريخ هذه يتحدّث عن العام 2000 و ما بعده.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

Arabic for beyond

1) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

on or to the further side of something

أبعد أيّ بعيد جداً عن الشيّء الذي نتحدّث عنه

  ∘ Plural of أبعد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

You've gone beyond the bank.

ذهبت أبعد من المصرّف.

Her house is beyond the bridge.

منزلها أبعد من الجسر.

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The pencil is a few centimeters beyond my reach.

قلم الرّصاص أبعد بينتمترات قليلة عن متناول يدي.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

2) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

He hasn't thought what he will do beyond graduation.

لم يفكر ما سيفعل بعد التخرّج.

The noise won't continue beyond midnight.

لن يستمر الضجيج بعد منتصف الليل.

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Her plans include the deeds beyond the performance.

تشمل خططها الأعمال ما بعد التنفيذ.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

3) beyond-preposition


  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

more than something

فوق أيّ خارج النطاق المعتاد

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

The theory is beyond our knowledge.

إن النظريّة فوق إدراكنا.

Her efforts were beyond her abilities.

كانت جهودها فوق قدراتها.

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His behaviour was completely beyond our expectations.

كان تصرّفه تماماً فوق توقّعاتنا.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as

4) beyond-adverb

ما يعد-اسم

  ∘ beyond meaning in Arabic & English

on the other side; further on

ما بعد أيّ وراء أو الزمن الذي يلي الزمن الذي نتحدّث عنه

  ∘ Examples of beyond in Arabic and English

He was standing beyond the post office.

كان يقف ما بعد مركز البريد.

Nobody can predict what will happen beyond.

لا يستطيع أحد أن يتنبأ ما سيحدث في ما بعد.

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This history book speaks about the year 2000 and beyond.

إن كتاب التاريخ هذه يتحدّث عن العام 2000 و ما بعده.

  ∘ How to pronounce beyond in English?

The word beyond is pronounced in English as
