audit in Arabic

Meaning of audit in Arabic is: (مُرَاجَعَة، تَدْقِيْق، تَقْيِيْم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

audit in Arabic

Arabic for audit

1) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of مراجعة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

The annual audit of the company's accounts

المراجعة السّنويّة لحسابات الشّركة

The tax audit

المراجعة الضّريبيّة

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Prepare your firm's account for audit

قم بتجهيز حساب شركتك للمراجعة

The company has to have two audit a year.

تجري الشّركة عمليّتي مراجعة في السّنة

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

2) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

an official examination of a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

  ∘ Plural of تدقيق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

The annual audit of the company's accounts

التّدقيق السّنويّ لحسابات الشّركة

The tax audit

التّدقيق الضّريبيّ

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Prepare your firm's account for audit

قم بتجهيز حساب شركتك للتّدقيق

The company has to have two audit a year.

تجري الشّركة عمليّتي تدقيق في السّنة

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

3) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

a detailed examination of something in order to check if it is good enough

  ∘ Plural of تقييم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

An environmental audit

تقييم بيئيّ

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

4) audit-verb


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

to officially examine a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

Click to show conjugation of دقّق

  ∘ دقّق past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا دقّقت - نحن دقّقنا
أنت دقّقت - أنت دقّقت
أنتما دقّقتما
أنتم دقّقتم - أنتنّ دقّقتنّ
هو دقّق - هي دقّقت
هما (مذكّر) دقّقا - هما (مؤنّث) دقّقتا
هم دقّقوا - هنّ دقّقن

  ∘ دقّق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أدقّق - نحن ندقّق
أنت تدقّق - أنت تدقّقين
أنتما تدقّقان
أنتم تدقّقون - أنتنّ تدقّقن
هو يدقّق - هي تدقّق
هما (مذكّر) يدقّقان - هما (مؤنّث) تدقّقان
هم يدقّقون - هنّ يدقّقن

  ∘ دقّق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت دقّق - أنت دقّقي
أنتما دقّقا
أنتم دقّقوا - أنتنّ دقّقن

  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

Our company's accounts has been audited by the prosecutor

دقّق المدّعي العامّ حسابات شركتنا

The accounts are audited monthly

تدقّق الحسابات شهريّا

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

5) audit-verb


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

to officially examine a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

Click to show conjugation of راجع

  ∘ راجع past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا راجعت - نحن راجعنا
أنت راجعت - أنت راجعت
أنتما راجعتما
أنتم راجعتم - أنتنّ راجعتنّ
هو راجع - هي راجعت
هما (مذكّر) راجعا - هما (مؤنّث) راجعتا
هم راجعوا - هنّ راجعن

  ∘ راجع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أراجع - نحن نراجع
أنت تراجع - أنت تراجعين
أنتما تراجعان
أنتم تراجعون - أنتنّ تراجعن
هو يراجع - هي تراجع
هما (مذكّر) يراجعان - هما (مؤنّث) تراجعان
هم يراجعون - هنّ يراجعن

  ∘ راجع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت راجع - أنت راجعي
أنتما راجعا
أنتم راجعوا - أنتنّ راجعن

  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

Our company's accounts has been audited by the prosecutor

راجع المدّعي العامّ حسابات شركتنا

The accounts are audited monthly

تراجع الحسابات شهريّا

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

Arabic for audit

1) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of مُرَاجَعَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

The annual audit of the company's accounts

المُرَاجَعَةُ السَّنَوِيَّةُ لِحِسَابَاتِ الشَّرِكَةِ

The tax audit

المُرَاجَعَةُ الضَّرِيْبِيَّةُ

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Prepare your firm's account for audit

قُمْ بِتَجْهِيْزِ حِسَابِ شَرِكَتِكَ لِلْمُرَاجَعَةِ

The company has to have two audit a year.

تُجْرِيْ الشَّرِكَةُ عَمَلِيَّتَيْ مُرَاجَعَةٍ فَيْ السَّنَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

2) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

an official examination of a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

  ∘ Plural of تَدْقِيْق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

The annual audit of the company's accounts

التّدْقِيْقُ السَّنَوِيُّ لِحِسَابَاتِ الشَّرِكَةِ

The tax audit

التّدْقِيْقُ الضَّرِيْبِيُّ

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Prepare your firm's account for audit

قُمْ بِتَجْهِيْزِ حِسَابِ شَرِكَتِكَ لِلْتَّدْقِيْقِ

The company has to have two audit a year.

