ذكي in English

Meaning of ذكي in English is: (cute, brilliant, clever) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ذكي بالانجليزي

English for ذكي


1) cute-adj


  ∘ ذكيّ meaning in English & Arabic

clever in a way that can be rude

  ∘ Plural of ذكيّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ذكيّ in English and Arabic

You've suggested such a cute suggestion

لقد اقترحت اقتراحا ذكيّا

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكيّ in English?

cute is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

(of a person) very intelligent or skillful

الشخص الذكي هو الشخص النبيه و اللبيب و سريع الفهم

  ∘ Plural of ذكي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

He is a brilliant boy and the first in the class.

إنه ولد ذكي و الأول في الصف.

Her mother is a brilliant scientist whom researchers depend on.

إن أمها عالمة ذكيّة يعتمد عليّها الباحثين.

More Examples

He is classified as one of the brilliant minds for his new invention.

صنف واحد من العقول الذكيّة بسبب اختراعه الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) clever-adjective


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

quick at learning and understanding things

سريع في التعلم وفهم الأمور

  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

She's clever at math.

هي ذكية في الرياضيات.

He came up with a clever solution.

توصل إلى حل ذكي.

More Examples

The clever student finished the test quickly.

أنهى الطالب الذكي الاختبار بسرعة.

They found a clever way to solve the problem.

وجدوا طريقة ذكية لحل المشكلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

clever is pronounced in English as

4) intelligent-adj


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability

جيد في التعلم والفهم والتفكير بطريقة منطقية في الأمور؛ ويظهر هذه القدرة

  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

An intelligent student can solve complex problems.

يمكن للطالب الذكي حل المشكلات المعقدة.

The intelligent design was appreciated by everyone.

تم تقدير التصميم الذكي من الجميع.

More Examples

She made an intelligent choice.

قامت بإختيار ذكي.

Intelligent people often enjoy learning new things.

غالبا ما يستمتع الأشخاص الأذكياء بتعلم أشياء جديدة.

The scientist is known for his intelligent approach to problems.

العالم معروف بنهجه الذكي للمشكلات.

Intelligent software can adapt to new situations.

يمكن للبرمجيات الذكية التكيف مع المواقف الجديدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

intelligent is pronounced in English as

English for ذكي


1) cute-adj


  ∘ ذَكِيّ meaning in English & Arabic

clever in a way that can be rude

  ∘ Plural of ذَكِيّ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ذَكِيّ in English and Arabic

You've suggested such a cute suggestion

لَقَدِ اقْتَرَحْتَ اقْتِرَاحًا ذَكِيًّا

  ∘ How to pronounce ذَكِيّ in English?

cute is pronounced in English as

2) brilliant-adj


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

(of a person) very intelligent or skillful

الشخص الذكي هو الشخص النبيه و اللبيب و سريع الفهم

  ∘ Plural of ذكي in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

He is a brilliant boy and the first in the class.

إنه ولد ذكي و الأول في الصف.

Her mother is a brilliant scientist whom researchers depend on.

إن أمها عالمة ذكيّة يعتمد عليّها الباحثين.

More Examples

He is classified as one of the brilliant minds for his new invention.

صُنف واحد من العقول الذكيّة بسبب اختراعه الجديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

brilliant is pronounced in English as

3) clever-adjective


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

quick at learning and understanding things

سريع في التعلم وفهم الأمور

  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

She's clever at math.

هي ذكية في الرياضيات.

He came up with a clever solution.

توصل إلى حل ذكي.

More Examples

The clever student finished the test quickly.

أنهى الطالب الذكي الاختبار بسرعة.

They found a clever way to solve the problem.

وجدوا طريقة ذكية لحل المشكلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

clever is pronounced in English as

4) intelligent-adj


  ∘ ذكي meaning in English & Arabic

good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability

جيد في التعلم والفهم والتفكير بطريقة منطقية في الأمور؛ ويظهر هذه القدرة

  ∘ Examples of ذكي in English and Arabic

An intelligent student can solve complex problems.

يمكن للطالب الذكي حل المشكلات المعقدة.

The intelligent design was appreciated by everyone.

تم تقدير التصميم الذكي من الجميع.

More Examples

She made an intelligent choice.

قامت بإختيار ذكي.

Intelligent people often enjoy learning new things.

غالبًا ما يستمتع الأشخاص الأذكياء بتعلم أشياء جديدة.

The scientist is known for his intelligent approach to problems.

العالم معروف بنهجه الذكي للمشكلات.

Intelligent software can adapt to new situations.

يمكن للبرمجيات الذكية التكيف مع المواقف الجديدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ذكي in English?

intelligent is pronounced in English as
