silly in Arabic

Meaning of silly in Arabic is: (أحمق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

silly in Arabic

Arabic for silly

1) silly-adj


  ∘ silly meaning in Arabic & English

showing a lack of thought, understanding, or judgement

يظهر نقص في التفكير، الفهم، أو الحكم

  ∘ Examples of silly in Arabic and English

His silly question made everyone laugh.

لقد جعل سؤاله الأحمق الجميع يضحك.

She felt silly wearing a costume to the party.

شعرت بأنها حمقاء بارتداء زي للحفلة.

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I made a silly mistake in the calculation.

أخطأت خطأ أحمق في الحساب.

Playing silly games can be quite entertaining.

يمكن أن يكون لعب الألعاب الحمقاء مسليا جدا.

She had a silly grin on her face.

كان على وجهها ابتسامة أحمق.

He made a silly offer for the house, which was immediately rejected.

قدم عرضا أحمق للمنزل، الذي رفض على الفور.

  ∘ How to pronounce silly in English?

The word silly is pronounced in English as

Arabic for silly

1) silly-adj


  ∘ silly meaning in Arabic & English

showing a lack of thought, understanding, or judgement

يظهر نقص في التفكير، الفهم، أو الحكم

  ∘ Examples of silly in Arabic and English

His silly question made everyone laugh.

لقد جعل سؤاله الأحمق الجميع يضحك.

She felt silly wearing a costume to the party.

شعرت بأنها حمقاء بارتداء زي للحفلة.

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I made a silly mistake in the calculation.

أخطأت خطأ أحمق في الحساب.

Playing silly games can be quite entertaining.

يمكن أن يكون لعب الألعاب الحمقاء مسليا جداً.

She had a silly grin on her face.

كان على وجهها ابتسامة أحمق.

He made a silly offer for the house, which was immediately rejected.

قدم عرضا أحمق للمنزل، الذي رفض على الفور.

  ∘ How to pronounce silly in English?

The word silly is pronounced in English as
