يقظ in English

Meaning of يقظ in English is: (alert, alive) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

يقظ بالانجليزي

English for يقظ


1) alert-adj


  ∘ يقظ meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of يقظ in English and Arabic

an alert kid reported the robbery.

بلغ السرقة صبي يقظ.

an alert mind

يقظ الذّهن.

More Examples

stay alert while we out.

ابق يقظ أثناء خروجنّا.

  ∘ How to pronounce يقظ in English?

alert is pronounced in English as

2) alive-adj


  ∘ يقظ meaning in English & Arabic

aware of something; knowing something exists and is important

يقظ لشيّء ما أيّ أخذ حذره منه و علم مدى أهميّته

  ∘ Examples of يقظ in English and Arabic

He is alive to the possibilities of failure.

هو يقظ لاحتمالات الفشل.

Doctors are alive to the bad results that may happen.

الأطباء يقظون للنتائج السيّة التي يمكن أن تحجث.

More Examples

The team was alive to the fact that the team is strong.

كان الفريق يقظا لحقيقة أن الفريق الآخر قويّ.

Scientists were alive to the dangers the earthquake may cause.

كان العلماء يقظون للأخطار التي يمكن أن يسببها الزلزال.

  ∘ How to pronounce يقظ in English?

alive is pronounced in English as

English for يقظ


1) alert-adj


  ∘ يَقِظ meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of يَقِظ in English and Arabic

an alert kid reported the robbery.

بَلَغَ الْسَرِقَةَ صَبِيٌ يَقِظٌ.

an alert mind

يَقِظُ الذِّهنِ.

More Examples

stay alert while we out.

اِبْقَ يَقِظََ أَثْنَاءَ خُرُوْجِنَّا.

  ∘ How to pronounce يَقِظ in English?

alert is pronounced in English as

2) alive-adj


  ∘ يقظ meaning in English & Arabic

aware of something; knowing something exists and is important

يقظ لشيّء ما أيّ أخذ حذره منه و علم مدى أهميّته

  ∘ Examples of يقظ in English and Arabic

He is alive to the possibilities of failure.

هو يقظ لاحتمالات الفشل.

Doctors are alive to the bad results that may happen.

الأطباء يقظون للنتائج السيّة التي يمكن أن تحجث.

More Examples

The team was alive to the fact that the team is strong.

كان الفريق يقظاً لحقيقة أن الفريق الآخر قويّ.

Scientists were alive to the dangers the earthquake may cause.

كان العلماء يقظون للأخطار التي يمكن أن يسببها الزلزال.

  ∘ How to pronounce يقظ in English?

alive is pronounced in English as
