آسف in English

Meaning of آسف in English is: (sorry) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

آسف بالانجليزي

English for آسف


1) sorry-adj


  ∘ آسف meaning in English & Arabic

feeling sad and ashamed about something that has been done

الشعور بالحزن والخجل بسبب شيء تم فعله

  ∘ Examples of آسف in English and Arabic

He felt sorry for his actions.

شعرأنه آسف تجاه تصرفاته.

She was sorry about the mistake.

كانت آسفة بسبب الخطأ.

More Examples

I am sorry I cannot help you.

أنا آسف لا أستطيع مساعدتك.

They were sorry for being late.

كانوا آسفين لتأخرهم.

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

آسف، لم أسمعك.

Are you sorry for what happened?

هل أنت آسف لما حدث؟

  ∘ How to pronounce آسف in English?

sorry is pronounced in English as

English for آسف


1) sorry-adj


  ∘ آسف meaning in English & Arabic

feeling sad and ashamed about something that has been done

الشعور بالحزن والخجل بسبب شيء تم فعله

  ∘ Examples of آسف in English and Arabic

He felt sorry for his actions.

شعرأنه آسف تجاه تصرفاته.

She was sorry about the mistake.

كانت آسفة بسبب الخطأ.

More Examples

I am sorry I cannot help you.

أنا آسف لا أستطيع مساعدتك.

They were sorry for being late.

كانوا آسفين لتأخرهم.

Sorry, I didn't hear you.

آسف، لم أسمعك.

Are you sorry for what happened?

هل أنت آسف لما حدث؟

  ∘ How to pronounce آسف in English?

sorry is pronounced in English as
