sale in Arabic

Meaning of sale in Arabic is: (بَيْع، تَخْفِيْضَات، تَنْزِيْلَات) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

sale in Arabic

Arabic for sale

1) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of بيع in Arabic

بيوع/ بيوعات

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

The sale of Chinese products was banned

تمّ حظر بيع المنتجات الصّينيّة

I have not made many sales today

لم أبع بيوعات كثيرة اليوم

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salesmen get a commission on each sale

يتقاضى مندوبو المبيعات أجرا عن كلّ بيع

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

sales: the number of items sold

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

Tractors sales increased by 30%

ازدادت بيوعات الجرّارات 30%

The value of hazelnut sales reached 2 billion U.S. dollar

بلغت إيرادات بيوعات البندق 2 مليار دولار أمريكيّ

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Sales figures for Septembers shows huge losses

تظهر أرقام البيوعات في أيلول خسارات ضخمة

The sales of cars

بيوعات السّيّارات

2) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I bought a shirt in the sales

اشتريت قميصا خلال التّخفيضات

The sale start in September

تبدأ التّخفيضات في أيلول

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The summer sales

التّخفيضات الصّيفيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

3) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an occasion when a shop sells its goods at a lower price than usual

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I bought a shirt in the sales

اشتريت قميصا خلال التّنزيلات

The sale start in September

تبدأ التّنزيلات في أيلول

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The summer sales

التّنزيلات الصّيفيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

4) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an event at which things are sold to the person who offers the highest price

  ∘ Plural of مزاد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

A cars sale

مزاد سيّارات

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

5) sale-noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an act of selling something

  ∘ Plural of مبيع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

The sale of Chinese products was banned

تمّ حظر مبيع المنتجات الصّينيّة

I have not made many sales today

لم أبع مبيعات كثيرة اليوم

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salesmen get a commission on each sale

يتقاضى مندوبو المبيعات أجرا عن كلّ مبيع

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

sales: the number of items sold

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

Tractors sales increased by 30%

ازدادت مبيعات الجرّارات 30%

The value of hazelnut sales reached 2 billion U.S. dollar

بلغت إيرادات مبيعات البندق 2 مليار دولار أمريكيّ

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Sales figures for Septembers shows huge losses

تظهر أرقام المبيعات في أيلول خسارات ضخمة

The sales of cars

مبيعات السّيّارات

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  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a company that deals with selling its products

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I was assigned to the sales department

عيّنت في قسم المبيعات

I want to talk to the sales director

أريد الحديث إلى مدير المبيعات

Arabic for sale

1) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of بَيْع in Arabic

بُيُوْع/ بُيُوْعَات

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

The sale of Chinese products was banned

تَمَّ حَظْرُ بَيْعِ المُنْتَجَاتِ الصِّيْنِيَّةِ

I have not made many sales today

لَمْ أَبِعْ بُيُوْعَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةً اليَوْمَ

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salesmen get a commission on each sale

يَتَقَاضَىْ مَنْدُوْبُوْ المَبِيْعَاتِ أَجْرًا عَنْ كُلِّ بَيْعٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

sales: the number of items sold

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

Tractors sales increased by 30%

ازْدَادَتْ بُيُوْعَاتُ الجَرَّارَاتِ 30%

The value of hazelnut sales reached 2 billion U.S. dollar

بَلَغَتْ إِيْرَادَاتُ بُيُوْعَاتِ البُنْدُقِ 2 مِلْيَارَ دُوْلَارٍ أَمْرِيْكِيٍّ

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Sales figures for Septembers shows huge losses

تُظْهِرُ أَرْقَامُ البُيُوْعَاتِ فِيْ أَيْلُوْلَ خَسَارَاتٍ ضَخْمَةً

The sales of cars

بُيُوْعَاتُ السَّيَّارَاتِ

2) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I bought a shirt in the sales

اشْتَرَيْتُ قَمِيْصًا خِلَالَ التَّخْفِيْضَاتِ

The sale start in September

تَبْدَأُ التَّخْفِيْضَاتُ فِيْ أَيْلُوْلَ

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The summer sales

التَّخْفِيْضَاتُ الصَّيْفِيَّةُ

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

3) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an occasion when a shop sells its goods at a lower price than usual

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I bought a shirt in the sales

اشْتَرَيْتُ قَمِيْصًا خِلَالَ التَّنْزِيْلَاتِ

The sale start in September

تَبْدَأُ التَّنْزِيْلَاتُ فِيْ أَيْلُوْلَ

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The summer sales

التَّنْزِيْلَاتُ الصَّيْفِيَّةُ

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

4) sale -noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an event at which things are sold to the person who offers the highest price

  ∘ Plural of مَزَاد in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

A cars sale

مَزَادُ سَيَّارَاتٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as

5) sale-noun


  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

an act of selling something

  ∘ Plural of مَبِيْع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

The sale of Chinese products was banned

تَمَّ حَظْرُ مَبِيْعِ المُنْتَجَاتِ الصِّيْنِيَّةِ

I have not made many sales today

لَمْ أَبِعْ مَبِيْعَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةً اليَوْمَ

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salesmen get a commission on each sale

يَتَقَاضَىْ مَنْدُوْبُوْ المَبِيْعَاتِ أَجْرًا عَنْ كُلِّ مَبِيْعٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce sale in English?

The word sale is pronounced in English as



  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

sales: the number of items sold

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

Tractors sales increased by 30%

ازْدَادَتْ مَبِيْعَاتُ الجَرَّارَاتِ 30%

The value of hazelnut sales reached 2 billion U.S. dollar

بَلَغَتْ إِيْرَادَاتُ مَبِيْعَاتِ البُنْدُقِ 2 مِلْيَارَ دُوْلَارٍ أَمْرِيْكِيٍّ

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Sales figures for Septembers shows huge losses

تُظْهِرُ أَرْقَامُ المَبِيْعَاتِ فِيْ أَيْلُوْلَ خَسَارَاتٍ ضَخْمَةً

The sales of cars

مَبِيْعَاتُ السَّيَّارَاتِ

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  ∘ sale meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a company that deals with selling its products

  ∘ Examples of sale in Arabic and English

I was assigned to the sales department

عُيِّنْتُ فِيْ قِسْمِ المَبِيْعَاتِ

I want to talk to the sales director

أُرِيْدُ الحَدِيْثَ إِلَىْ مُدِيْرِ المَبِيْعَاتِ
