billion in Arabic

Meaning of billion in Arabic is: (بليون، مليار) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

billion in Arabic

Arabic for billion

1) billion-noun


  ∘ billion meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of billion in Arabic and English

I saw billion stars shining in the sky.

رأيّت بليون نجمة تشّع في السماء.

The budget of the company is 2 billion.

ميزانيّة الشركة 2 بليون.

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He spent more than a billion on his project.

صرف أكثر من بليون على مشروعه.

  ∘ How to pronounce billion in English?

The word billion is pronounced in English as

2) billion-noun


  ∘ billion meaning in Arabic & English

1 000 000 000; one thousand million

مليار أيّ ألف مليون

  ∘ Examples of billion in Arabic and English

The deal coast one billion dollars.

كلّفت الصفقة مليار دولار.

The population in China is about one billion people nowadays.

إن عدد سكان الصين هذه الأيّام حوالي مليار شخص.

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The government gave one billion pound for health care.

منحت الحكومة مليار ليرة من أجل الرعايّة الصحيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce billion in English?

The word billion is pronounced in English as

Arabic for billion

1) billion-noun


  ∘ billion meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of billion in Arabic and English

I saw billion stars shining in the sky.

رأيّت بليون نجمة تشّع في السماء.

The budget of the company is 2 billion.

ميزانيّة الشركة 2 بليون.

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He spent more than a billion on his project.

صرف أكثر من بليون على مشروعه.

  ∘ How to pronounce billion in English?

The word billion is pronounced in English as

2) billion-noun


  ∘ billion meaning in Arabic & English

1 000 000 000; one thousand million

مليار أيّ ألف مليون

  ∘ Examples of billion in Arabic and English

The deal coast one billion dollars.

كلّفت الصفقة مليار دولار.

The population in China is about one billion people nowadays.

إن عدد سكان الصين هذه الأيّام حوالي مليار شخص.

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The government gave one billion pound for health care.

منحت الحكومة مليار ليرة من أجل الرعايّة الصحيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce billion in English?

The word billion is pronounced in English as
