truly in Arabic

Meaning of truly in Arabic is: (بصدق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

truly in Arabic

Arabic for truly

1) truly-adv


  ∘ truly meaning in Arabic & English

used to emphasize that a particular statement, feeling, etc. is sincere or real

تستخدم للتأكيد على أن تصريحا أو شعورا معينا صادق أو حقيقي

  ∘ Examples of truly in Arabic and English

She truly believes in the cause.

تؤمن بصدق بالقضية.

It was truly a magnificent performance.

كان أداء مذهلا بصدق.

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I'm truly sorry about what happened.

أنا آسف بصدق عما حدث.

They truly love each other.

يحبون بعضهم بصدق.

This is truly the best solution.

هذا بصدق أفضل حل.

He spoke truly about his experiences.

تحدث بصدق عن تجاربه.

  ∘ How to pronounce truly in English?

The word truly is pronounced in English as

Arabic for truly

1) truly-adv


  ∘ truly meaning in Arabic & English

used to emphasize that a particular statement, feeling, etc. is sincere or real

تُستخدم للتأكيد على أن تصريحًا أو شعورًا معينًا صادق أو حقيقي

  ∘ Examples of truly in Arabic and English

She truly believes in the cause.

تؤمن بصدق بالقضية.

It was truly a magnificent performance.

كان أداءً مذهلًا بصدق.

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I'm truly sorry about what happened.

أنا آسف بصدق عما حدث.

They truly love each other.

يحبون بعضهم بصدق.

This is truly the best solution.

هذا بصدق أفضل حل.

He spoke truly about his experiences.

تحدث بصدق عن تجاربه.

  ∘ How to pronounce truly in English?

The word truly is pronounced in English as
