حمى in English

Meaning of حمى in English is: (conserve, fever, keep) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

حمى بالانجليزي

English for حمى


1) conserve -verb


  ∘ حمى meaning in English & Arabic

to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged

حمى شيئا أي حافظ عليه من التّدمير والتّغيير والتّلف

Click to show conjugation of حمى

  ∘ حمى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حمى in English and Arabic

Our government conserved our forests

حمت حكومتنا غاباتنا

The new bill is aiming to conserve the nature

مشروع القانون الجديد يهدف إلى حماية الطّبيعة

More Examples

Efforts to conserve oil resources

الجهود المبذولة لحماية الثّروة النّفطيّة

To conserve water, the government increased the bill

رفعت الحكومة الفاتورة لكي تحم الثّروة المائيّة

We could not conserve our language

لم نستطع أن نحم لغتنا

2) fever-noun


  ∘ حمّى meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal

الحمّى هي ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجسم

  ∘ Plural of حمّى in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حمّى in English and Arabic

My father has a high fever

يعاني والدي من حمّى شديدة

A cold bath isn't recommended to bring down a fever.

لا ينصح بأخذ حمّام بارد لتخفيف الحمّى

More Examples

She was running a fever

أصيبت بالحمّى

My mother suffered from a fever

عانت أمّي من الحمّى

This medicine reduces the fever

يخفّف هذا الدّواء الحمّى

I had a low fever

أصبت بحمّى خفيفة

  ∘ How to pronounce حمّى in English?

fever is pronounced in English as



  ∘ حمّى meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a type of disease in which somebody has a high temperature

الحمّى هي علّة أو مرض يصاحبه ارتفاع درجة حرارة الجسم

  ∘ Examples of حمّى in English and Arabic

He caught a fever

أصيب بالحمّى

The yellow fever kills thirty thousands person every year

تقتل الحمّى الصّفراء ثلاثين شخصا كلّ سنة

3) keep-verb


  ∘ حمى meaning in English & Arabic

to protect somebody from something

Click to show conjugation of حمى

  ∘ حمى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حمى in English and Arabic

He kept the children from the fire

حمى الأطفال من النّار

May God keep you

ليحمك الله

  ∘ How to pronounce حمى in English?

keep is pronounced in English as

4) uphold-verb


  ∘ حمى meaning in English & Arabic

uphold something to support something that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist

حمى شيئا أي دافع عنه ودعمه ونصره وصانه

Click to show conjugation of حمى

  ∘ حمى past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حمى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


5) protect-verb


  ∘ حمى meaning in English & Arabic

to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc

التأكد من عدم تعرض شخص ما أو شيء ما للأذى أو الإصابة أو التلف وما إلى ذلك

  ∘ Examples of حمى in English and Arabic

The law protects endangered species.

يحمي القانون الأنواع المهددة بالانقراض.

She wore sunglasses to protect her eyes.

ارتدت نظارة شمسية لتحمي عينيها.

More Examples

We must protect the environment from pollution.

يجب أن نحمي البيئة من التلوث.

Vaccines protect against many diseases.

تحمي اللقاحات من العديد من الأمراض.

He protected his password by changing it regularly.

حمى كلمة مروره عبر تغييرها بانتظام.

They built a wall to protect their property.

بنوا جدارا كي يحمون ممتلكاتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce حمى in English?

protect is pronounced in English as

English for حمى


1) conserve -verb


  ∘ حَمَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged

حَمَىْ شَيْئًا أَيْ حَافَظَ عَلَيْهِ مِنَ التَّدْمِيْرِ وَالتَّغْيِيْرِ وَالتَّلَفِ

Click to show conjugation of حَمَىْ

  ∘ حَمَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حَمَىْ in English and Arabic

