هدوء in English

Meaning of هدوء in English is: (quiet, softly, calm) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

هدوء بالانجليزي

English for هدوء


1) quiet -noun


  ∘ هدوء meaning in English & Arabic

the state of being quiet, calm and peaceful

  ∘ Examples of هدوء in English and Arabic

I was drinking coffee enjoying the quiet of the morning

كنت أشرب القهوة مستمتعا بهدوء الصّباح

Can I have some quiet?

هل لي ببعض الهدوء؟

More Examples

The quiet of the desert

هدوء الصّحراء

  ∘ How to pronounce هدوء in English?

quiet is pronounced in English as

2) softly -adverb


  ∘ هدوء meaning in English & Arabic

in a soft way

  ∘ Examples of هدوء in English and Arabic

Close the window softly so that you do not wake the baby up

أغلق النّافذة بهدوء حتّى لا توقظ الصّغير

'I am angry,' she said softly

قالت له بهدوء "أنا منزعجة"

More Examples

He scolded me softly

وبّخني بهدوء

  ∘ How to pronounce هدوء in English?

softly is pronounced in English as

3) calm-noun


  ∘ هدوء meaning in English & Arabic

a quiet and relaxed manner

الهدوء هو الراحة و السكينة في التعامل و السلوك

  ∘ Examples of هدوء in English and Arabic

She is unique with her absolute calm.

تتفرّد بهدوءها المطلق.

His calm appears even when he speaks.

يظهر هدوءه حتى عندما يتكلّم.

More Examples

The calm which dominated the hall was strange.

كان الهدوء الذي ساد القاعة غريب.

  ∘ How to pronounce هدوء in English?

calm is pronounced in English as

English for هدوء


1) quiet -noun


  ∘ هُدُوْء meaning in English & Arabic

the state of being quiet, calm and peaceful

  ∘ Examples of هُدُوْء in English and Arabic

I was drinking coffee enjoying the quiet of the morning

كُنْتُ أَشْرَبُ القَهْوَةَ مُسْتَمْتِعًا بِهُدُوْءِ الصَّبَاحِ

Can I have some quiet?

هَلْ لِيْ بِبَعْضِ الهُدُوْءِ؟

More Examples

The quiet of the desert

هُدُوْءُ الصَّحْرَاءِ

  ∘ How to pronounce هُدُوْء in English?

quiet is pronounced in English as

2) softly -adverb


  ∘ هُدُوْء meaning in English & Arabic

in a soft way

  ∘ Examples of هُدُوْء in English and Arabic

Close the window softly so that you do not wake the baby up

أَغْلِقِ النَّافِذَةَ بِهُدُوْءٍ حَتَّىْ لَا تُوْقِظَ الصَّغِيْرَ

'I am angry,' she said softly

قَالَتْ لَهُ بِهُدُوْءٍ "أَنَا مُنْزَعِجَةٌ"

More Examples

He scolded me softly

وَبَّخَنِيْ بِهُدُوْءٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce هُدُوْء in English?

softly is pronounced in English as

3) calm-noun


  ∘ هدوء meaning in English & Arabic

a quiet and relaxed manner

الهدوء هو الراحة و السكينة في التعامل و السلوك

  ∘ Examples of هدوء in English and Arabic

She is unique with her absolute calm.

تتفرّد بهدوءها المطلق.

His calm appears even when he speaks.

يظهر هدوءه حتى عندما يتكلّم.

More Examples

The calm which dominated the hall was strange.

كان الهدوء الذي ساد القاعة غريب.

  ∘ How to pronounce هدوء in English?

calm is pronounced in English as
