متيقظ in English

Meaning of متيقظ in English is: (alert, subtle, alive) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

متيقظ بالانجليزي

English for متيقظ


1) alert-adj


  ∘ متيقّظ meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of متيقّظ in English and Arabic

He was alert to the faintest sound.

كان متيقظ لأخف الأصوات.

  ∘ How to pronounce متيقّظ in English?

alert is pronounced in English as

2) subtle-adj


  ∘ متيقّظ meaning in English & Arabic

good at noticing and understanding things

متيقّظ أي ذكيّ متقّد متنبّه للتّفاصيل ومؤنّث متيقّظ متيقّظة

  ∘ Plural of متيقّظ in Arabic

متيقّظون / متيقّظين / متيقّظات

  ∘ Examples of متيقّظ in English and Arabic

The work required a subtle mind

يتطلّب العمل عقلا متيقّظا

  ∘ How to pronounce متيقّظ in English?

subtle is pronounced in English as

3) alive-adj


  ∘ متيقظ meaning in English & Arabic

aware of something; knowing something exists and is important

متيقظ من شيّء ما أي متنبه منه و يعلم مدى أهميّته

  ∘ Examples of متيقظ in English and Arabic

Suzy is alive to the possibility of losing the game.

سوزي يقظة من احتمالات خسارة اللعبة.

She will be alive to the problem that she may face.

سوف تكون يقظة من المشكلة التي يمكن أن تواجهها.

More Examples

They were alive to the fact that the opposing force is more effective.

كانوا يقظين من حقيقة أن القوة المواجهة فعّالة أكثر.

You should be alive to the dangers of losing your job.

يجب أم تكون يقظا لمخاطر فقدان عملك.

  ∘ How to pronounce متيقظ in English?

alive is pronounced in English as

English for متيقظ


1) alert-adj


  ∘ مُتَيَقِّظ meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of مُتَيَقِّظ in English and Arabic

He was alert to the faintest sound.

كَانَ مُتَيَقِظََ لِأخَفِ الْأصْوَاتِ.

  ∘ How to pronounce مُتَيَقِّظ in English?

alert is pronounced in English as

2) subtle-adj


  ∘ مُتَيَقِّظٌ meaning in English & Arabic

good at noticing and understanding things

مُتَيَقِّظٌ أَيْ ذَكِيٌّ مُتَقِّدٌ مُتَنَبِّهٌ لِلتَّفَاصِيْلِ وَمُؤَنَّثُ مُتَيَقِّظٍ مُتَيَقِّظَةٌ

  ∘ Plural of مُتَيَقِّظٌ in Arabic

مُتَيَقِّظُوْنَ / مُتَيَقِّظِيْنَ / مُتَيَقِّظَات

  ∘ Examples of مُتَيَقِّظٌ in English and Arabic

The work required a subtle mind

يَتَطَلَّبُ العَمَلُ عَقْلًا مُتَيَقِّظًا

  ∘ How to pronounce مُتَيَقِّظٌ in English?

subtle is pronounced in English as

3) alive-adj


  ∘ متيقظ meaning in English & Arabic

aware of something; knowing something exists and is important

متيقظ من شيّء ما أي متنبه منه و يعلم مدى أهميّته

  ∘ Examples of متيقظ in English and Arabic

Suzy is alive to the possibility of losing the game.

سوزي يقظة من احتمالات خسارة اللعبة.

She will be alive to the problem that she may face.

سوف تكون يقظة من المشكلة التي يمكن أن تواجهها.

More Examples

They were alive to the fact that the opposing force is more effective.

كانوا يقظين من حقيقة أن القوة المواجهة فعّالة أكثر.

You should be alive to the dangers of losing your job.

يجب أم تكون يقظاً لمخاطر فقدان عملك.

  ∘ How to pronounce متيقظ in English?

alive is pronounced in English as