Our government conserved our forests

حَمَتْ حُكُوْمَتُنَا غَابَاتِنَا

The new bill is aiming to conserve the nature

مَشْرُوْعُ القَانُوْنِ الجَدِيْدِ يَهْدُفُ إِلَىْ حِمَايَةِ الطَّبِيْعَةِ

More Examples

Efforts to conserve oil resources

الجُهُوْدُ المَبْذُوْلَةُ لِحِمَايَةِ الثَّرْوَةِ النَّفْطِيَّةِ

To conserve water, the government increased the bill

رَفَعَتِ الحُكُوْمَةُ الفَاتُوْرَةُ لِكَيْ تَحْمِ الثَّرْوَةَ المَائِيَّةَ

We could not conserve our language

لَمْ نَسْتَطِعْ أَنْ نَحْمِ لُغَتَنَا

2) fever-noun


  ∘ حُمَّى meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal

الحُمَّىْ هِيَ ارْتِفَاعُ دَرَجَةِ حَرَارَةِ الجِسْمِ

  ∘ Plural of حُمَّى in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حُمَّى in English and Arabic

My father has a high fever

يُعَانِيْ وَالِدِيْ مِنْ حُمَّىْ شَدِيْدَةً

A cold bath isn't recommended to bring down a fever.

لَا يُنْصَحُ بِأَخْذِ حَمَّامٍ بَارِدٍ لِتَخْفِيْفِ الحُمَّىْ

More Examples

She was running a fever

أُصِيْبَتْ بِالحُمَّىْ

My mother suffered from a fever

عَانَتْ أُمِّيْ مِنَ الحُمَّىْ

This medicine reduces the fever

يُخَفِّفُ هَذَا الدَّوَاءُ الحُمَّىْ

I had a low fever

أٌصِبْتُ بِحُمَّىْ خَفِيْفَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce حُمَّى in English?

fever is pronounced in English as



  ∘ حُمَّى meaning in English & Arabic

[countable, uncountable] a type of disease in which somebody has a high temperature

الحُمَّىْ هِيَ عِلَّةٌ أَوْ مَرَضٌ يُصَاحِبُهُ ارْتِفَاعُ دَرَجَةِ حَرَارَةِ الجِسْمِ

  ∘ Examples of حُمَّى in English and Arabic

He caught a fever

أُصِيْبَ بِالحُمَّىْ

The yellow fever kills thirty thousands person every year

تَقْتُلُ الحُمَّىْ الصَّفْرَاءُ ثَلَاثِيْنَ شَخْصًا كُلَّ سَنَةٍ

3) keep-verb


  ∘ حَمَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

to protect somebody from something

Click to show conjugation of حَمَىْ

  ∘ حَمَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of حَمَىْ in English and Arabic

He kept the children from the fire

حَمَىْ الأَطْفَالَ مِنَ النَّارِ

May God keep you

لِيَحْمِكَ اللُه

  ∘ How to pronounce حَمَىْ in English?

keep is pronounced in English as

4) uphold-verb


  ∘ حَمَىْ meaning in English & Arabic

uphold something to support something that you think is right and make sure that it continues to exist

حَمَىْ شَيْئًا أَيْ دَافَعَ عَنْهُ وَدَعَمَهُ وَنَصَرَهُ وَصَانَهُ

Click to show conjugation of حَمَىْ

  ∘ حَمَىْ past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ حَمَىْ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


5) protect-verb


  ∘ حمى meaning in English & Arabic

to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc

التأكد من عدم تعرض شخص ما أو شيء ما للأذى أو الإصابة أو التلف وما إلى ذلك

  ∘ Examples of حمى in English and Arabic

The law protects endangered species.

يحمي القانون الأنواع المهددة بالانقراض.

She wore sunglasses to protect her eyes.

ارتدت نظارة شمسية لتحمي عينيها.

More Examples

We must protect the environment from pollution.

يجب أن نحمي البيئة من التلوث.

Vaccines protect against many diseases.

تحمي اللقاحات من العديد من الأمراض.

He protected his password by changing it regularly.

حمى كلمة مروره عبر تغييرها بانتظام.

They built a wall to protect their property.

بنوا جداراً كي يحمون ممتلكاتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce حمى in English?

protect is pronounced in English as