تُجْرِيْ الشَّرِكَةُ عَمَلِيَّتَيْ تَدْقِيْقٍ فَيْ السَّنَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

3) audit-noun


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

a detailed examination of something in order to check if it is good enough

  ∘ Plural of تَقْيِيْم in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

An environmental audit

تَقْيِيْمٌ بِيْئِيٌّ

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

4) audit-verb


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

to officially examine a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

Click to show conjugation of دَقَّقَ

  ∘ دَقَّقَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا دَقَّقْتُ - نَحْنُ دَقَّقْنَا
أَنْتَ دَقَّقْتَ - أَنْتِ دَقَّقْتِ
أَنْتُمَا دَقَّقْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ دَقَّقْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ دَقَّقْتُنَّ
هُوَ دَقَّقَ - هِيَ دَقَّقَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) دَقَّقَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) دَقَّقَتَا
هُمْ دَقَّقُوا - هُنَّ دَقَّقْنَ

  ∘ دَقَّقَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أدَقِّقُ - نَحْنُ ندَقِّقُ
أَنْتَ تدَقِّقُ - أَنْتِ تدَقِّقِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تدَقِّقَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تدَقِّقُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تدَقِّقْنَ
هُوَ يدَقِّقُ - هِيَ تدَقِّقُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يدَقِّقَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تدَقِّقَانِ
هُمْ يدَقِّقُونَ - هُنَّ يدَقِّقْنَ

  ∘ دَقَّقَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ دَقِّقْ - أَنْتِ دَقِّقي
أَنْتُمَا دَقِّقا
أَنْتُمْ دَقِّقوا - أَنْتُنَّ دَقِّقنَ

  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

Our company's accounts has been audited by the prosecutor

دَقَّقَ المُدَّعِيْ العَامُّ حِسَابَاتِ شَرِكَتِنَا

The accounts are audited monthly

تُدَقَّقُ الحِسَابَاتُ شَهْرِيًّا

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as

5) audit-verb


  ∘ audit meaning in Arabic & English

to officially examine a company’s financial records in order to check that they are correct

Click to show conjugation of رَاجَعَ

  ∘ رَاجَعَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا رَاجَعْتُ - نَحْنُ رَاجَعْنَا
أَنْتَ رَاجَعْتَ - أَنْتِ رَاجَعْتِ
أَنْتُمَا رَاجَعْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ رَاجَعْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ رَاجَعْتُنَّ
هُوَ رَاجَعَ - هِيَ رَاجَعَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) رَاجَعَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) رَاجَعَتَا
هُمْ رَاجَعُوا - هُنَّ رَاجَعْنَ

  ∘ رَاجَعَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أرَاجِعُ - نَحْنُ نرَاجِعُ
أَنْتَ ترَاجِعُ - أَنْتِ ترَاجِعِينَ
أَنْتُمَا ترَاجِعَانِ
أَنْتُمْ ترَاجِعُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ ترَاجِعْنَ
هُوَ يرَاجِعُ - هِيَ ترَاجِعُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يرَاجِعَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) ترَاجِعَانِ
هُمْ يرَاجِعُونَ - هُنَّ يرَاجِعْنَ

  ∘ رَاجَعَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ رَاجِعْ - أَنْتِ رَاجِعي
أَنْتُمَا رَاجِعا
أَنْتُمْ رَاجِعوا - أَنْتُنَّ رَاجِعنَ

  ∘ Examples of audit in Arabic and English

Our company's accounts has been audited by the prosecutor

رَاجَعَ المُدَّعِيْ العَامُّ حِسَابَاتِ شَرِكَتِنَا

The accounts are audited monthly

تُرَاجَعُ الحِسَابَاتُ شَهْرِيًّا

  ∘ How to pronounce audit in English?

The word audit is pronounced in English as
